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Analysis of Gregor Samsa and Franz Kafka based on the Freudian psychic structural model 弗洛伊德精神结构模型下格里高尔·萨姆沙和弗兰兹·卡夫卡的分析文献综述

 2020-04-14 16:23:38  


Kafka is generally considered as therepresentative author of modernism, whose works reflect vividly the alienationand the isolation of modern people. Therefore, it is necessary to make ins andouts of his life experiences and impacts taken by his surroundings. The Metamorphosis,a renowned masterpiece of his works, is nearly autobiographical, which representsan ideal path towards his mysterious and sensitive inner world. Based onFreudian psychological theory, this paper aims at unveiling the deepestthoughts and feelings of Kafka through his character, Gregor Samsa in his masterpiece The Metamorphosis.

Indeed, many scholars in the home and abroad havebeen studying the relationships between Kafka and his representatives,especially The Metamorphosis. RenWeidong, an expert in the study of Kafka, illustrates the different periods ofthe metamorphosis of Gregor Samsa, as well as his inner struggles against thecruel and heartless families. Through the discussions about the metamorphosisresulted from his attempts to escape from the alienation, which stems from thesevere conditions and economy burden on the shoulders, the author comes to theconclusion that the protagonist has to take such extreme methods to seek hisidentity and return to the state of human being rather than a bread-winningmachine in disguise of human’s appearance. As for foreign scholars, HamedrezaKohzadi is a typical explorer. He combines the analysis of Gregor Samsa withFreudian psychological theories, thus digging out the inner emotional undercurrent among Gregor and his mother, father, sister,even himself. In a sense, it is the projection of the intricate relationships amongKafka and his families. In light of Freudian psychological theories, HamedrezaKohzadi traces the Oedipus Complex and Castration in Kafka’s Metamorphosis,which is obscure and constantly neglected by many people. Apart from hismother, the argument about the abnormal worship and fear towards his father hasbeen presented eloquently. The Freudian theories reinforce the author’s pointsof view and arguments.

In a nutshell, Kafka and his novels are so influentialand attracted that multitudes of predecessors have reaped their own fruitsbased on different theories, which is a great resource for new explorers like.As Issac Newton has put it, “If I have seen further, it is by standing on theshoulders of Giants.” Therefore, inspired by Hamedreza Kohzadi’s paper, theauthor of the paper decide to analyze Kafka and his characters in TheMetamorphosis based on Freudian psychological theories. Specifically, Freudianpsychological theories have many branches involved about different aspects ofinner world, such as Oedipus complex, the unconscious and structuralmodel of the psyche, that is, id, egoand superego. As for this paper, it aims to uncover the feelings and opinionsburied in the deep layer of the heart of Kafka based on the structural model.Unlike Hamedreza Kohzadi, the paper will give my perspectives and argumentsfrom the metamorphosis of himself rather than his relationships with hisfamilies. Admittedly, his families have brought some impact on him,particularly his father’s havoc on his inner world. However, more emphasis isput on his own attitudes and reactions, either conscious or unconscious.Through the projection of his id, ego and superego on the protagonist in TheMetamorphosis, Gregor Samsa, it is hoped that the paper will restore the innermostpart of Kafka, who skills in obscuring his sensitive heart by figures ofspeech, like metaphor, symbolism, etc.


2. 研究的基本内容与方案


This paper mainly focuses on thecharacter analysis in The Metamorphosis and the relationship between the author'slife experiences and the main character, Gregor Samsa based on the Freudianpsychological theories. In the first part, the paper gives a brief introductionto The Metamorphosis and the protagonist, Gregor Samsa. Then, it illustratesthe branch of Freudian psychological theories concerning about the structuralmodel of id, ego and superego concisely. In the following parts, it analyzesthe main character Gregor Samsa and demonstrates the connections between GregorSamsa and Franz Kafka from the perspective of id, ego and superego, which is accompanied by the specific words, lines, paragraphs in the context.Correspondingly, the arguments will be complemented by Kafka’s own similar experiencesand his own illustrations in the script, which provide more evidence for theassumptions based on the Freudian psychological theories. In a conclusion, theaim is to explore the internal world and restore the deep feelings of Kafkathrough the analysis between himself and his incarnation in The Metamorphosis,Gregor Samsa.


1 Introduction

    1. Kafka and TheMetamorphosis

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