浅析人工智能对翻译行业的影响 An Analysis of the Influence of Artificial Intelligence on the Translation Industry开题报告
2020-04-12 09:00:57
1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述)
inthe era of big data, the development of artificial intelligence andacceleration of globalization change the outdated understanding of certainprofessions and industries, and also enrich the connotation of them. artificialintelligence is changing our lives, and we can see the application ofartificial intelligence around us. for example, cell phones, our life has beeninseparable from it, this is the application of artificial intelligence.
althoughartificial intelligence has infiltrated into our lives, but many people beganto understand artificial intelligence is through this news: alphago versus leesedol, or google deepmind challenge match, was a five-game go match between18-time world champion lee sedol and alphago, a computer go program developedby google deepmind, played in seoul, south korea between 9 and 15 march 2016.alphago won all but the fourth game; all games were won by resignation. thematch has been compared with the historic chess match between deep blue andgarry kasparov in 1997.some experts even call this a sign that artificialintelligence will replace human beings.
soin the face of threats from artificial intelligence, how should we deal withit? artificial intelligence for us is the advantages outweigh the disadvantagesor not? how can we reduce the disadvantages of artificial intelligence and makeartificial intelligence serve human beings better? these are the things that wewill study next.
2. 研究的基本内容与方案
makea general analysis on the current development of artificial intelligencetranslation. investigate the treatment and development of practitioners in thetranslation industry. analyze the training mode of college translators.
3. 研究计划与安排
Before15th, January settlement of the title
before 25th, February submission of theoutline
before 25th, April submission of thefirst draft
before 24th, May revision of thedraft
before 30th, May, submission of the final paper
4. 参考文献(12篇以上)
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