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A Character Analysis of Nancy in “Oliver Twist”毕业论文

 2022-04-04 22:04:47  


摘 要



关键词:《雾都孤儿》 批判现实主义 南希 双重性格 人性


1.1 About the author

Charles Dickens, the greatest representative of English critical realism, was born in 1812 at Portsmouth. Most of his works all belong to the literary masterpieces at home and abroad, which have the far-reaching influence upon the literature. The age he lived was the rising period of English capitalism, and the transformation and the development of the society provided rich materials for his writing. Dickens wrote many works, connecting his miserable experiences with the capitalist society. Besides, a part of his success was due to the influence of other critical writers. In that period, Dickens was “the classics known by everyone” and “the symbol of the mythic nationalism”, (Foster, 118) which was described by the modern literature critic, Phil Collins.

As is known to all that Charles Dickens was the most popular English novelist in the Victorian era. He was born in a poor family with a father in debt, and as a child, he endured the harsh conditions of poverty. Therefore, he was forced to work in a factory at the age of twelve, which haunted him for the rest of his life. The misery of his childhood was a recurrent theme in his novels. During Dickens’ literary career, he created many noted works, for example, Dombey and Son, David Copperfield, A Tale of Two Cities, Oliver Twist, and so on.

1.2 About the critical realism

It is universally acknowledged that Dickens is a representative critical realist. Critical realism is a philosophical view of knowledge. On the one hand, it holds that it can acquire knowledge about the external world as it really is, independently of the human mind or subjectivity. That is why it is called realism. On the other hand, it rejects the view of naïve realism that the external world is as it is perceived. Recognizing that perception is a function of, and thus fundamentally marked by, the human mind, it holds that one can only acquire knowledge of the external world by critical reflection on perception and its world. That is why it is called critical.

1.3 Dickens’ writing style

Charles Dickens has a very remarkable writing style. He writes in a poetic way and uses a lot of satire and consequently humor. Since Dickens has started off his literary career writing papers for newspapers, most of his stories are in an episodic form. He is a master using this method in his stories.

Dickens uses idealized characters in his books, though an idealized character does not have any room to grow throughout the course of the book. Dickens does not make all of his characters perfect; rather, he uses his idealized characters to contrast the ugly side of life that he so often portrays. Oliver Twist is an example of one of his idealized characters. During the course of the book, Oliver is put through many trials, including an evil orphanage and a small training center for thieves. Throughout all of this, Oliver is naive and his values are never compromised, even though he is put in very difficult situations. Seeing the ugly circumstances that Oliver so often occupies, it is no wonder that Dickens chose to idealize him and give the readers something to love completely.

Dickens also loves to utilize incredible circumstances in his books. In Oliver Twist, Oliver turns out to be the nephew of the rich high class family that rescues him from the gang of thieves that he had fallen in with. Using these incredible coincidences was popular for authors during Dickens’ time, but he uses them in a distinct way. While other authors of the period would use the method to further their plot in their simple picturesque stories, Dickens took the approach that good will triumph over evil sometimes even in very unexpected ways, and he used the method of incredible circumstances to show his outlook.

1.4 About the novel

Oliver Twist, which was written in 1837-38, tells the story of an orphan boy, Oliver Twist, who is of unknown parentage. He is born in a workhouse and brought up under cruel conditions. The tyrant at whose hands he especially suffers is Bumble, the parish beadle. After serving an unhappy apprenticeship to an undertaker, he runs away to London, where he falls into the hands of a gang of thieves. The head of the gang is Fagin, and the other chief members, such as Bill Sikes, his mistress Nancy, are the burglars. Besides, it also includes the Artful Dodger and a young pickpocket. Every effort is made to convert Oliver into a thief. Then Oliver is rescued by the benevolent and rich Mr. Brownlow, but the thieves kidnap him, make him join them once again and participate in their foul dealings. A bad person named Monks, hand in glove with the thieves, has somehow a special interest in keeping Oliver in the gang. Then Oliver is made to accompany Bill Sikes on a burgling expedition, in the course of which he receives a gun-shot wound, and comes into the hands of Mrs. Maylie and her protégée Rose, by whom he is kindly treated. After a time, Nancy reveals to Rose that Monks knows Oliver’s parentage, and wishes all proof of it destroyed; also that there is some relationship between Oliver and Rose herself. They make some inquiry about the matter. But Fagin discovers Nancy’s action and tells Sikes, who murders her in a fit of rage. A hue and cry is raised. Sikes, trying to escape, accidentally hangs himself and the rest of the gangs are arrested and Fagin executed. Monks is now compelled to confess what remains unknown. Rose is the sister of Oliver’s unfortunate mother. Oliver is adopted by Mr. Brownlow. Monks dies in prison. Bumble, the cruel persecutor of Oliver, ends his career in the workhouse over which he formerly ruled. This famous novel is a very significant part in the literary field of the world, and many scholars think that the heroine, Nancy, is the most successful image depicted by Dickens. Nancy is a young female with complicated mind and changeable characters. Her natural instinct is kind-hearted, while the capitalist surroundings and system make her sink into the thief group and force her to be a thief at last. However, she still believes in the pure love, and keeps herself a kind person in the depth of her heart.

1.5 Need for the study

In Oliver Twist, Nancy’s characters are complex and ambiguous, and she is just like a unit of angle and evil. On the one hand, she has done numerous crimes under control of Fagin as a young female thief; on the other hand, she tries all her best to help Oliver out from the thief gang with the awareness of disgrace in herself and evil in her fellow gang. Gradually, she wakes up and regrets, stands up and defenses against evil and oppression. At last, she overcomes evil by making the sublimating of spirit and breakthrough of nature. It’s just this double nature that well reflects the reality at that time.

This novel was famous for exposing the dark sides of people lived out of that time. Nancy is a typical character who lived in the bottom of the society. She had the same feeling with Oliver Twist, but didn’t have a happy ending like him. There are varieties of factors that shape her characters. After a series of research work, readers may appreciate this critical novel by analyzing Nancy’s complex characters. What’s more, readers are supposed to explore the reasons of shaping her double characters from different aspects. On the basis of lots of previous research, by discovering the root of Dickens’ mind and association with modern society, helping readers understand his work very well and learn the true meaning of life.

2. Literature Review

Oliver Twist is a novel reflecting the tragic fact of the life in 19th century. In the English literature of 19th century, the theme of caring the destiny of “little folks” and life of petty bourgeoisie is the most extensive and successful one, which can be easily seen from the works of Sister Bronte or Thackeray. Both the social reality and the trend of literary creation had an imponderable influence on Dickens’ works. Therefore, the readers can see that almost every novel is set in a broad social background, focuses on one family (mainly middle and small bourgeoisie family). Dickens spares no efforts to mould a great many unforgettable female characters that have the same important status with the heroes. He has created hundreds of female characters of various characters and natures. They are linked, contrasted and set off among themselves, becoming the indispensible landscapes in his novels. Nancy has been considered as the most attractive and successful character in Oliver Twist, because of her typical double characters which are fully manifested in this novel. As a young prostitute and one of Fagin’s former child pickpockets as well as Bill Sikes’s lover, Nancy is unable to get out of this criminal association. However, when the young and innocent Oliver comes into her eyes, her sense of moral decency comes into conflict because she sees a young and innocent herself in the eyes of Oliver Twist, and that’s part of the reason why she sacrifices her own life in the end. The following paragraphs exemplify Nancy’s vicious and virtuous aspects, and analyze her double characters from the perspective of ideological and artistic features of critical realism. In the process of writing the paper, many famous scholars’ masterpieces have been read. Many people have described Nancy’s kindness and shown favor to her. For example, Hu Xiaohua (2001) commented, “Nancy in the novel is the victim of tragedy. She did many bad things, but has the essence of kindness and virtue. She loves the young and shows sympathy to Oliver and protects him.” (Hu 72) Here readers can find that Nancy is really kind, though she has done many bad things. Other scholars have done researches into Nancy’s dual characters. Cui Tong (2010) mentioned, “She is only an ordinary person of social underclass, but this status shows her kindness. Nancy makes people see the great strength of truth and conscience in the dreggy society. Darkness and evil can’t influence and control people’s soul forever. Nancy’s forgetting her life to save Oliver and her unswerving loyalty to love reflect her truthfulness and kindness.” (Cui 73) Besides, Zhang Wei (2010) commented, “Nancy has contradictory views on life and values, so from the beginning to end, it is difficult for her to escape from inner conflict and struggle.” And “She is dissatisfied with Sikes’ action, but lacks the courage to leave him.” (Zhang 38) Zhao Shifen (2011) mentioned, “The writer profoundly exposes Nancy’s inner world. On the one hand, she is naturally kind; on the other hand, she mires down in mud and can’t extricate herself. Her inner strong contradiction marks out for her final tragedy.” (Zhao 50) Besides, there are many others critics who think that Nancy’s characters are the result of the exploitation of capitalism.

3. An Analysis of Nancy’s Double Characters

3.1 A brief description about Nancy’s fate

Nancy first appeared in the latter part of the novel, and the author described her from Oliver’s point of view. When Oliver saw Nancy at the first sight, he thought, “She was not exactly pretty, perhaps; but she had a great deal of color in their faces, and looked quite stout and hearty ...” (Dickens 页码) Oliver felt that she was a very nice and kind girl, and this description had established a positive image of Nancy. Though she had lived in the thief's den for many years, and had done many evil things, Nancy has a kind side. She wanted to observe discipline and obey the law, and often went to church for confession.

Dickens did not give a detailed and specific explanation of Nancy’s life. When she made her debut in the novel, she had been a female thief and was occupied by Sikes, or in another word, she became a mistress of Sikes. Nancy’s childhood can be seen from Oliver’s in the den of thieves. Her coming to the criminal career is not her inherent or deep-rooted bad habits, but the inevitable result of the capitalist society. Her miserable life determined her personality, but her characters decided her tragic results. She was forced to fall into the den of thieves, to break the law and commit crime against her will, but her kind nature made the readers feel mournful and pitiful. The author arouses the readers’ emotion and query of the dark social reality by such a personality full of contradictions.

3.2 An analysis of Nancy’s virtuous aspect

3.2.1 Nancy’s assistance to Oliver

With the development of the novel, Nancy plays a more important role than ever before. After she eavesdrops on the secret conversation between instigator and Monks, she met a trouble. Now she has become the key figure controlling the fate of Oliver. Whether telling or hiding the truth, it will determine Oliver’s life or death. However, Oliver doesn’t know that Monks is his elder brother, but Monks is clear of everything. He arrived in London not to reunite with his younger brother, but to forcibly occupy all of his father’s property. He hoped old Fagin could take control of Oliver and keep him being a thief. Thus, Oliver would be in prison. However, Monks and Fagin’s secret talk was overheard by Nancy, and eventually, she made an astonishing decision that she would tell the status of Oliver to Miss Rose. In the evening of the next day, she put something into the wine and gave it to Sikes. After his falling asleep, Nancy went away hastily. With the help of the address provided by Fagin and Monks, she found Rose successfully and told her the truth. It was difficult for Miss Rose to image that Oliver was her sister’s son, so she consulted with a related person, Brownlow, to find a sure card. Unfortunately, Fagin found out Nancy’s unusual action, so when she kept the second appointment with Rose and Brownlow, the shrewd Fagin made use of the cruel and ruthless Sikes to kill Nancy. So she helped Oliver getting rid of danger, but having sacrificed herself.

3.2.2 Nancy’s protection of Oliver

When Oliver was seized and taken to the dirty room again, he felt afraid. Bill let his dog bite Oliver. At that time, Nancy shouted to him, “The child shan’t be torn down by the dog, unless you kill me first.” (Dickens 141) These words are powerful enough to show Nancy’s kindness. As a member of the thieves, she did lots of thefts. However, when she knew that Monks and Fagin planned to trap Oliver, she wanted to prevent him from being kidnapped, and would give a hand to save this child’s fate immediately when Oliver was in danger. The appearance of Oliver woke her conscience, and she didn’t want Oliver to repeat her mistakes.

Nancy was sympathetic towards Oliver and saved him when he was beating by Fagin and Sikes. When Fagin inflicted a smart blow on Oliver’s shoulders with the club and was raising it for a second, Nancy was shocked, rushing forward and wrested it from his hands. She flung it into the fire with a force that brought some of the glowing coals whirling out into the room. “I won’t stand by and see it done, Fagin,” cried the girl, “you have got the boy, and what more would you have?” (Dickens 页码)

3.3 An analysis of Nancy’s vicious aspect

3.3.1 Taking back Oliver to the den

When Oliver innocently went out to “make handkerchiefs” because of no income coming in, with two of Fagin’s underlings, the artful Dodger and humorous Charley Bates, Oliver realizes too late that their real mission is to pick pockets. Dodger and Charley steal the handkerchief of Mr. Brownlow and flee immediately. To the judge’s evident disappointment, a bookstall holder who saw Dodger commit the crime and clears Oliver who is sick and faints in the courtroom. Mr. Brownlow takes Oliver home and along with his housekeeper, Mrs. Bedwin to care for him. Sikes and Fagin worried that Oliver might inform on them, so they decided to take back to his hideout. They wanted to ask Betsy to go out in search of direction in which Oliver has gone, but Betsy refuses tactfully. Then they convinced Nancy to find Oliver and take him back. Although she is reluctant to do this, she actually does a good job. She gets the information that where Oliver is from the policeman easily, and tells Sikes and Fagin that Oliver isn’t accused of stealing and removed to a gentleman’s house. Nancy knows that this means to bring Oliver back to the hell again.

3.3.2 Nancy’s protection of their gang

Nancy would not betray her companions when she decides to help Oliver escape from Monks’ trap. There is no doubt that this will cause negative social influence. More and more innocent children like Oliver would get hurt if the gang didn't get punished. What’s more, when Maylie had learnt about Nancy’s miserable fate, she showed great sympathy to her and tried to help her find a new life, but Nancy refused. “I told you about a man who is the most ruthless of the outlaws. But I can’t leave him, even if you can let me get out of the sufferings, I also can’t leave him.” (Dickens 页码) However, when Sikes killed her, she attempted to wake him. She was loyal to the love for Sikes, but sacrificed her own life.

In Oliver Twist, Nancy is the mistress of Sikes, the second leader of the gang. The author has an ulterior motive when he named Nancy and Sikes, while N and S are just like two poles of the magnetic needle. This suggests that these two people themselves are a pair of irreconcilable contradictory unity which is both opposite and unitary, also live together. Maybe she knows that Sikes just regards her as a maid, but she still treats him as her beloved at his mercy. She can’t betray Sikes, because he is the man she loves deeply and blindly.

4. An Analysis of Causes for Nancy’s Double Characters

4.1 Influences of the social environment

The background of the novel was the whole England in the early time of Queen Victoria. Workers became more productive, more products were manufactured, and in this way, prices of goods dropped. It made more products become available both to the poor and the rich. On the one hand, England became a “world factory” accumulating great wealth from overseas market and various resources of the colony. In such a money-worshiping society, people wanted to make money and aspire material enjoyment, completely ignoring love. But under the mask of prosperity and wealth of the working class, lower class has experienced poverty and misfortune. In order to make a living, even women and little children should go to dangerous dirty factories to sell coolies. So in this situation, this novel is a reflection of the real life of England, especially of the poor life of lower classes. In this realistic society, peoples’ sentiment has been much fainter. Dickens uses the realism brushwork to reveal the greed, hypocrisy and brutality of bourgeois and social upper classes. Just because of this apathy that formed the complex characters of Nancy. Victorian society interpreted economic success as a sign that God favored the honest and moral virtues of successful individual’s efforts and, thus, interpreted the condition of poverty as a sign of the weakness of the poor individual. The poor were naturally destined for lives of degradation and desperation. Living in such a society, although Nancy hoped some differences would happen on her, it is difficult for her to make her dreams come true.

4.2 Influences of her tragic life

Although the author does not give detailed descriptions and specific information about Nancy’s identity and age, it may occur in the whole novel that Nancy was corrupted by Fagin at the age of six, the receiver’s oppression of stolen goods to convince young people to do the bidding. When she made the first appearence, she had been a young thief, was clearly a prostitute and had lived with Sikes for twelve years, so she was evidently in her adolescence. But where were her parents? Perhaps she was one of the children abandoned by their parents for poverty or had no parents as Dodger and Oliver. There is a kind of Angle in her heart of hearts, that she had no choice but can only steal just for surviving. She is not of Dickens’ imagination, but the mirror, or an epitome of the 19th century.

4.3 Dickens’ individual dual characters

Eight-year-old Dickens followed his mother to go to prison to make shoelace after his indebted father went to jail. He became a child laborer in the factory. Dickens’ whole life was full of insecurity that has made him feel lonlier. Unfortunate reality made him full of fear. He loved the beautiful things and was full of delusion to future. Thus, the character of Nancy absolutely wasn’t the result of his imagination. He formed this dual character of brightness and darkness. As a great writer of realism, Dickens not only witnessed the 19th century British society, but also experienced the bitterness like Oliver, Nancy and other poor children. Ruthless capital exploitation caused serious result, which had become decadent situation beyond retrieval of British ruler. Nancy was one of thousands of unemployed men and homeless people.

5. Conclusion

Nancy in Oliver Twist has become the most typical image. Dickens reveals the tragic life of lower class people and the hypocrisy and greed of the bourgeoisie. He gives a realistic picture of the horrible existence in workhouse. The image of Nancy artistically reminds readers that people tend to be indifferent and selfish by the social reality darkness and far away from kindness. Nancy, who comes from the bottom of the lower class maintains that she can’t innocently establish herself in society even if she gets rid of theft gang. Hence she is subject to fate and has to go with the flow. She regards head of the thief as her destiny, but killed by him as a result. Nancy is not just a signal of simple character, but a vivid and typical figure which leaves deepest impression to readers. In spite of the happy ending of Oliver’s painting a layer of bright color for the novel, it will never cover up the critical significance of Nancy’s double characters.

From what’s been presented above, it’s easy for the readers to know that Nancy has a tragic fate. However, she has the nature of goodness that glistens in the dark society. Nancy desires brightness but lacks courage. She sacrifices herself to protect Oliver and makes him live a happy life eventually. In Oliver Twist, Dickens presents the everyday existence of the lowest members of the English society. He goes far beyond the experiences of the workhouse, extending his depiction of poverty to London’s squalid streets and thieves’ dens. He gives voice to those who had no voices, establishing a link between polities and literature with his social commentary.

By studying Nancy’s dual characters, it can be seen in the description of Nancy that Dickens expresses strong criticism and dissatisfaction with the British ruthless man-eating capitalist system. At the same time, it will help readers understand the characteristics of people portrayed in the novel. Besides, it is helpful for readers to have a better understanding on the conflict between good and evil nature hovering in the heart and know the true features of that society clearly.

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