On the Theme of Revenge as Seen in Hamlet and The Little Orphan of the Family of Chao 论《哈姆雷特》与《赵氏孤儿》中的寻仇主题开题报告
2020-04-14 15:07:44
1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述)
the word “tragedy” originated from theancient greece. it is developed from the odes in the prayer service fordionysus. in tragedies, it is inevitable for the characters to suffer fromfrustration, failure even death. as a form of literature, tragedy reveals theconflicts between human’s mental world and the actual world. and tragedy hasbeen popular with people around the world since it was born. it is a truth thatwestern drama derived from the tragedies of ancient greece, and tragedy is theoldest drama form. the three great writers of tragedy in ancient greece areeuripides, sophocles and aeschylus. their works such as medea, oedipus the king and prometheus bound have animportant status in the history of literature. during the era of renaissance,the dramatists who were represented by william shakespeare put tragedy to apeak. tragedy can also be recorded and found in the history of ancient chineseliterature. some great works such as snowin midsummer written by guan hanqing, butterflylovers, and peacocks southeasttravelling are widely known not only in china but also around the world.
generally speaking, tragedies can bedivided into four types which includes tragedy of heroes, ordinary people,family and fate. despite all this, tragedies are quite different in thepatterns and contents of manifestation between western literature and chineseliterature. in western literature, tragedies reflect desperation of humanityand helpless struggle from the perspective of philosophy. by contrast, thethemes of chinese tragedies reflect more on reality. coincidentally, the themeof revenge appears both in western and chinese literature—oneis hamlet whose author is shakespeare,the other is the little orphan of thefamily of chao whose author is ji junxiang.
until now, there are a lot of scholars whohave concentrated on these two works from the perspectives of theme and figuresof speech but without contrast. there are also some scholars who have made acomparison of western and chinese tragedies from the macroscopic and microcosmicperspective. for example, a scholar whose name is chen xixi in ruhr universitybochum makes a macroscopic comparison of western and chinese tragediesaccording to the analysis of the origins and the patterns of manifestation.another scholar whose name is luan lan analyzes the microcosmic reasons whythere are great differences between western and chinese tragedies from theperspectives of tragic spirits, national consciousness and aestheticalstandard. besides, there have been some domestic scholars who have doneresearches on the theme of revenge in hamlet and the little orphan of the family ofchao. for example, lu wenbin, one of the professors in beijing language andculture university, has made a comparison of ethic difference between these twotragedies. in his opinion, these two respective works treat the issue ofrevenge very differently, representing the distinct attitudes toward life ofchina’s “bitter play” and western “tragedy”. the analysis of how revenge isdealt with in the two plays will reveal, in profound depth, their cognitivedifferences at the moral level. but there are few researches of foreignscholars who make similar study in this field.
2. 研究的基本内容与方案
though hamlet and the little orphan of the family ofchao are both tragedies on revenge, they have rendered totally differentresults after taking revenge. in hamlet bothaspects of the contradiction went towards death. but in the latter, the aspectof justice ultimately defeated the evil through a hard process. this paper willfocus on the comparison of western and chinese historical environment andbackgrounds to analyze the reason why the results are different on the sametheme.
this paper will use some methods in thecategory of comparative literature.
on the one hand, there are plenty ofinformation and historical records to represent the situations in which hamlet and the little orphan of the family of chao were created. according tothe comparison of these evidence, the causes, the results and the main conflictsbetween characters can be clearly and logically listed. therefore, thesimilarities and differences of these two tragedies will be clear at a glance. duringthis process, the method called influence study will be used.
3. 研究计划与安排
Before15th, January | Settlementof the title |
Before25th, February | Submissionof the outline |
Before19th, March | Submissionof the opening report |
Before25th, April | Submissionof the first draft |
Before24th, May | Revisionof the draft |
Before30th, May | Submissionof the final paper |
4. 参考文献(12篇以上)
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[2] emma domínguez-rué, maximilianmrotzek. shakespearean tragedies dynamics: identifying a generic structure inshakespeare's four major tragedies[j]. internationaljournal of general systems, 2012, 41(7): 667 - 681.
[3] jiewen di. evolution and schoolsof comparative literature theories[j]. studiesin literature and language, 2017, 14(2).
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