《少数派报告》中的自由意志浅析Analysis of Free Will in Minority Report文献综述
2020-04-28 20:18:00
1.1 Research Significance
This paper aims to discuss psychological environment in the course of one’s fate’s determination by analysis of Minority Report written by Philip K. Dick. Besides, writing characteristics, including novel clues, structure, the description of characters and events, serve to display the concealed alternative possibilities. To sum up, contrary to determinism, one’s free will plays an important role in symbiotic relation between mind and environment.
1.2 Research Actuality
1.2.1 Determinism
The ancient Greek philosopher Democritus(460- 370 BC) presented strong determinism, which composed of two aspects: on the one hand, he put all the relationships that exist in the world around are understood as inevitable, and regarded causality as the inevitability universally valid; on the one hand, he completely ruled out the existence of contingency and its effect. It is a determinism considered as causality in any case and completely excludes contingency.
Apart from strong determinism, Aristotle ( 384-322 BC) was the main representative of the the weak determinism. He divided the attribution of things into two types: one is the nature attribution and the other is the concomitant attribution. Nature is fundamental to things; the concomitant attribution is associated with things, may or may not appear, may appear in this way or in that way.
In order to clarify the role of chance, Aristotle also introduced two concepts: spontaneity and chance. Besides, he emphasized the difference between them lies in a wider application of spontaneity. Namely, chance must be spontaneous, but spontaneity is not necessarily accidental. His view weakens Democritus’ strong determinism.
1.2.2 Indetermnism
Indeterminism is a theory opposite to determinism. It explains the philosophical theory in the universe based on the contingency of nature or human free will. People often call the non determinism as Theory freewill. Epikurs (314- 270 BC) was an undeterminist(i.e. libertarian) in ancient Greece. He went against Democritus’ strong determinism by free will, contingency and atomic deflection movement. Though Epikurs tried to replace necessity with contingency and replaced inevitability and objective law of things movement with free will, he made a contribution to contingency and free will.
Augustinus (354-430) first made a systematic consideration of free will. He mainly discussed the relationship between free will and evil deeds and defended God's justification for giving free will to human beings. His view actually involved the relationship between contingency and free will. Because given free will by God, people can do good or evil. Their free will contains arbitrariness, uncertainty and contingency in activities.
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