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毕业论文网 > 开题报告 > 文学教育类 > 英语 > 正文


 2020-04-15 17:09:43  

1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献)

carson mccullers (1917-1967) was an american writer of numerous works of fiction and nonfiction, including the heart is a lonely hunter, the member of the wedding, reflections in a golden eye, and clock without hands. mccullers was recognised as a very good minor novelist.and so many respectable people appear willing and eager to elevate her to major status. her novels often center around the loneliness, isolation and the huge significance and insoluble problems of human love.#160;#160;

#160;the heart is a lonely hunter, which made her an overnight literary sensation, explores the spritual isolation of misfits and outcasts of the south. the struggle of four of john singer#8217;s acquaintances make up the majority of the narrative.

since the publication of the heart is a lonely hunter, the research and discussion on the theme of it has never dismissed. scholars at home and abroad spare no efforts to uncover the veil of mccullers#8217; mill town in the south. by applying the theories and ideas in psychology, politics, philosophy, religion and other fields to making an analysis of the novel, the understanding of the theme has been deepened. during the process, more details and background of the south emerges and rises to the surface.


2. 研究的基本内容、问题解决措施及方案

1. methods of the study

based on foucalt#8217;s power theory and thinking on discipline and punish, this thesis tries to analyse the heart is a lonely hunter from the perspective of philospohy and politics. by applying theories to the research, the study on the novel will be of more social meaning.

2. problems to be studied

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