基于经济专业词典的英语单词普通含义与专业含义的对比研究 A Comparative Study between General Meaning and Professional Meaning of English Words Based on Technical-term Dictionaries in Economics开题报告
2020-04-12 16:13:20
1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述)
economic terms are carriers of economic theory andconcept and the essential knowledge of economics. among these terms, some areprofound while others are plain. especially for these plain terms, they havegeneral meanings besides the meaning in economics. therefore, to study theconnection and difference between general meaning and professional meaning ofthese words is beneficial for understanding their connotations in economics.
about the definition of economic terms: as the worldmoves forward, the understanding of the connotation of economics is changing.nowadays, the common understanding of economics in most countries is largelybased on the definition given in the book economics which is written by american economist paul a. samuelson, that is, “economicsis the study of how societies use scarce resources to produce valuable goodsand services and distribute them among different individuals.”
economic terms have the following characteristicsbesides the professional and monosemy which terms in other fields also have:
2. 研究的基本内容与方案
this paper will address four basic procedures. partone, introduces the conceptions of economic terms and lists the way of their word-formation,and introduces the dictionaries will be referred to in this paper. this part isthe theoretical part of the paper. part two focuses on the comparison of thegeneral and professional meanings of some economic terms. part three is how tocomprehend these economic terms from their origin and general meanings. part fouris the conclusion part.
measures to complete the paper:
comparison: two or more existing situations arestudied to determine their similarities and differences.
3. 研究计划与安排
before 15th, january settlement of the title
before 25th, february submission of the outline
before 25th, april submission of the first draft
4. 参考文献(12篇以上)
[1] black, j. a dictionary of economics[m].shanghai: shanghai foreign language education press,2000.
[2] deardorff, a. origins of terms ininternational economics[j]. terms of trade: glossary of internationaleconomics, 2014(2): 563-576.
[3] gilpin, a. dictionary of economic terms[m].london: butterworth, 1977.
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