以荣格分析心理学简析《德米安》中的自我成长Brief Analysis of Self-growth in Demian Based on C.G.Jungs Analytic Psychology毕业论文
2021-10-23 20:17:56
摘 要
德国作家赫尔曼·黑塞(Hermann Hesse)于1946年获得了诺贝尔文学奖。《德米安:彷徨少年时》是他最具代表性的作品之一,讲述了主人公辛克莱(Sinclair)从10岁开始寻找通向自我道路的艰辛历程。在韩国男子组合防弹少年团发布《花样年华》系列音乐视频后,《德米安》再度成为热点,因为其与小说存在着一些联系。从《德米安》第一页的“我只是尝试着过自己要的生活。为何如此艰难呢?”这句话中,我们可以窥探到自我发展,亦可以称为自性化的主题,这也是学者们研究的重心。荣格作为20世纪著名的心理学家跟分析心理学运动的奠基人,深深影响着黑塞的一生。黑塞曾对他的心理学理论进行了仔细研究,并将其运用于《德米安》中,因此从心理分析的角度来解读这部小说会更加合理跟通透。本文将从荣格的集体无意识,原型,释梦这三个心理学理论来分析黑塞和荣格之间的联系,以及自我成长跟分析心理学之间的联系。希望通过此次研究,身处现代社会的我们能找出走出精神困境的途径,从而更好地实现自我价值与社会价值的统一。
Hermann Hesse, a German litterateur, has won the Nobel Prize in 1946. Demian: The Story of Emil Sinclair's Youth is one of his most representative works, which tells the story of Sinclair's arduous journey to find his own way from the age of 10. Demian became a research spot again when the series of music videos The Most Beautiful Moment in Life of the Korean male group BTS was released because of the existence of some links between them, and much attention has been paid on the theme, self-growth or individuation, which we can perceive from passage before the text of the novel,“All I wanted to do was try to live the life that was inside me, trying to get out. Why was that so hard?” Since the author was greatly influenced by C.G.Jung, a famous 20th century psychologist and also the founder of the Analytical Psychology movement, and he studied carefully his psychological theory and implied it to Demian, it is more reasonable and more transparent to interpret this novel from the perspective of psychoanalysis. Based on Jungian psychoanalytic theory such as collective unconsciousness, archetype, dream interpretation, this essay will analyze the links between Hesse and Jung, between self-growth in Demian and Jungian psychoanalytic theory, from which people can find more ways to get out of spiritual dilemma for themselves in modern times, and also realize the unity of self-worth and social value.
Keywords: Demian, self-growth, analytic psychology
1 Introduction 1
2 Introduction to Hesse 4
2.1 Life experience 4
2.2 C.G.Jung’s influence 4
3 Psychoanalytic Theories 6
3.1Collective unconsciousness 6
3.1.1 Definition 6
3.1.2 Embodiment of collective unconsciousness 7
3.2 Archetype 8
3.2.1 Definition 8
3.2.2 Shadow 8
3.2.3 Anima 9
3.3 Dream interpretation 11
3.3.1 Definition 11
3.3.2 Applications in Demian 12
4 Conclusion 14
References 15
Acknowledgments 16
Brief Analysis of Self-growth in Demian Based on C.G.Jung’s Analytic Psychology
1 Introduction
In this essay, this paper will study the protagonist Sinclair's self-growth through archetype, collective unconsciousness, dream interpretation. To that end, it is necessary to conduct a review of the relevant literature on Demian and analytic psychology.
The proper study didn't appear until the publication of Bian Hong's essay in 2012. In the following years, interdisciplinary research papers like this have gradually enriched. Although the amount is not large, we can see that more and more academics began to interpret Sinclair's self-development from a psychological perspective. By combing and analyzing the relevant researches on this topic, it can be concluded that they mainly focus on the following aspects.
First, C.G.Jung's influence on Hesse. Zhang Min and Shen Heyong (2007) focused on the interactions between Hesse and Jung as well as Jung's influences on Hesse's writing. Secondly, the analysis of this novel with archetypes. Li Yanan (2018) focused on clarifying the relationship between the complex and the archetype, which are two important concepts in psychology. Johanna Neuer (2010) and Hao Yanyan (2018) focused on the embodiment of the archetypes in the characters. Nonetheless, the former thought Eve was the archetype of Great Mother while the latter thought she was Anima. Chen Ruiqi and Lu Xiangli (2019) focused on the role of these archetypes and defined them as guides. Han Zeyu (2019) used archetypal theory to interpret "loneliness". Thirdly, the analysis of this novel with dream interpretation. Chen Min (2019) studied two works of Hesse, Demian and Steppenwolf with both Jung and Hesse's theories about the dream while Li Jiayao (2019) analyzed Sinclair's dreams through archetypes in the framework of collective unconsciousness.
Besides, there are still some scholars, such as Bian Hong (2012), Zhang Huijun (2012), and Huang Juanjuan (2015) who focused on self-growth or individuation by using more than one theory to illustrate their point of view.
After the exploration, it can be easily found that there exist connections between collective unconscious, archetype, and dream interpretation theory, so they cannot be separated. And this paper will cover these three theories, as well as the connections between Hesse and Jung.
Regarded as the Last Knight of German Romanticism, Hermann Hesse devoted his whole life to literary creation, providing us with insightful masterpieces as well as psychological analysis cases. Since his youth, neurasthenia and melancholia troubled him all the time. To fight against these mental diseases, he did much psychoanalysis with the aid of C.G.Jung. Psychoanalysis not only helped Hesse get through psychological crisis, but also influenced him to re-examine the meaning of life.
He applied what he had gained from psychoanalysis to his literal works:
“We all share a common origin, our mothers; we all come out of the same gaping maw; but every one of us struggles--an attempt, a throw from the depths-- to reach our own individual goal. We can understand each other, but each of us can truly grasp and interpret only himself (Hesse,2008,p2).”
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