A Tentative Study of Evasive Answers in TV Interviews from the Pragmatic Perspective 电视访谈中闪避回答的语用初探开题报告
2020-04-15 17:12:45
1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献)
no matter what kinds of dialogues are and where they take place, people talk with aimed to seek information, however, the dialogue may involve something too personal for the partner to answer. then people choose indirect way to response to those questions. evasive answers plays an important role under such conditions. much research has been done on evasive answers by far (bavelas, et al 1990; bull 1998; zhu wenqiong 2011). however, most of them pay attention to the evasion in the political field, little has been conducted on the sphere of celebrities#8217; talks. this study is aimed to draw a outline of the most-used strategies and forms of evasion by comparing the various strategies and forms used in evasive answers in the tv interviews of the celebrities from the pragmatic aspect.
the motives for such research include the motives for much universal daily use. in addition this knowledge of the most-used evasive answers in communications could have practical consequences. it might enable the interlocutor to perform smooth dialogues without hurting his or her partner and make the communication sound. moreover, getting a sound awareness of where and what kind of proper evasive strategies might help us out of the woods when we feel embarrassed asked some questions especially under some important circumstances.
during the past decades, much study has been conducted on equivocal communications (bavelas, et al 1990; bull 1998; berninger amp; garvey 1980). as to the evasive strategies in question-answer communication, galasinski (2000) holds that evasion is correlate in pragmatics but not in semantics. harris believes evasion means neither answer the question directly nor doubt the question. from the previous researches, numbers of evasive strategies can be found, however, so far the most-used form and strategies in proper situations has been rarely studied. therefore, this study is conducted to make a comparison of different tv interviews of celebrities and try to find out the proper and most-used evasive strategies and forms in proper situations in order to be made use in daily communications.
2. 研究的基本内容、问题解决措施及方案
From the research done above, we may find that people, in their daily communications tend to reply to questions in various ways for different purposes. Evasion is a common language phenomenon in everyday life, which can be used to protect our face or something else. My major efforts fall on the strategies of the interviews. By analyzing these answers, it is easy to find that faced with unfavorable questions, people choose to take ambiguous answers, which may be intended made. With the use of evasive answers, the questioners make the question more interesting and tackle the embarrassment they face smoothly.
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