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The Study of the Popularity of the Western Holidays in China 西方节日在中国流行的研究毕业论文

 2022-03-03 21:04:54  


摘 要




关键词:西方节日 流行 原因 对策

Table of Contents


Abstract (English)........................................................................................................ii

Abstract (Chinese).......................................................................................................iii

1. Introduction 1

1.1 Some main western holidays 1

1.2 The current situation 2

2. Literature review 4

3. The reasons for the popularity of western holidays in universities 6

3.1 College students’ attitudes toward western holidays 6

3.1.1 Students’ acknowledge 6

3.1.2 Students’ behaviors 6

3.1.3 Students’ attitudes 6

3.1.4 Analysis of their attitudes 7

3.2 Reasons for the popularity of western holidays 8

3.2.1 The development of modern technology 8

3.2.2 World globalization 8

3.2.3 The media’s publicity and business hype 9

3.2.4 The characteristics of western holidays 10

3.2.5 Other factors 11

4. The affections on college students 12

4.1 Political attitude 12

4.2 Values 12

4.3 National identity 13

5. The countermeasure we should follow 14

5.1 Make our own festivals active 12

5.2 Corporation from different aspects 12

5.2.1 Education 14

5.2.2 Publicity 15

6. Conclusion 16

Works Cited 17

1. Introduction

In recent years, as the trend of the globalization of the economy, politics and culture is becoming more and more obvious, China is not only developing well in its economy, but also affective in the cultural area. The population of people who study Chinese is increasing; the Chinese element is welcome in western countries too. Meanwhile, the western thoughts and cultures have penetrated into Chinese peoples’ daily lives.

1.1 Some main western holidays

Western holidays are a part of the western cultures. Although the holidays’ aims are different, they are all social phenomenon that based on special themes. Western holidays are a reflection of western mind, morality values spirit and aesthetic. Now let me introduce three main western holidays.

Valentine’s Day is a holiday for lovers. There are many legends about its source. One of these is that the wars were continuing in ancient Rome in 3 century. The tyrant Claudius forced a huge number of men to go to the battlefield. Husbands don’t want to leave their wives alone and the young men were not willing to separate from their lovers so that many people complained about it. Claudius was so angry that he forbade the weddings. What’s more, he commanded that people who have engaged must break his engagement and then joined the army. A friar, named Valentine, who was respected by the Romans, was sad about the emperor’s behavior. When a couple went to him for help, he held their wedding in front of the fane secretly. The news was soon spread. Many people held their wedding with the help of Valentine. However, Claudius also heard about it. He put Valentine into prison and tortured him to death. People buried Valentine in the Church of St. Plato on February 14th, 270 century. In memory of him, people set that day as Valentine’s Day. Since the reform and opening-up, Chinese people praise highly the love affairs. So Valentine’s Day is soon accepted by the Chinese people. The data on this day is a key process to the relationship of the lovers. They will give chocolate, cards and flowers to each other to show their love and friendliness. All these customs all well accepted by Chinese people and the day has a strong vitality. It is one of the two most popular western holidays in China and brings businessmen many business opportunities.

Mother’s Day is rooted from ancient people’s extolling to those gods’ mother. In the modern days, it is used to show respect to mothers. In Britain, Mother’s Day is on the fourth Sunday before Easter, while in America, it is on the second Sunday in May. Mother’s Day is celebrated by many countries now. In recent years, Mother’s Day is spread in China generally. Some customs in this holiday is according to the traditional mind of Chinese people. For example, people can show their filial piety on that day. With the medium in China, it can develop very quickly.

Christmas is used to in memory of the birth of Jesus, whose mother is Blessed Virgin Mary. God sent an envoy called Gabriel to Jose to tell him not to put Mary away because she was pregnant. On the opposite, he should marry her and call their son “Jesus”, which means save the people from evil. When Mary was going to born, Roman government ordered that all the people who wanted to go to Bethlehem must declare their census registers, Jose and Mary had to follow this order. When they entered Bethlehem, it was nightfall. They failed to find a hotel and had to live in a stable. It was in this stable where Mary born Jesus. So people called this day, December 25th, Christmas. In the beginning, only Nazarene celebrated this holiday. As the communication among countries becomes frequent, people who are not Nazarene treated it as a holiday. So it becomes a worldwide holiday. Christmas has affected deeply the lives of Chinese people, especially Chinese youths because the Chinese cultural environment is convenient for it to spread. On the one hand, Chinese love gathering together with friends and families. Christmas provides them one more chance for them to gather together. On the other hand, Chinese people love giving presents to each other. It happened that there is a Santa Claus who loves sending presents. Chinese people are appreciating the custom that giving gifts to others. No wonder it has become another most popular western holidays in China.

1.2 current situation

Nowadays, the trend of globalization cannot be prevented; the communication about politics, economy and culture among countries is very frequent and profound. As a important carrier of the national culture, holidays are also in the process of culture mix and crash. Because of the popularity of western holidays and the penetration of western thoughts, the Chinese people are approaching the western countries unconsciously. They have raised fantasies and longings to the western world, so that many young people want to go to western countries to make their dreams come true.

What is a pity is that while the western holidays are becoming more and more popular, many people seem to ignore the Chinese traditional festivals. Under this circumstance, the concept of Chinese festivals has been very indistinct among young people. Even the Spring Festival, which has continued for thousands of years, people don’t have the enthusiasm to celebrate, let alone other traditional festivals such as the Tomb-sweeping Day, the Dragon Boat Festival and the Mid-Autumn Festival. Meanwhile, western holidays like Christmas, Valentine’s Day and April Fools’ Day are very popular. A questionnaire aims to university students shows that these western holidays are very welcome among them and they are deeply affected by these holidays. However, they think that the Chinese traditional festivals like Spring Festival, Lantern Festival, Mid- Autumn Festival, the Double Ninth Festival, Magpie Festival, Dragon Boat Festival and the Tomb-sweeping Day are very serious and formal. They are not attractive for that people always spend these festivals in the same way. In recent years, western holidays like Christmas and Valentine’s Day are almost a symbol of fashion. You will be strange and out of social if you don’t know when the holidays are. It was reported that some businessman make full use of the western holidays to have sales promotion. They can get a great deal of money in only one day. Take a nearby example, many males will buy their girlfriends presents on Valentine’s Day; many people like giving presents to each other at Christmas. What is surprising is that a simple apple can worth ten times higher than before after it is packaged and called “Pingan Guo”.

2. Literature review

Why a holiday can be popular? Many scholars have studied this problem. Scholars from abroad studied this problem from three aspects.

The first aspect is the study of the holiday ceremony. Many scholars think that the ceremony has great importance on maintain and reproduce social order. The ceremony and special culture make the holiday more remarkable in the modern society. Some special ceremonies make holiday fashion possible, which is more fantastic for young people. Like Бахтинг (1929) said, carnival has no difference in genders, races and statues, in essential, it represents equality.

The second aspect is the study of the youths’ mentality that they like pursuing fashion. The hot of holidays are a symbol of holiday fashion. Aiming at teenager’s mentality, an Eastern European scholar called Mahler, F· (1986) studied the essence of the youths and rose that because the grown- ups and the old have a higher social statue and power for their age, the youths are more passive. In reality, the youths can get rid of this passive statue by pursing fashion. In this process, they can express themselves and be admitted by others, so that they can get a feeling of compensation. From this point of view, we can find the reason why western holidays are so popular among college students. G. Tarde (1890) and Gustave Le Bon (1895) both thought that fashion don’t equal to create; it is in order to imitate. Colin Campbell (2003), an American scholar thought that in fact, people have found the desire of creation is the core of modern consumerism. It can explain why the modern society is so eager for commodity and service.

The third aspect is the study of the popular culture. Different countries have their different emphasis when they are studying the popular culture. For example, in France, cultural entertainment and the debate on social functions are their emphasis. As the development of capitalist society, they also study popular culture and the systematic theory on popularities. In Britain, they are mainly focused on the limitation of the pop culture. They have formed different genres on the study of pop culture. Walter Bendix Schoenflies Benjamin (1936), Walter Bendix Schoenflies Benjamin (1937) and Theodor Wistuqrund Adorno (1947) all criticized pop cultures. Richard Hoggart (1958) and Raymond Henry Williams (1958) are all supporters of cultural materialism. We can use their studies for reference.

In the early 90s of 20th century, the western holidays are spread widely in China and are favored by many people. At this time, it is found that Chinese festivals are paid less attention to compared to before. The spread of western holidays had become a serious social problem. Che Shijun (1993) published the first paper about the western holiday. After that, the numbers of the reports about western holidays began to increase.

3. The reasons for the popularity of western holidays in universities

3.1 College students’ attitudes toward western holidays

3.1.1 Students’ acknowledge

According to a survey, where their acknowledge about western holidays comes from: 36% from the family, 35% from the media, 9.52% from the school, 5.95% from the classmates and friends. We can see that family and media make the most effort, while as a college school student, school education only occupies 9%. We can get a conclusion that the education about holidays is not enough. When it comes to the publicity of holidays, 57.14% students think that the publicity of western holidays is more than that of traditional festivals.

3.1.2 Students’ behaviors

In a survey about whether college school students have attended the celebrations held by the club, 39.29% say they have attended an activity, 60.71% of the students say they have not attended yet. 25% of the students think the atmosphere of western holidays in their school is very rich, 57.14% of the students think that is common, 4.76% of the students think it is not rich, 7% of the students say they don’t care about it. When asked about if they celebrate western holidays often, 4.76% of the students say they often join the celebration of western holidays, 76.62% of the students celebrate western holidays occasionally, and 22.62% of the students never celebrate them. On the question of how they spend the holidays, the most common answers are eating food, going shopping and playing with friends.

3.1.3 Students’ attitudes

In a survey about their attitudes on the celebration of western holidays, 3.57% of the students think the advantages are more than disadvantages, 35.71% of the students think the disadvantages are more than advantages, and 60.71% of the students think the advantages are equal to disadvantages. When it comes to their attitudes, 8.33% of the students admit western holidays because they are amazing and interesting, 10.71% of the students deny the western holidays because they are not beneficial for the inherit of traditional festival, we shouldn’t accept them. 57.14% of the students think the western holidays should be mixed with traditional festivals to reach a harmony. 23.81% of the students say they don’t care. Some schools celebrate the western holidays, 4.76% of the students approve it completely, 45.24% of the students think it is not bad for they can know more about western culture, 47.62% of the students don’t approval it but they think it is comprehensible, and 2.38% of the students don’t approve western holidays at all. 5% of the students think western holidays are better than Chinese festivals, 64.29% of the students don’t think so, and 29.76% of the students think they are all very good. 70.24% of the students think celebrating western holidays is a group psychology, 9.52% of the students think it is a psychological difference. 4.76% of the students think western holidays have no active effects on school culture, others think it will make some active effect to some degree. 63.1% of the students think western holidays make traditional festivals less important. 57.14% of the students say they know some of the sources and meanings of western holidays, 40.48% of the students don’t know them at all. 2.38% of the students know them all.

3.1.4 Analysis of their attitudes

The ranking of the way of celebrating holidays is: eating relative food (84.52%), family gathering together (73.81%), sending blessing through messages and phone (42.86%), and joining holiday activities (40.48%). The ranking of the reasons why they love the holidays is: they can together with families (73.81%), they like the atmosphere (63.1%), they can show their feelings (61.9%), they are happy (42.86%) and they can have a rest at home (21.43%). In their opinion, why the western holidays are popular mainly because business hype (85.71%), people worship things foreign and fawn on foreign countries (50%), western holidays are relaxed and fashionable (48.81%), western countries’ cultural publicity (42.86%), the abundant meanings in the western holidays (29.76%) and the promotion to the relationship between people (26.19%).

It can be found that college students’ attendance has the characteristics of conformity and blindness. Most of the students don’t know about the meanings and sources of the western holidays, while they think the people around them are all the same.

People look forward to the mix of the western holidays and traditional festivals. To some degree, it means there are something insufficient in Chinese festivals, and the western holidays can fill this gap.

3.2 Reasons for the popularity of western holidays

3.2.1 The development of modern technology

Ideas, opinions and consciousness are mixed closely with people’s activities. The origin and the development of traditional festivals are root on the agriculture civilization which has lasted for thousands of years, mostly are based on the seasons. The way of agriculture production is mainly depends on the nature. Seasons are the symbol of their dividing a year. People arrange their production and daily life according to the season. They lived a hard and simple life all year round. Chinese traditional festivals show the traditional values and ways of thinking based on the agriculture. Its basic characteristic is the harmony between people and nature, which is called that “man is an integral part of nature”. When a expert on folklore whose name is Zhong Jingwen talked about festivals, he said that “during our ancestors’ long process of social activities, they created, revised, and inherited festivals in order to adapt to all kinds of needs of lives’ and procreative needs.” However, since the reform and opening-up, Chinese social develops very fast. It was reforming from agricultural society to industrial society. The society was crashed by many aspects. With the help of the machine, productivity has developed rapidly. The Labors can get rid of restriction of earth, time and space. Modern technology had changed people’s lifestyles. The traditional festivals are based on the seasons because when people were free from the labor, they held large festivals to look forward to a good harvest. In some ways, the development of modern technology made the traditional have no meanings to exist. What more, people’s life is speeding up and the relationship between people is tense, so people are under pressures. They need to reduce their pressures by social communication. The entertainment and hilarity of western holidays can make people feel relaxed, especially in universities. The environment of the campus is not related to the agriculture so that some festivals may be forgotten. However, the modern technology will make gifts easy to buy. Compared to the gifts which were made by hands before, they make the relationship between people more weak.

3.2.2 World globalization

Nowadays, globalization is becoming more and more vivid; it makes the culture from different become similar because different cultures are affected each other and mixed. The traditional culture is challenged. What’s more, the globalization of economy and the technology make the globalization more deeply. The western holidays, which are the symbol of western cultures and values, became popular in China and affected China’s politics, economy and culture. When dating back to the spread of the western holidays in China, we can find that only several big cities were affected from the late 1980s to the early 1990s; in the middle 1990s, Chinese began to know western holidays, the scale of the western holidays was becoming larger, it was spread from south-east to inland. From late 1990s to the present, the affection of western holidays very deep. They have become an essential celebration to young people.

3.2.3 The media’s publicity and business hype

The development of the technology has changed the transmission and communication of culture. Internet has become the platform and channel of the cultural communication, which makes the affection of time become less and less. With the help of the strong economy and advanced technology, western countries have output their culture to the developing countries by the media, mainly the Internet. For instance, at present, the USA has not only controlled most of the core technology of net and the production and development of hardware and software, but also taken up more than 80% of the information technology. There is less than ten thousandth of the English information out of its control; the Chinese information is less than ten thousandth, either. As an important part of the western culture, western holidays are no doubt affected. The function and peculiarity of the Internet media make the process of the spreading of western holidays more vivid. Netizens can feel the charming of western holidays from many aspects, different versions with many languages has made them more accessible to people. Under the publicity of media, western holidays are so hot that traditional festivals can’t compare to them. People talk about the information of western holidays on the Internet happily and exchange their knowledge about western holidays no matter if they really have seen it. On the opposite, people are less care about the traditional festivals. In the modern society, advertisement is one of the most important ways for media. On TV, computer, broadcast…… advertisement can be seen everywhere. The happiness of carnival, the romance of roses, the joyfulness of Santa Claus, the pleasure of Jingle Bells, the freedom of parade, the satisfaction of shopping…… many business are connected to western holidays. It delivers not only the impulse of consumption, but also the approval and ideas of western holidays. It will make it easier for western holidays to penetrate into people’s lives.

Western countries have a more mature economic operation means, especially in the publicity and promotion of holidays. They make their merchandise more powerful by different sales means and propaganda ways, so they can easily raise people’s needs for the commodities. Holidays like Christmas and Valentine’s Day are so business-like that many businessmen use them to create an atmosphere that everyone likes shopping. Punsters, celebrity endorsement, advertisement and settings make it an ideal environment for people to hand in their money. It is also helpful to make people pay attention to the holidays. So some holidays have become the ready source of money. No wonder that many businessmen will try their best to advertise the western holidays. No matter what are they selling: skiing, shore, bar, restaurants, shopping malls, hotel industry…… they all hold attracting activities like discount, surrender part of the profits and sales with present to catch people’s eyes. According to a Singaporean media, Christmas has become the third biggest shopping season, following Spring Festival and National Day Golden Week. During this process, businessmen have made the western holidays spread rapidly. The popularity of western holidays has made the consumer market very hot and promote the development of business, while the business hype have made the western holidays more popular.

3.2.4 The characteristics of western holidays

Western holidays have been in China for only several decades, why are they so popular? The characteristics of them can answer this question. Compared to the Chinese traditional festivals, we can see many big differences between them. Chinese likes celebrate festivals with a huge amount of people, while westerners like celebrate them individually. From the survey above, we can see that many students like gathering with each other and telling their love to friends and parents but western holidays are aim to revelry, freedom and entertainment. It is related to the religion of the western holidays, which emphasize love and freedom. We can use Christmas as an example. Santa Claus is a mix of sage and gods. He delivers presents to children no matter who are they and where are they. This love which is beyond the blood relationship and areas can make every children look forward to the presents. On the opposite, Chinese festivals pay more attention to the blood relationship and affection between family members with many taboos. The celebration of western holidays is a form of celebration; everyone is in it and can enjoy themselves. It is more attractive to the youths when compared to the traditional festivals which pay more attention to the cultural connotation. After solving the problem of food and clothing, western holidays are more attractive than traditional festivals which are mainly eating and reunion, they can satisfy the need of spirit and feelings which are important to the modern people. Because of the relationship between people and the high pressure, young people need a way to release their emotion and pressure. No wonder that western holidays are so attractive to the young people.

3.2.5 Other factors

Except for the reasons above, there are also many other reasons. Most of the college students are only child; they are loved by their family and have a strong sense of individuality. The family has great expectations on them so that they suffer from high pressures. Nowadays, the college students have an open mind but with a few social practices. When they deal with problems, they have the incline to focus on themselves and seek common points while reserving differences. These characteristics make them accept new things and affected by them easily. What’s more, Chinese culture has containment. No nation can develop only by itself. Only when it opens to other countries can it develop well. China is such a nation: open the Silk Road, have trade relations with other countries, contact with national minority, introduce and develop the Marxism…… reform and opening-up, join in WTO, hold the Olympic Games and EXPO. These events have provided a chance for Chinese cultures to go abroad, and have provided a chance for western cultures to get into China, which affected China deeply. The popularity of western holidays can’t deny the environment that China can swallow anything and everything. Otherwise, if China is conservative, they can’t spread without many difficulties.

4. The affections on college students

4.1 Political attitude

Culture is a set of social mentality, knowledge and feelings. Besides art and literature, it also contains lifestyles, human rights, values, traditions and faith. The process of forming a culture is long and lasting, so it has affections on the formation of people’s acknowledge to the nations. However, as the popularity of western holidays, some people may think that the Chinese traditional festivals are worse than western holidays. Some college students, who haven’t had the ability to distinguish, may even think western systems are better than socialist system. What’s more, some college students may be affected easily. When they are searching the Internet, they will easily be misled by some wrong news. The happiness and relax of the western holidays in the real life and many reports on the disadvantages of China both make the college students doubt the party and government.

4.2 Values

Every time when the holidays come, there are so many kinds of commodities that the consumers enjoy in it very much. It is lively every way, the schools also decorated with lights, pumpkin lanterns, Christmas trees, roses…… western holidays are full of these romantic elements. The college students who like new things pay much concern about them. As a result, when at Christmas or on Valentine’s Day, KTVs, restaurants, squares and shopping malls are filled with people. On that day, many students think it’s time to get rid of all the bands and enjoy themselves. They can spend more money than usual and they can spend more time having fun. Some people are affected by western holidays deeply and label themselves “fashion” by wearing strange clothes instead of improving their cultural attainment and broadening their horizon. During the holiday, they give up their responsibility, ignore their parents and forget their dreams. These behaviors will make them pay less attention to the spiritual communication and are barren spiritually.

Western holidays emphasis on “speed”, “excite” and “efficiency”. Compared to this, traditional festivals have the functions to mould ideas, think reasoningly and pursue humanity. But as the festivals are unfrequented, these functions cannot work. The celebration of western holidays tends to satisfy one’s own happiness, so people are incline to accept individualism. College students will put their own benefit on the first order which is opposite to the tradition festivals. Western holidays have a strong sense of religion, which will no doubt affect Chinese people’s values.

4.2 National identity

Besides the affections on views of life, values and political attitudes, western holidays will affect people on other aspects such as national feelings and patriotic enthusiasm. As the progress of technology, once a people know something, many people will know by transmitting and raise a hot debate. During this process, people will pay less attention to the traditional festival because of the bad words about traditional festivals on the Internet. This is difficult to cultivate college students’ national identity.

5. The countermeasure we should follow

5.1 Make our own festivals active

With so many effects that western holidays brings, what can we do? The history experience tells us that blind rejection of foreign things will cause lag behind and be vulnerable to attacks. So when facing the western holidays, we should select the essence and discard the gross take the essence and discard the dregs assimilate the essence and reject the dross. Although a strong culture is a threat to a weak culture, we should generous enough to accept the advanced parts of western cultures to adapt the out-dated parts of our cultures. People’s ignore to the traditional festivals, make the State Council set the Spring Festival, Tomb-sweeping Day, the Dragon Boat Festival, the Mid-Autumn Festival, the Magpie Festival and the double ninth festival as the first intangible cultural heritage in 2006; Tomb-sweeping Day, the Dragon Boat Festival, the Mid-Autumn Festival and the Spring Festival were set as national legal holidays in 2007. These are the nation’s way to make people attention to the traditional festivals. As a common people, we should think about the disadvantages in the traditional festivals and forward the advantages in them. The activities about traditional festivals can be held to show people the charms of traditional festivals. On the one hand, change the process of the traditional festivals and create some new celebration ways. However, it’s better not to change the meanings of the festivals. On the other hand, we can change some western holidays. We can change them into a Chinese style without changing their frame. In another word, we can mix the advantages of our festivals with western holidays. With these methods we can create a more reasonably cultural system.

5.2 Corporation from different aspects

5.2.1 Education

Education contains not only schools, but also society and families. In the school, education is mainly the ideology education and politics education. It’s the teachers’ duty to teach about traditional festivals and remind the students not to pay attention to western holidays only. They should improve the students’ ability to recognize the things. The popular ideas in the society may have much affection on students, so the government should create a peaceful social environment. Family is also an important part. Parents can tell stories about traditional cultures to teach the child from they are very young. Family’s edifying is good to children.

5.2.2 Publicity

In recent years, people are used to getting information and chatting with others through the media. Media has played an important role in transmitting cultures. New media platform like “Weibo” has less restriction than the traditional media like newspaper and they pay more attention to visiting rate. As a introduction of information, media should be more responsible, especially in social responsibility. They should not only report the true news, but also lead the right public opinion. The business hype has interrupted people’s choices, and then the media need to advocate good national cultures and traditional cultures to avoid the commercialization of holidays.

6. Conclusion

After the 1990s, western holidays are spreading fast in China. More and more people began to join the celebration of western holidays like Christmas, Thanksgiving Day, Easter, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day Father’s Day and so on. Western holidays are favored by many people. This phenomenon has caused the declining of Chinese traditional festivals. Many people don’t know the sources and dates of the Chinese traditional festivals. At the same time, the western cultures have affected many people.

Through a survey, we can see many universities students are affected unconsciously. How to make traditional festivals appear in front of people again is worth thinking. To protect the traditional festivals, this thesis has raised three ways. We can adapt the traditional festivals and western holidays to make Chinese culture lively; we can educate people from three aspects: school, society and family; the media should take their responsibility to lead the public opinion to a right way.

The study of the popularity has many things related to the real lives and has educational values to people. But because of the limitation of myself I can’t study them all. There are more things need to be excavated.

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