《箭与歌》的中文译本研究Study on the Chinese translation of “The Arrow and the Song”开题报告
2020-02-18 12:40:31
1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述)
Longfellow was the first American poet who skillfully applied the European classical poetry form to express the new emotion and the new theme, the poems are fresh and sweet, simple and implicit, full of philosophical and thought-provoking. He is good at using symbols, metaphors and repetition, and integrating common wisdom into his poems. From "The Arrow and the Song",it may be found that these characteristics are perfectly embodied.
To some extent, many people began to focus on researching the acceptance, spread and influence of Longfellow's works in China, including doing comparative literature studies and analysing the connotation of the foreign poetry, etc. Less people made detailed comparison of different translations which show different understanding and styles of translators. Therefore, in this paper Longfellow's classic poem "The Arrow and the Song" is chosen as a reference to achieve the following three purposes. One is to make an analysis on the translation styles of different translators and the translation theories and skills they used in translation; the second is to explore the translator's different ways of dealing with the same sentence or the same images in a poem, so as to discover the cultural consciousness reflected in it; the third is to summarize the common features of Chinese poetry translation.
At present, some researches on Longfellow's poems in China are lack of independent opinions and innovative consciousness, many Chinese scholars are moving forward along the research direction of western scholars. Therefore, it is hoped to study the Chinese versions of "The Arrow and the Song" from the perspective of translation and cultural differences on the basis of previous studies on Longfellow's poems. There are five different versions, each has its own research significance. For example, from Hu Shi's translation, it can be seen that his attempts to write in vernacular style, while in Ye Yusen's translation, a kind of Chinese classical poetry form called “Guo Feng style” was used. Luo Changbin and Xiangyun Wang's poetry translation is based on their understanding of the images -- arrow and song, they see them as the symbols of hate and love, and especially emphasizes the emotion into their translations. In this way, this paper would suggest the cognition and understanding of Longfellow's poems from the perspective of localization, further expand the horizon of Longfellow's research in China, and enrich the relevant research achievements.
2. 研究的基本内容与方案
Part one: In the first part, point out the creation background of “The Arrow and the Song”, analyze the meaning of this poem, list the four selected translations and give a brief introduction to the translators.
Part two: Analyze the construction of the translations from the perspective of the meaning and language of poetry, and figure out the different poetic concepts of the translator.
Part three: By studying the rhythms of these poems, discover the different sensory effects brought by different rhymes.
Part four: Summarize the main features and differences of the Chinese versions of “The Arrow and the Song” as conclusion, and point out the reasonable reasons.
Survey methods: The qualitative research based on the comparative analysis will be applied (including the use of literature research and survey methodology), collect a large number relevant literature (articles, books, wikipedia) to have an overall grasp about the topic, such as what are the common features of Longfellow's poetry, what is the theme and artistic conception of the poem, how Longfellow and other translators use rhythm, rhyme, and the patterns of poetry, investigate the translator's usual styles which are partial to loyalty of original poem or pay attention to the expression of key meanings.
3. 研究计划与安排
Before 1st March: submission of the outline
Before 15th April : submission of the first draft
Before 14th May: revision of the draft
Before 29th May: submission of the final version
4. 参考文献(12篇以上)
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