宗教感觉的开花结果:艾略特信仰改变前后 Flowering of Religious Sense: Before and After T.S. Eliot’s Conversion任务书
2020-02-18 15:24:18
1. 毕业设计(论文)主要内容:
Thispaper mainly focuses on presentingchange of writing style of Thomas Stearns Eliot after his conversion to Anglicanism.And by observing actually consistent sense of religion from his earlier yearsto twilight years, such as attitude against religion and utilization ofreligious elements in his works, this paper aims to illustrate the theory ofunified sensibility promoted by Eliot and the idea of religious sense in hisworks, and discreet analysis of his works, which is conducted via respectivescrutiny into his two periods of writing with 1927, the year he converted, asthe dividing line, will be given.
2. 毕业设计(论文)主要任务及要求
1. search various resources to identify the topic for the paper.
2. collect data and materials for the paper and write the paper on schedule.
3. the paper should give an elaborate and exhaustive research on the given topic with independent work.
3. 毕业设计(论文)完成任务的计划与安排
before 1st january : settlement of the title
before 1st march: submission of the outline
before 15th april : submission of the first draft
4. 主要参考文献
[1] cooper. the sack that never happened: little gidding, puritansoldiers, and the making of a myth[j]. the seventeenth century, 2016: 261-284.
[2] daumer, e. ‘wanting more from mr. eliot’: muriel rukeyser, t. s.eliot, and the uses of poetry[j]. textual practice, 2018: 1181-1203.
[3] o’ sullivan, m. incarnation and shame: reading richard swinburne onjesus’ “divided mind” in light of christian phenomenology and t. s. eliot’sfour quartets[j]. cogent arts amp; humanities, 2016.
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