Effects of Learning Motivation and L2MSS on ESL Proficiency 学习动机与二语动机自我系统对英语学习成绩的影响文献综述
2020-04-18 20:43:02
1. Introduction 1.1 Background of the study The study of foreign language learning motivation began in the 1950s when Gardner and Lambert (1972) proposed a classic social-educational motive model. As the research work went further and more detailed, the classic theory has begun to be questioned by more and more researchers. Therefore, D#246;rnyei (2001)proposed L2 Motivational Self System to complete the theory. Many scholars have done research to verify this theory. According to Liu Fengge (2015), there is a significant correlation between the two theories and ESL Proficiency. Learning motivation has always been regarded as one of the most important emotional factors affecting the effectiveness of foreign language learning. It is an important emotional factor to maintain the enthusiasm of L2 learners and determine the success of learning. Based on it, D#246;rnyei (2009) constructed the theoretical framework of L2MSS. In the past decades, the motivation of foreign language learning and L2MSS has been a research hot spot at home and abroad, showing an increasing trend year by year. However, the empirical researches on L2MSS in Chinese educational context are not abundant at home, especially the study between foreign language learning motivation, L2MSS and ESL proficiency. Therefore, this paper will explore the relations among them. 1.2 Significance of the study As an international language, English is becoming increasingly significant all over the world. However, quite a few students have difficulty in learning English. They show little motivation in learning and using English, which hinders their language development. This study intends to find the effects of foreign language motivation and L2MSS on ESL proficiency and help students to generate and enhance their motivation of English learning, then shed lights on English teaching in China. 2. Literature Review 2.1 Theoretical foundations In the process of second language acquisition, foreign scholars started discussing the relationship between their learning results and the motivation of language learning long ago. The development of foreign language learning motivation research has experienced three major stages. The initial phase is based primarily on social psychology. Gardner and Lambert (1985) proposes two well-known concepts: integrative motivation and instrumental motivation. The integrative motivation is for understanding the culture of the target language society, participating in the activities of the target language society, and becoming a member of the target language society. Instrumental motivation refers to the motivation of regarding language as a work purpose for future work and life. This motivation is a reflection of the utilitarian purpose of language acquisition. The initial phase has been in the 1970s. It continued until the early 1990s. The second phase was the development and adjustment period (1991-2000). The study of foreign language acquisition motivation gradually developed from the perspective of social psychology to contemporary cognitive and educational psychology. At this stage, with the deepening of motivation research, the classic dichotomy has begun to be questioned by more and more researchers. Some scholars have proposed that the psychological theory should be used extensively to expand Gardner#8217;s classical motivation model. After entering the 21st century, the motivation research of foreign language acquisition has developed to the third stage. The researchers focus on the context and dynamics of learner#8217;s motivation. D#246;rnyei (2001) believes that learning motivation is not static, but a dynamic process of development. D#246;rnyei (2005) constructed the theoretical framework of L2 Motivational Self System, which is based on the self-inconsistency and self-directed theory of personality. It links the major foreign language acquisition theory to the theory of self and identity. The theory mainly includes three factors: Ideal L2 Self, Ought-to L2 Self and L2 Learning Experience. Ideal L2 self refers to the ideal self associated with L2 learning, representing the ambition, hope and ideals of learners, which will enable learners to narrow the gap between real self and ideal self; Ought-to L2 Self refers to the characteristics that people believe they should have in order to avoid negative outcomes. L2 Learning Experience refers to the motivation related to specific learning situations and learning experiences, such as teachers, courses, peer groups and successful experiences, etc. This theory makes up the shortcomings of traditional integrative motivation, and refines the instrumental motivation, the social context factors included. The theory holds the view that motivation is a diverse, complex, dynamic process that is subject to the impact of environmental factors, emphasizing the importance of students#8217; prior experience. 2.2 Empirical studies home and abroad 2.1.1 Related studies abroad The relationship between L2MSS and second language learning has been explored. In Hungary, Csizer and Kormos (2008) invited 202 middle school students, 124 college students and 106 university students to learn about their motivation. The results show that the students#8217; motivation behavior is largely determined by Ideal L2 self and L2 Learning Experience, and the classroom situation has a great influence on the participants#8217; efforts to engage in the second language learning. While Ought-to L2 Self has little to do with the learner#8217;s learning behavior. Interventional research on L2MSS has also been conducted. More and more scholars have confirmed the positive effect of L2MSS on enhancing learners#8217; motivation. Then there are a large number of interventional studies aimed at enhancing learners#8217; Ideal L2 self and Ought-to L2 Self. On the one hand, Michasel Magid (2011) confirmed the effectiveness of L2MSS, and on the other hand, an intervention study aimed at enhancing the Ideal L2 self of 31 subjects was conducted. The results of the study showed that the intervention program stimulated the motivation of the learners, increased their efforts of participating in L2 learning and the time of study, while enhancing their confidence in learning at the same time. The same intervention study took place in Singapore, where Machasel Magid (2014) implemented a teaching strategy for students in the fifth grade to enhance their Ideal L2 self and build their L2 vision. The results showed that 90% of the students in the experimental group were more motivated in English learning and their self-confidence was enhanced. 2.1.2 Related studies at home The research on the motivation of foreign language learning in early China mainly focuses on the internal structure of motivation, development model, motivation type, motivation and achievement, learning strategy and self-identity. In recent years, the theory of ”L2MSS” has gradually attracted attention in China: Liu Fengge (2015) verified the validity of the theoretical model of ”L2MSS” proposed by D#246;rnyei (2005) in different English learner groups of China. It shows that the validity of the theoretical model is acceptable among the three groups of primary and secondary school students, undergraduates and graduate students. Ge Nana and Jin Lixin (2016) explore the relationship between L2MSS of non-English majors and the effectiveness of English learning, indicating the relationship between the dimensions of L2MSS and English learning achievement. The correlation is not the same. Zhan Xianjun (2017) compare the domestic and international L2MSS empirical research in the decade of 2006-2015, and find that the domestic L2 self-positive research is highly concentrated in higher education, accounting for 84.20%; the proportion of papers studied in the secondary education and combined education levels is only 5.20% and 10.5%, while the amount of basic education study is 0. 2.1.3 Problems in the previous studies Most studies only focus on the unilateral relationship in L2MSS, such as the relationship between L2MSS and learning motivation, and the relationship between the Ideal L2 self and learning motivation. 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