>中女性形象的解析 Analysis of Female Images in Rip Van Winkle文献综述
2020-04-14 16:28:17
Domesticand foreign scholars have studied Washington Irving's short story Rip Van Winkle for a long time, and thenumber is very large and the research results are abundant. However, moststudies mainly focus on the historical consciousness of the novel, the role ofmale characters, and the criticism of the new country, and rarely analyze thefemale images in the novel. In WashingtonIrving’s Rip Van Winkle: A Dangerous Critique of a New Nation, Sarah Wyman outlinesthe characters, explores the symbolic significance of these characters and examinesthe theme of Rip Van Winkle. YangJin-cai focuses on the texts and contexts that Irving incorporates into thestory and argues that Irving writes out his anxieties and ambivalence towardAmerica and himself in his Texts andContexts in Rip Van Winkle.
Thestudy of female images in various novels has also achieved very rich results inthe academic circles at home and abroad. Scholars such as Ji Jingfen(1999), LiuYing(2000), and Wang Xiaoying(2005) agree that the three women in AliceWalker's Everyday Use are thedefenders, rebels, and successors of the black cultural heritage, representingdifferent attitudes towards their cultural heritage. They praise their motherand Maggie for protecting their ethnic identity and cultural traditions, andaccuse Dee of being sophisticated, shallow, tacky, obsessed with fashion andlacking a true understanding of her nation's cultural heritage. However, LiJieping’s Interpretation of the FemaleImages in Everyday Use published in 2007 believed that the mother andMaggie stuck to the cultural traditions of their own nation, and Deerepresented a new generation of African Americans with an independent spirit andmodern consciousness. In The FemaleImages in Yaa Gyasi's Homegoing, Lai Cencen divided the female images of Homegoing into three categories:oppressed and dominated images, maternal and optimistic images, independent andstrong images.
The interpretation of thefemale images in novels has always been the focus of scholars in variouscountries. However, due to the author's personal prejudice against women andthe oppression of the social environment, the female images in novels are oftenvery derogatory. The words used to modify women are often “termagant”, “tart”and other words, and they do not show the real female images in real life.Although “termagant” and “tart” are not good words for praising people, whenusing the mirror of "termagant" and "tart" to analyze the femaleimages from another perspective, you might find new female images that peoplehave always wanted but never got what they wanted. We should not regard "termagant"and "tart" as only derogatory terms, but rather as an alternativeexpression. If the study of the female images helps to understand the author'sthoughts and the society's perception of women at that time, then analternative interpretation of the female images may make this role betterplayed. I choose to look at the female images of Rip Van Winkle from thesurface, analyze the causes for the images, and further interpret the femaleimages from another perspective, to provide some reference for theinterpretation of the female images in various novels.{title}2. 研究的基本内容与方案
ChapterOne Introduction
1.1 Introduction of Washington Irving and Rip Van Winkle
1.2 Significance and Objective of the Thesis
ChapterTwo Literature Review2.1Literature Review of Female Images
2.1.1 Female Images in Novels of Different Periods
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