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 2020-02-15 19:15:52  

摘 要





In September 2014, Emma Watson gave a speech at the United Nations Headquarters in New York to open the curtain of the United Nations women' s movement “He For She”. The "He for her" campaign is an activity designed to motivate men to participate in the fight for gender equality. In the speech session, Emma Watson used eloquence, profound insight, and female identity to use the charm of language to convey political ideas and display personal charm successfully. Therefore, Her wonderful speech won the recognition and appreciation of many people. By studying the application of the identification theory in Emma Watson' s "He For She" speech, this paper discusses the application of this rhetoric and the purpose achieved.

The first part of this paper reviews research states of Identification Theory. Kenneth Burke’s study was mainly introduced along with researchers in China to help readers better understanding how Identification Theory work and the difference between the domestic and the foreign. The second of this paper introduce the background of Emma Watson’s speech and then analyze its influence and reasons for success. The third part discuss how does the speech work under Identification Theory considering transforming personal pronouns, arousing sympathy and provoking anger.

Key words: The identification theory; Rhetoric; speech


1 Introduction

2 Literature review

2.1 Burke and Identification Theory

2.2 Studies of Identification Theory at Home and Abroad

3 Emma Watson’s Speech “He for She”

3.1 Background of Speech

3.2 Influence of Speech

3.3 Reason for success

4 “He for She” Speech under Identification Theory

4.1 Achieving Identification by transforming personal pronouns

4.2 Achieving Identification by arousing sympathy

4.3 Achieving Identification by provoking anger

5 Conclusion

Emma Watson’s Speech in United Nations under Identification Theory

1 Introduction

Kenneth Burke is a new rhetoric master in the 20th century in the United States. His rhetorical system is extensive and profound. Its core is "recognition theory." Rhetoric is a communicative activity that regulates interpersonal relationships. The same emphasis was placed on resolving differences in communication and achieving mutual understanding. As a common rhetorical strategy, the same strategy is a conscious choice of language by the speaker in a specific context, which has a special rhetorical effect. The study found that Emma Watson used the "identification theory" several times in her "he is her" speech. This rhetorical method made her speech process extremely appealing and persuasive. This situation has great benefits for effectively eliminating the space-time gap between the audience, which in turn can trigger resonance and empathy between people, further stimulating the appeal of the speech and the audience's understanding. In terms of rhetorical content, Emma Watson mainly uses Burke's unity of mind and morality, as well as the combination of three rhetorical models. On many occasions, she mainly uses rhetorical forms in the form of repetition, progressive forms, and rhetorical forms. The whole speech was more passionate and ingrained. Throughout the 12-minute speech, Emma Watson combined these three rhetorical forms and rhetorical forms in an attempt to find common values with the audience, show noble qualities, and inspire common emotions. Referring to the gender discrimination and injustice faced by all men and women in the world today, she called on the public to work together against "common enemies", such as gender discrimination, inequality of rights and so on. The misunderstanding is mainly to use the first person plural to convey her thoughts to the public and persuade them to accept her arguments unconsciously. Through repeated emphasis and repetition, Emma Watson has been trying to convey her ideas to each audience through a progressive model of organization and logic, and clearly introduce the audience into the language world it creates. It further leads the audience to resonate with themselves, so that the two parties 'thoughts collide and reach the state of synchronization of ideas. In the course of this speech, Emma Watson used a lot of rhetoric, including comparison and irony, to make the language and context of the speech more vivid and more compassionate. Through the statistics, it is found that Emma Watson is more inclined to adopt two rhetorical strategies of sympathy and misunderstanding in the speech process. Finally, the rhetorical effect of the same strategy in its presidential debate is also analyzed, mainly by praising oneself, attacking opponents, and self-defense.

2 Literature review

In recent years, Burke' s new rhetoric has attracted extensive attention from scholars and conducted related studies in many fields, providing a new rhetoric perspective for discourse analysis. However, few studies have applied this theory to the presidential election debate. This study attempts to analyze Emma Watson' s "He for She" from the same theoretical point of view of Kenneth Burke, aiming to reveal the entire rhetorical process of Emma Watson' s speech【1】. It also discusses how she uses the same strategy to seek recognition with the audience and the rhetorical effects produced.

2.1 Burke and Identification Theory

Kenneth Burke ' s identification theory is well known. When it comes to the study of rhetoric, Aristotle is the most far-reaching scholar who had influenced western culture and academics, and has made great contributions to the development of Western classical rhetoric. In the 20th century, it was Kenneth Burke an American rhetoric scientist, who had the greatest influence on the development and revival of Western rhetoric. He is the founder of new rhetoric. Therefore, referring to Western New rhetoric, one cannot fail to mention Kenneth Burke' s rhetoric thoughts, the most famous of which are his "Dramatic Pentad" and the identification theory. Burke' s "Identification Theory" was extended and supplemented on the basis of Aristotle's rhetoric. Yueguo Gu believes:“伯克的辨证理论是亚里士多德说服理论的继承和发展,也是本世纪以来重要的修辞思想之一.”[1] Different from Aristotle's understanding of rhetorical behavior, Burke' s new rhetoric keyword is "identification", which includes some "unconscious" factors, not the "persuasion and persuasion" of the old rhetoric, emphasizing "intentional" design. Ya meng Liu wrote in his book:"伯克认为,修辞学的人可能不得不以这样或那样的方式改变听众的观点。然而,只有他同意听众的其他观点,才能做到这一点。遵守他们的许多意见为修辞者提供了一个支点,使他能够利用听众的其他意见."[2] In other words, if we want to change others attitudes and ideas or take certain actions that are expected to be done through words, then before allowing others to cooperate with themselves willingly and as much as they wish, we must first "identify" ourselves and our audience, both emotionally and in action, to achieve consensus. Ya meng Liu also pointed out: "口头上的人将就尽可能多的共同关心的问题与对方“寻求”协议,以换取对方愿意根据自己的意愿在一个关键的分歧问题上“不同意”。或者试图让对方同意自己对一个有争议的问题的看法。"[3] In short, if you want to trigger each other' s cooperation, you need to ask for the same difference. When a rhetorical person enjoys certain qualities in common with others, such as the same profession, interest, belief, value, and way of thinking, he achieves the same as other people.

Burke' s "same" theory is divided into three aspects: identity by identity, identity by tithes, and identity by error【2】. The details will be discussed in the speech analyze part.

2.2.Studies of Identification Theory at Home and Abroad

Burke is the most prestigious of the many new rhetoric scholars. The new rhetoric refers to the rhetorical philosophy that emerged in the United States and continental Europe and was popular in the 1960s. It is rooted in classical rhetoric, draws nutrition from fields such as psychology, sociology, anthropology, linguistics, debate, motivation research, or other behaviorism, discusses linguistic issues from multiple perspectives, and enriches and develops rhetoric content. It greatly broadens the scope of rhetoric and becomes a comprehensive language theory that effectively uses discourse【8】. It is well known that Aristotle is the most profound scholar who had influenced western culture and academics in terms of rhetoric. In the 20th century, the greatest influence on western culture and academics was the American rhetoric scientist Kenneth Burke, who was the founder and founder of new rhetoric. From the late 1920s to the early 1980s, Burke wrote dozens of books on his views on rhetoric, philosophy, literature, and sociology【9】. Because his views were extremely advanced, they were not widely noticed and recognized until the 1960s. With the deepening and prosperity of the new rhetoric research, Burke's rhetoric thought has become a hot topic in Western rhetoric. He is also considered to be the greatest rhetoric in the West since Aristotle.

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