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论性元素在《兔子,快跑》和《儿子和情人》中的不同角色 Sex Element: Different Roles in Rabbit, Run and Sons and Lovers文献综述

 2020-04-14 16:23:49  


Rabbit,Run is a novel written by John Updike. Themain character of it is named Harry “Rabbit” Angstrom who was once high schoolsports superstar, but now is trapped in a second-rate existence -stuck with afragile, alcoholic wife. So, Rabbit decides to run, run away from this trap.Then he meets a hooker, Ruth who gives him a completely different feeling andexperience. However, when his wife is about to giving birth to his daughter, heis driven back home by responsibility. At the end, the death of his new-borndaughter causes another run-away. So between the sexual relationships with hiswife, Ruth and other women, Rabbit has to run away and back over and overagain.

Sonsand lovers is a novel written by D. H. Lawrence.Mrs. Morel is a woman from middle class. But by the wrong chance, she ismarried to Mr. Morel who is a miner and not so well educated. She long despiseshis husband and concentrates all her love to his sons, especially the secondson, Paul. After so many affairs that Paul has with other women, Mrs. Morelsuffers from a terminal disease and leaved her son Paul lost in disillusion.

The paper isdealing with the sex elements in these two books. By sex elements, they notonly refer to sexual descriptions and nakedness, but also include thepsychology and tendency related to sex. In Rabbit, Run, they are bold pictures of intercourse and touching. But in Sons and Lovers which has barely anysexual scene, they are just thoughts and underneath feelings, the psychology.So, the two cases are mainly complementary with each other. The exertion of sexelements has its own category.

Even the two booksare supreme themselves, the current situation of deconstructing them is not sowell. So many gaps remain to fill.

The influence of Rabbit, Run is great around the world,but critics are more concerning about the act of running, evading mentioning ofsexual elements, which they think would make the novel somehow pornographic.Like CS Burhans Jr expresses in his article Things Falling Apart: Structure and Theme in "Rabbit, Run"(1973):Harry "Rabbit" Angstrom moves, like his namesake, in the closing trapof ever more frantic and tightening circles. The novel is built on suchcircles, beginning with a wide geographical one and ending in the disappearingpoint of a subjective one.

Or they may take out little of them, praisingthe advancement of it just as they did to the remained nude sculptures. Andthere are some reviewers like Changbin luo who in his review(2006) on Rabbit, Run states clearly the role ofthe sexual element in literature and situation of it: the bold expression ofsex is intolerable among the worldly people, because they never see theparticular meaning the sex possesses in reality and arts.

And on Sons and lovers, Alfred Booth Kuttner inhis critic review Sons and Lovers”: AFreudian Appreciation(1916) points out: The average man, subjected to what seemsto him a kind of psychological vivisection, is apt to grow reticent, andmankind must often be convicted through its literature of impulses which underdirect scrutiny it would acknowledge only with the greatest reluctance or elsedeny altogether. Literature thus becomes an invaluable accessory to thepsychologist, who usually does well to regard with suspicion any newgeneralization from his researches for which the whole range of literaryexpression yields no corroboration. And Ahmed, Sofe in his paper "Sigmund Freuds psychoanalytic theoryOedipus complex: A critical study with reference to DH Lawrences Sons andLovers."(2012) claims: In thisfiction, the protagonist Paul’s extremely emotional dealings with his motherare the illustration of Doctor Freud’s psychological theory Oedipus complex.Nevertheless, this paper aims to critically analyze the facts lying with thehallucination of Oedipus complex as it is presented in “Sons and Lovers”

I agree all theopinions above. But there is something lacking in them. On Rabbit, Run researchers are mostly focusing on the act of runningand the psychoanalysis. But when Harry is not running, he is immersed in thesexual relationships with his wife, Ruth and other women. He feel it andfantasize it. And by analyzing all the sexual things he experiences we can findout what is inside him and trapping him. By these sexual things we can read outhis emotions and his thoughts about the outside world, the women.

On Sons and Lovers, they care too muchabout the term Oedipus Complex and ignore the backside or the root of thisterm, sex. Sex has been rooted in our nature since we are born. Large amount ofour behaviors are related to it. If we can understand the mechanism of sex, therelationships in our society will be well reformed and this is also the view ofLawrence himself.

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