《少数派报告》中的自由意志浅析Analysis of Free Will in Minority Report开题报告
2020-04-10 16:02:22
1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述)
1.1 research significance
this paper aims to discuss psychological environment in the course of one’s fate’s determination by analysis of minority report written by philip k. dick. besides, writing characteristics, including novel clues, structure, the description of characters and events, serve to display the concealed alternative possibilities. to sum up, contrary to determinism, one’s free will plays an important role in symbiotic relation between mind and environment.
1.2 research actuality
2. 研究的基本内容与方案
2.1 basic content
chapter one preface
3. 研究计划与安排
first stage (january 2018 -march 2018): collect data, collate documents and complete the opening report
second stage (march 2018 -april 2018): form the first draft of the paper and perfect the paper according to the amendment
third stage (april 2018 - may 2018): paper finalization
4. 参考文献(12篇以上)
[1]bagnoli, anna1, ketokivi, kaisa2. at a crossroads[j]. european societies. jul2009, vol. 11 issue 3, p315-324.10p. http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=trueamp;db=aphamp;an=41998271amp;lang=zh-cnamp;site=ehost-live
[2]cave, stephen. there’s no such thing as free will. atlantic; jun2016, vol. 317 issue 5, p68-74, 6p, 1 color photograph.
[3]kane, robert1. on the role of indeterminism in libertarian free will. philosophical explorations. mar2016, vol. 19 issue 1, p2-16. 15p.
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