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毕业论文网 > 文献综述 > 文学教育类 > 英语 > 正文

The symbolic meaning of The Undefeated by Ernest Hemingway 浅析欧内斯特·海明威的《打不败的人》象征意义文献综述

 2020-04-14 16:23:24  


TheUndefeated is a short story by Ernest Hemingway featured in Men Without Women.As an early work of Hemingway, Manuel the bullfighter, represent the initialfigure of Code Hero, who was old, lonely, stubborn and competitive, alwaysready to sacrifice for his honor and dignity. He went to the arena in spite ofthe exploitation of the promoter and the discouragement of his old picador inorder to assert his grace. The bull pricked him, the audience threw cushions andbottles at him, however he refused to leave and insisted to finish the fightuntil victory. Even he was on the operating table, he would not have hispigtail cut, and said, “I was going good, I was going great.”

The main characterin this short story shows Hemingway’s idea about creating a series of CodeHeroes in his later works. Hemingway loved watching bullfight and Manuel can beseen as the reflection of his mind, which influences his later work A Farewellto Arms and For whom the bell tolls,so the importance of The Undefeated is beyond mention. Subtexts and symbolic meanings are extensively used in thisshort novel, such as the bullfighter, the promoter, the bull, and the pigtailbehind Manuel’s head, etc. However, the studies about this can merely be found.Thus by doing this research, we can fill the blank of the studies ofHemmingway’s early works. The only two essays that are close to this topic aretalking about the ethical identity and choices of Manuellt;徐鸿,2017gt;,and the analysis from existentialismlt;苗春雨,2012gt;,which give us a new perspective to analyze this work. Meanwhile ,the symbolicmeanings in Old Man and the Sealt;时会慧,2018gt; and the significances behind theinsipid surfacelt;申丹,2005gt; discuss the other works of Hemingway can help uscomprehend this novel in a different way. The personality and creative mind ofHemingwaylt;孙秋英,2003gt; as well asthe representative of Lost Generationlt;王玉燕,2007gt;mainly study the characteristics of the author, from which we can understandthe motivation and psychology which serves researching the symbolic meaning in The Undefeated.


2. 研究的基本内容与方案



1 Introduction

1.1 ErnestHemingway and The Undefeated

1.2 Symbolic meaningand Literature Review

1.3 Framework of theessay

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