An empirical study of a SPOC embedded flipped classroom model for college English-major Writing Course: The perceptions of students(大学英语专业学生对SPOC嵌入式翻转课堂模式应用于英语写作课程看法的实证研究)文献综述
2020-04-14 19:44:39
Thispaper aims to examine students’ perceptions of SPOC embedded flipped classroommodel within an undergraduate writing course and the factors influencing theirperceptions. The results indicate that the majority of the 112 studentscompleting the evaluation preferred the SPOC flipped method compared withtraditional pedagogical strategies.
Learning to write is fundamental to becoming literate, andproficiency with writing is crucial to academic achievement and employment, andteachers are in a position to influence pedagogy. As such, it is important tobe well-informed about students’ attitudes so as to provide a better writinginstruction supported by SPOC embedded flipped classroom model.
Although there is general consensus that the impact of SPOCembedded flipped classroom model is significant, some disagreement exists abouthow to identify such influence. While some researches(Zappe, Leicht, Messner,Litzinger, amp; Lee., 2009) have focused on the content of the course, it isacknowledged that students’ perceptions about the flipped classroom model arealso a critical factor. The research seeks to figure out the attitudes held bystudents who are in the SPOC embedded flipped classroom environment.
Accordingto Zappe, Leicht, Messner, Litzinger, amp; Lee (2009), student-centeredlearning environments require applying more active learning strategies toclassroom teaching that involving student presentations, small group problemsolving, self and peer collaboration, and group discussions. The SPOC embeddedflipped classroom model transforms students’ learning process intostudent-centered, teacher facilitated learning, and students are no longerpassive but active learning. This flipped classroom model creates theenvironment which provides students with access to online video lectures beforein-class sessions so that students can participate in more interactive andhigher-order activities with more confidence such as problem solving, groupdiscussions, and peer learning. (Baker, 2000; Bergmann, Overmyer, amp; Wilie,2012; Davies, Dean, amp; Ball, 2013; Foertsch, Moses, Strikwerda, amp;Litzkow, 2002; Fulton, 2012; Hughes, 2012; Lage, Platt, amp; Treglia, 2000;Talbert, 2012; Zappe et al., 2009).
Thesefollowing factors are proposed as effective and useful for the SPOC embeddedflipped classroom model by Valentina Nejkovic and Milorad Tosic(2018): highquality of information and useful learning contents, to be easy for use, and tosupport social presence. These factors make learners feel usefulness of thislearning model and are important for better acceptance of such model amongstudents.
Accordingto Cheri Williams and Sandra Beam(2019), learning to write and developingcompetence as a writer not only require fundamental knowledge of writingprocesses but also the acquisition of a range of writing strategies and skills,including the use of technology. The use of technology encourages collaborativelearning, and is particularly supportive of reluctant writers.
Kostaris and Christoforos(2017) investigatedthe impact of flipped classroom learning environments on students’ cognitivelearning outcomes, as well as students’ satisfaction and perceptions for theirlearning. They found that the flipped classroom model could be used toeffectively enhance student learning outcomes, support students especially thosewho were low performing to alleviate their perceived capacity in order tosuccessfully engage in the learning process and establish positive attitudesthrough collaborative and self/peer learning. Bram De Wever and Martin Valcke(2017)also found that the flipped classroom setting could be an effective way toenhance students’ learning performance as they identified the benefits in theflipped model for students and positive relationship between the elements andstudent confidence, engagement and motivation.
Other research focused on students’ preferences for theflipped classroom approach over a traditional one. Anderson et al. (2013)suggested that students were differentially predisposed to be suited to aflipped teaching environment. They found that students are likely to preferflipped classroom approach to traditional teaching (see also Bachnak andMaldonado 2014; Bates and Galloway 2012; Christiansen 2014; Clark et al.2014;Lage et al. 2000; McLaughlin et al. 2013; Sarawagi 2014; Tague and Baker 2014).
{title}2. 研究的基本内容与方案
{title}TheEnglish major writing course of Wuhan University of Technology used such anapproach which provided students with more active learning strategies toprepare students for in-class activities, so as to facilitate interactionbetween students and teachers, and differentiated learning, such as small groupproblem-solving, peer evaluation, the use of technology, presentations anddiscussions. Based on previous findings and gaps in the literature, this studyaims to seek an understanding of how English major students view the SPOCapproach in the English major writing course as well as to identify students’perceptions and attitudes in the SPOC flipped learning environment, tworesearch questions guided the study:
What are the English major students’ perceptions of the SPOCembedded flipped classroom model used in the writing course?
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