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One mirror, Two lives——Analysis of the “Dual Hero” in The Great Gatsby一面镜子,两个人物—《了不起盖茨比》中的“二元主角”探析开题报告

 2020-04-18 20:02:02  

1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献)

1. Introduction 1.1#160;Research background F.Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940), as the spokesman and laureate of the ”Lost Generation”, is one of the most representative American novelists in the 1920s. Born in a middle- and upper-class family in St. Paul, Minnesota, his family moved to New York in 1899 and did not return to their hometown until 1907, but Fitzgerald always considered himself a Midwestern man. The family's economic and social status has largely influenced his basic attitude towards life and literature. He was not only an active, leading participant in the typical frivolous, carefree, moneymaking life the decade, but also a detached, profound observer of it at the same time. His own lift was a mirror of the times. He led a rich life and achieved much during the ”Roaring Twenties”, driving fast cars, drinking hard whisky, and taking much delight in it. It is widely acclaimed that his works The Great Gatsby, published in 1925, is one of the finest pieces of American literature. T.S. Eliot called it ”the first step the American novel has taken since Henry James.” When F. Scott Fitzgerald was writing the novel in the summer of 1924, he wrote to his editor, Maxwell Perkins, ”I think my novel is about the best American Novel ever written.#8217; It is such because F. Scoot Fitzgerald has displayed not only insight into the American psyche but also a magnificent grasp of ”The American Dream” which Jay Gatsby represents. However the immediate response to the novel was overwhelmingly negative. He remained obscure for ten years during which his writing was unpopular. He died in 1940, just before America joined World War II, at the age if 44. It was not until ten years after death that the genius of his writing came into full recognition. A rereading of The Great Gatsby strikes the readers with not only its large assimilation of the twenties era but also its sharpness with which he seized upon the archetypal theme of the Twenties. In different novels, authors employ different kinds of narrative perspectives. Fitzgerald first adopted a new first-person narrative method in The Great Gatsby, in order to achieve his desired artistic height and reflect his era without any prejudice. There are two kinds of narrative methods commonly used in traditional novels, one is the author's omniscient third-person narrative, the other is the autobiographical first-person narrative. Fitzgerald abandoned these two methods and adopted the narrative method which was originated by Henry James, an outstanding novelist in the 19th century, and then developed by Joseph Conrad and Edith Wharton. The Great Gatsby is both a story about Gatsby and a story about Nick. The two characters are parallel, which constitutes a phenomenon of dual hero. 1.2 Need for the study The Great Gatsby, the masterpiece of Scott F.Fitzgerald, is unique in the history of world literature, the publication of which brought immediate success and fame to the author. It is often regarded as one of the most elaborately-constructed novel after those of Henry James, and for years, articles have been pouring out on it. In terms of character analysis, in addition to the role of Gatsby and Daisy, it is rare to analyze the narrator Nick with a dual perspective at length. The novel, through the fate of the two protagonists, presents their own life experiences from different narrative perspectives. Its narrative mode breaks through the limited visual angle and produces double visual effect. As a irreplaceable character, analyzing Nick is beneficial to the deep understanding of the themes.#160;Theoretically speaking, this first-person narrative method can give scholars more hints at studying The Great Gatsby from new research perspectives. However, there is little relevant research on analysis of the conflict and integration of the dual hero-- Gatsby and Nick, to revel the American Dream. To sum up, the paper on analysis of the ”Dual Hero” in this novel can provide some enlightening thoughts on the theme as well as enhance the readers#8217; reinterpretation of connotations of the novel and American Dream. 2. Literature review 2.1 Previous studies on#160;The Great Gatsby Since its publication, The Great Gatsby has attracted various literary criticisms and has been interpreted from different angles by scholars, such as, the analysis of the symbolism, the structuralism, the contrast method, the theme and so on. The critics generally regard it as a novel about the reality of American society in the 1920s. Quite a few scholars show great interest in the analysis of the American Dream. Wang Fei (2010) analyzes how consumerism and the American Dream are reflected in The Great Gatsby. From the prospective of consumerism, she explores the main characters#8217; American Dream, and how the consumerism exerts negative influence on their American Dream. Sun Zhangpin (2005) re-explores the significance of the American dream by combining the traditional biographical and historical approaches, and the approach of cultural criticism. Gatsby becomes a victim of the new commercial culture where material success is dominating. The thesis argues that The Great Gatsby is about the predicament of human beings in general. Besides, there are also some other researches on this novel. Xu Ke (2013) claims that it is necessary to re-interpret Daisy#8217;s role in lens of feminism with the development of feminism. Therefore, the author analyzes five of the novel#8217;s components including setting, narration, plot imagery and characterization in the feminist perspective in which objectification theory, Otherness theory are applied in argumentation. Both textual and statistical methods are used to prove that Daisy is the victim rather than perpetrator. Ren Jing (2010) analyzes the novel through the perspective of symbolism in terms of four levels, symbolism in literature, symbolism in colors, symbolism in settings and symbolic meaning in the American Dream and Gatsby#8217;s Dream. Liu Jia (2010) interprets this novel in terms of its characters, symbols, and themes by resorting to the theory of Northrop Frye#8217;s Archetypal Criticism, which helps readers get into the inner world of each character but also help us gain a deep understanding of the themes and plots of this novel. 2.2 Previous studies on Dual Hero In The Great Gatsby, Gatsby and Nick are both important characters in this novel. Some scholars show great interest in the analysis of characters. Lv Jingjing(2007) declares that The Great Gatsby is not only a story of Gatsby but also a story of Nick. Through the strict structure layout and the new narrative perspective, the novel expresses the theme of the disillusionment of the American dream in perfect artistic form. This essay makes an analytical study of the dual hero of the novel in four aspects as follows: the structure of the novel, the point of view, the desire for money, and the American dream. Zhou Yan(2004) discusses the author how to apply the Dual Hero technique to convey his literary viewpoints. On the one hand, he explains the special double versions, which has a close relationship with the life experiences of the author. On the other hand, he mainly analyzes that the application of dual hero has a influence on expressing the double versions. Tang Lu (2004) argues that Gatsby and Nick represent Fitzgerald#8217; s emotional and rational selves respectively. Double vision is further enhanced with the choice of a semi-detached narrator--Nick Carraway. He Shijie (2003) thinks that both Gatsby and Nick emerge as moral symbols: Gatsby as the embodiment of spiritual desolation or waste, and Nick as hope for moral and spiritual growth. #160; Works Cited Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby: Penguin Classics, 1994. Fitzgerald, F. Scott. A Life in Letters, ed. Mattew J. Bruccoli. New York, 1994. T.S. Eliot. Letter to Scoot Fitzgerald in Fitzgerald, The Crack-Up. New York, 1945. Wang Fei . A Dream of One Decade: Analysis of the Disillusioned American Dream in The Great Gatsby from the Perspective of Consumerism. Zhengzhou University, 2010. Sun Zhangpin. The Withering of the American Dream--A New Reading of F.S. Fitzgerald#8217; s The Great Gatsby. Nanjing Normal University, 2005. Xu Ke. A Feminist Interpretation of The Great Gatsby--Daisy, The Victim of Gatsby#8217;s American Dream. Hainan University, 2013. Ren Jing. An Analysis of Symbolism in The Great Gatsby. Northwest University, 2010. Liu Jia. The Archetypal Interpretation of The Great Gatsby. Central South University, 2010. Tang Lu. Double Vision in The Great Gatsby. Anhui University, 2004. Wu Ningkun. [巫宁坤等译],菲茨杰拉德小说选. 上海:上海译文出版社, 1983. Lv Jingjing. [吕晶晶],《了不起的盖茨比》中的”二元主角”. 平顶山学院学报,2006,(1):68-70. Zhou Yan. [周炎],论《了不起的盖茨比》中”二元主角”对”双重视觉”的表现. 四川理工学院学报:社会科学,2004,(4):76-78. He Shijie. [何世杰],《了不起的盖茨比》中的”二元主角”剖析. 武汉理工大学学报:社会科学版,2003,(2):194-198.

2. 研究的基本内容、问题解决措施及方案

1. Research Topic The paper mainly focuses on the analysis of the ”Dual Hero” in The Great Gatsby. Many literary critics are attracted by Fitzgerald#8217; s unique artistic style and writing technique. In terms of its special narration mode, which breaks through the limited visual angle and produces double visual effect, this paper tries to analyze the man character Gatsby and often-neglected narrator Nick who are both indispensable to the progression of the story as well as the in-depth exposure of the American Dream. It aims to provide some enlightening thoughts on the theme as well as enhance the readers#8217; reinterpretation of connotations of the novel and American Dream. #160; 2. Research Methods Major research methods will include text study, date study, contrast and deduction. 1). Text study. Text study means that it is important to read the novel carefully. Some words, sentences and plots can carry important information. Only when we read it thoroughly can we have our inner thoughts to write. 2). Date study. Date study requires to read, analyze, evaluate and summarize large quantities of materials. The academic database and online materials are used as the references of the study.After reading previous studies, it can provide some inspirations. 3). Contrast. As a major strategy in text analysis, it means that compare two passages in order to show their similarities and differences. The paper will make a lot of comparisons and contrasts in the literature review so as to express the ideas thoroughly. 4). Deduction. Deduction refers to draw a conclusion by reasoning. In the , every conclusion will be based on well-grounded reasoning.

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