乔•克里斯默斯的悲剧:创伤理论视角下解读《八月之光》The Tragical Destiny of Joe Christmas:Interpretation of Light in August from the Perspective of Trauma Theory开题报告
2020-04-13 13:41:19
1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述)
lightin august, as one of the bestenglish-language novels of the 20th century. and also the most significant but controversialwork of william faulkner, pictures a fictional county basing on writer's homeand tells the story of several characters and explores themes of race, sex,class, traumaand religion in the american south.
the main plot develops through two paralle-contrastthreads, from the main content of the novel, joe christmas, who spends his lifefighting with tragic experience because of his parentage, to the integralframework of the novel, lena grove, who calmly accepts her dilemma of life andpursuit her love. and there remain other figures giving full play to thenarration and comment function, like hightower and byron bunch, who movethrough their lives, affecting the lives of others, enduring hardships,overcoming obstacles, and sometimes succumbing to the hardships they face. in theend, aseries of chance encounters ties each of them to the others.
being laureled the noble prize in 1949, thewriter had a few words when praised, which shows the valuable core of the work,“the old verities and truth of the heart, the old universal truth lacking whichany story is ephemeral and doomed—loveand honor and pity and pride and compassion and sacrifice.” . and more than itswide range of thematic, the multi-clue narration, the complicated plotstructure, the frequent interruption of lengthy flashbacks, and the constantshifts from one character to another, all that increases the difficulty and thecomplexity of the research towards the book while provides more perspectives toappreciate it meanwhile.
2. 研究的基本内容与方案
1 introduction
1.1 william faulkner and light in august
3. 研究计划与安排
before 15th january: settlement of the title
before 25th march:submission of the outline
before 25th april: submission of the first draft
4. 参考文献(12篇以上)
[1] william faulkner. light inaugust [m]. vintage classics; new ed edition, 2001.
[2] jeffrey c. alexander.trauma: a social theory [m]. polity; 1,2012.
[3] ohno setsuko. williamfaulkner’s light in august: joe christmas as an indian [j]. the american literature society of japan,2003,doi 10.
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