A Study on the Relationship among Speaking Self-efficacy, Oral English Learning Motivation and Oral Proficiency of English Majors英语专业学生口语自我效能感、口语学习动机和口语水平的关系研究文献综述
2020-05-01 08:47:46
1. Introduction English as a worldwide language plays a more and more important role in the world communication. Thanks to reform and opening up, we need more and more foreign exchanges. Therefore, high oral English proficiency becomes the pursuit of many university students. Based on statistic results, Rivers (1978), a famous American applied linguist, demonstrates that the percentages of listening, speaking, reading and writing in communication are 45%, 30%, 16% and 9% respectively, among which listening and speaking account for 75%. However, in the EFL practice in China, oral English teaching is a weak point. Many students#8217; oral English ability remains far less desirable and most of them still cannot communicate effectively in English. Self-efficacy belongs to the category of psychology, which was proposed by the American psychologist Bandura in 1977. It refers to the individual's speculation and judgment on whether he is capable of completing a certain behavior. Self-efficacy will affect students' learning motivation, interest, goal establishment, attitude towards difficulties, degree of effort, etc., as well as students' cognitive regulation, emotional response, activity efficiency, thinking ability, potential development, etc. A large number of studies have confirmed that students' self-efficacy plays a very important role in English learning. Students with a high sense of self-efficacy can make full use of class time to achieve good learning results, thus laying a foundation for the improvement of English ability. The speaking self-efficacy of English is an important factor affecting the oral proficiency of English majors. Although some scholars have discussed the relationship between oral English teaching, English learning motivation and self-efficacy, the study on the relationship between self-efficacy, motivation and oral English proficiency is still insufficient. 1.1 Need for the study Studies (Tang Xu, 2011) have shown that since the sense of self-efficacy is more specific to the individual belief of specific task activities, it has the particularity of the field. Therefore, the general sense of self-efficacy cannot well predict the degree of confidence in completing specific field tasks. In that case, according to the specific characteristics of different language modules, many scholars have discussed the relationship between self-efficacy and specific language skills such as writing, reading and listening. However, the research on the relationship between self-efficacy and oral English is not sufficient. Therefore, it is necessary to study on different levels of oral English and put forward specific measures to improve the speaking self-efficacy of English learners, so as to further improve the level of English learners' oral English. In addition, oral English learning, one of the key components in English language learning, will be undoubtedly affected by English language learns#8217; oral English learning motivation. It is universally believed that motivation correlates highly with second or foreign language learning, and that a successful language learner is usually highly motivated (Vandergrift, 2005); and according to Corder (1973), ”Given motivation, anyone can learn a language”. However, most of learners in college classroom play a passive role in learning speaking. According to the survey (Wang Duqin, 2002; Xu Jinfen, 2004), Chinese students do not like listening and reading after class, let alone speaking. It can be seen that students#8217; oral English proficiency are generally not high and it is necessary to find effective ways to solve this dilemma. Therefore, it is necessary to know the internal relationship between speaking self-efficacy and oral proficiency and the relationship between oral learning motivation and oral proficiency, and put forward corresponding methods to improve speaking self-efficacy and motivation, so as to fundamentally promote students' oral output ability. 1.2 Research purpose Due to the importance of oral English and the lack of related research of the influence of speaking self-efficacy on oral English proficiency, combined with oral English learning motivation plays an important role on the oral English, the purpose of this study is to find out: (1) Whether there is an obvious correlation between speaking self-efficacy and oral proficiency. (2) Whether there is an obvious correlation between speaking learning motivation and oral proficiency. (3) Whether there is any interaction between speaking self-efficacy, oral learning motivation and oral proficiency? 2. Literature review 2.1 Self-efficacy 2.1.1 Definition of self-efficacy The concept of self-efficacy was firstly put forward by Bandura in 1977, which also can be interchanged to be self-efficacy beliefs, perceived self-efficacy or perceived beliefs. Bandura proposed different definitions of self-efficacy in different times. Bandura (1977) pointed out that self-efficacy is a specific kind of expectancy concerned with a person#8217;s beliefs in his or her ability to perform a certain action and a set of behaviors required to produce an outcome. Then in 1986, He added self-efficacy as people#8217;s judgments of their capabilities to organize and execute courses of action required attaining designated types of performances. And in Human Agency in Social Cognitive Theory (1989), he believed that self-efficacy refers to people#8217;s beliefs of their capabilities to perform the actions that will control and influence their life. Despite the fact that many scholars both aboard and at home gave their understanding of definition of self-efficacy, such as Ashton Webb (1986), Schultz(1990), Schunk (2001), Ehrman (2003) and domestic researchers like Dong (1996), generally Bandura#8217;s definition in 1986 is the most commonly used. And as a further exploration of social cognitive theory, self-efficacy mainly concentrate on people#8217;s cognitive factors in the triadic reciprocal determinism. Self-efficacy doesn#8217;t refer to the specific and practical skills or abilities, nor the pure judgments of the one#8217;s abilities. Instead, it is concerned with one#8217;s confidence towards whether or not he can accomplish a task, and it refers to one#8217;s feelings, perception and realization of his abilities towards one aspect of himself. 2.1.2 Functions of self-efficacy Bandura (1977) points out that the functions of self-efficacy include: (1) Affecting people when they choose activities or engage in certain activities. The stronger one's sense of self-efficacy in a certain aspect, the more active one will be in this aspect and the longer the activity lasts. Instead, people avoid activities they feel they are not up to. (2) Affecting people's way of thinking and attribution. People with a high sense of self-efficacy can focus their attention on solving difficulties, and tend to attribute their failures to their lack of efforts. However, people with low sense of self-efficacy tend to pay too much attention to personal shortcomings and activity difficulties when facing difficulties, instead of focusing on the way to solve problems. As a result, they increase their pressure and always attribute their failures to their lack of skills. (3) Affecting people's emotion. If a person has a high sense of self-efficacy, they will have confidence in the face of environmental events. When encountering problems, they will take active measures to solve them. Their expectations are positive. Instead of being negative and depressed, they are optimistic. 2.2 Motivation 2.2.1 Definition of motivation In the field of motivation and second language acquisition, the most influential are Gardner and Lambert of Canada and their colleagues, whose research in this area began in the 1950s and continue to this day. Gardner MacIntyre (1992: 223) defined motivation as ”the purposeful efforts made by individuals to learn a second language”. Motivation in English learning refers to learners#8217; desire and motivation to learn English. English learning motivation is the psychological motivation that directly promotes English learners to achieve a certain goal in English learning (Hu Wang, 1996). This is manifested by a strong desire to learn a foreign language and a thirst for knowledge. Motivated English learning is often with excellent results; however, unmotivated English learning is often a burden with poor results. 2.2.2 Classification of motivation As early as the late 1950s, Gardner and Lambert began to study the motivation of second language learning. They emphasize the sociality of language learning and divide it into integrative motivation and instrumental motivation. The former means that learners have a real interest in the target language community and hope to participate in or integrate into the social life of the target language community. The latter means that learners learn the target language for instrumental purposes, such as finding a good job, passing an exam, reading newspapers and so on. Some researchers believe that integrative motivation can better promote language learning, because it is rooted in the learner#8217;s personality and has a long-term impact on individual efforts rather than relying on external pressure. However, the two types of motivation are not opposed to each other. For some learners, both types of motivation may work at the same time. 2.3 Related empirical studies 2.3.1 Related empirical studies abroad The research has shown that self-efficacy influence academic motivation, learning, and achievement (Schunk, 2001: 128). Since self-efficacy, which is introduced as a key component in social cognitive theory, is a context-specific assessment of competence to perform certain tasks, there are a cluster of specific self-efficacy beliefs, like sport self-efficacy, social self-efficacy, mathematics self-efficacy, writing skills self-efficacy, art self-efficacy, internet self-efficacy, language self-efficacy, English self-efficacy, and so on. Thus, self-efficacy has received a lot of research in different academic contexts. Schunk employed path analysis to reproduce the correlation among instructional treatment, self-efficacy, persistence, and achievement. This model displayed a direct of treatment on achievement, a direct of self-efficacy on persistence and achievement, an indirect effect of treatment on persistence through self-efficacy, and an indirect effect of treatment on achievement through persistence and self-efficacy. However, self-efficacy influence achievement directly and indirectly through its effects on goals (Zimmerman Bandura, 1994:108). Self-efficacy is as the regarded as the most effective predictor of achievement. 2.3.2 Related empirical studies at home The studies of self-efficacy at home have still been conducted a lot. They mainly focus on the following aspects: (1) the self-efficacy of students of different grades, genders and achievement levels. The self-efficacy of junior high school students, senior high school students and college students tends to increase gradually with the improvement of grades (Wang Caikang, 2002). Zhang Min et al. (2005) independently studied the efficacy of middle school students, and the results showed that with the increase of grade, the efficacy of middle school students presented a trend of high-low-high. Male students had stronger efficacy than female students, and the efficacy of middle school students with different performance levels increased with the improvement of performance level. (2) Research on self-efficacy and other factors. Chen Shunsen (2007) #8217;s study showed that there is a significant negative correlation between high school students' self-efficacy and test anxiety, and academic self-efficacy has a significant negative predictive effect on test anxiety. Students with high academic self-efficacy show lower test anxiety. Shan Zhiyan (2007) studied the self-efficacy of primary school students and its relationship with independent learning strategies, and the results showed that the self-efficacy of primary school students was significantly correlated with independent learning strategies, and the self-efficacy of primary school students could predict the application of independent learning strategies. In addition, the self-efficacy had a certain predictive effect on how middle school students deal with problems. (3) Taking self-efficacy as one of the influencing factors. In recent years, educational psychologists have begun to study self-efficacy as a factor affecting academic achievement. Hu Guiying et al. (2002) discusses the relationship between self-efficacy, learning attribution, learning strategies and learning achievements, and the studies have shown that cognitive strategies, learning ability and self-efficacy has direct influence to the academic achievement of middle school student, attribution of success indirectly influence the junior middle school students#8217; academic achievement by influencing the learning ability and self-efficacy, and learning ability and self-efficacy can also affect cognitive strategy through the indirect effects of junior middle school students#8217; academic achievement. On the whole, the studies of self-efficacy at home mainly lie in the exploration of the correlation between self-efficacy beliefs and academic motivation, choice making, self-monitoring, self-control, academic achievements, learning strategies, and so on. Besides, the studies of self-efficacy in China also probe into how to enhance self-efficacy beliefs and how to construct self-efficacy scales in different areas. However, studies on speaking self-efficacy are scarce. Li Kun (2008) believes that college students#8217; English learning motivation, self-efficacy and autonomous learning behavior are significantly positively correlated, and teachers should improve students#8217; self-efficacy and learning motivation, especially their intrinsic motivation. The research of Song Yanni (2015) points out that the improvement of self-efficacy can further improve students#8217; oral ability. Zhang Zhu (2016) points out that self-efficacy is the factor most closely related to oral strategies and oral proficiency among the research factors, and self-efficacy can promote the correct use of oral strategies, so as to further improve oral proficiency. For learning motivation, most researchers have studied the overall English learning motivation (Gao Yihong, 2003, Wang Lina, 2014, Liu Penghui, 2016), while the research detailed to the oral learning motivation is similar to the research on self-efficacy, that is, it is usually studied together with other factors. 2.3.3 Problems in previous studies It can be seen that whether speaking self-efficacy or oral learning motivation, previous studies are still in the minority. 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