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目的论视域下新闻热词的英译研究 On the English Translation of Journalistic Hot Words from the Perspective of Skopos Theory开题报告

 2020-04-12 16:11:43  

1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述)

the skopos theory was introduced in china in 1980s by du qianyuan(1987). hu guili and zhang jun(2013) studied the two development stages of the theory in china. domestic studies initially focused on the theory itself and then the application of the theory in the translation activities and the estimation of translation under the skopos theory. hu and zhang believed the theory has relieved translation from the text-only cognitive model. zhang qinghong(2016) has studied the specific application of the three principles of skopos theeory in a certain translation and has made estimation at the lexical and syntactic level.

as for the domestic study about the journalistic words translation under the skopos theory, zhao fen(2015) studied the translation of internet buzzwords and drew the conclusion that the three principles of the skopos theory should be applied respectively under different circumstances. zhang yin(2016), compared two translations of one phrase in the translation of the silk road nomination dossier to see if they have fulfilled their skopos. and zhu yanfen(2016) concluded four translation techniques in news translation based on the case study of the translation of global times.


2. 研究的基本内容与方案

1) this paper aims to analyze the translation strategies and corresponding translation methods and techniques based on the china daily bilingual news, providing not only suggestion for translators in practice but also guidance for students majoring in translation as journalistic hot words translation is inevitable in almost all mti entering examinations and their everyday learning.

2) the basic content includes: study abroad and domestic papers, study the skopos theory comprehensively, analyze the definition, features and classifications of journalistic hot words, distinguish and study the c-e translation strategies and relevant methods and techniques as well as analyze journalistic hot words in the second version china daily journalistic hot words renewed in 2017, combined with latest journalistic hot words in china daily bilingual news website from 2017 to 2018. at last, draw the conclusion and give suggestions.

3)technical solution: combining the documentary analysis, case analysis and contrastive analysis. the contrastive analysis, that is, comparing the journalistic hot words that adopt different translation strategies, methods and techniques, including the comparison of translation of words within china daily bilingual news and of translation of the same words in other documents such as report of the work of the government, bbc news and so on.


3. 研究计划与安排

1) before 15th, january settlement of the title

list topics based on interests and ability,

research documents from the library, the whut online library repository and cnki,


4. 参考文献(12篇以上)

[1]agnes pisanski peterlin, marija zlatnar moe. translating hedging devices in news discourse[j]. journal of pragmatics,2016:1-12.

[2]christina nord. translation as a perposeful activity—functional theories explained [m].manchester: st. jerome publishing,1997.

[3]ebrahim davoudi sharifabad,mojde yaqubi,tengku sepora tengku mahadi. the application of domestication and foreignization translation strategies in englishpersian translations of news phrasal verbs[j]. theory and practice in language studies,2013,3(1):94-99.

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