爱无定界——解读迈克杰克逊歌曲中的世界大同思想 Love is Color Blind: An Analysis of "Harmonious World" in Michael Jackson's Songs开题报告
2021-03-15 22:32:05
1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述)
nowadays, we can still feel the existence of racial discrimination. as we all know, michael jackson might be the world’s most famous singer who was born in an african-american family with inborn skin black. nobody knows why he changed his skin color from black to white. as a consequence, he used to be a controversial person all his life, as can be heard in the song of “black or white”.
he can not only be described as a legend with luck and success, but also be pointed to be a space dancer whose dances are still imitated by thousands of the followers. michael jackson is loved and respected with applause and adoration by millions of fans all over the world. however, his whole spirits cannot be comprehended easily. out of our expectation, michael jackson uses his life to reveal the cruelty and danger of racial discrimination, and to express his pursuit for peace and love, which are also the ideality of people with different colors.
considering the fact that there still exists racial discrimination, the thoughts of “color-blinded love” and “harmonious world” still remain as people’s dream. when we look back to the life and career of michael jackson, we try to explore his longing for equality and harmony. by exposing lies or criticizing evils in the society, jackson in his songs creates an ideal, peaceful and cheerful prospect for the equality between races.
2. 研究的基本内容与方案
this paper focuses on the unmasked life career of michael jackson and the essences he conveys in his songs, including no-colored races and harmonious world. what’s more, we analyze the performance style and his impacts on american music and finally draw the conclusion that jackson can be firmly believed to be a hero of american history.
firstly, an introduction will be made to michael jackson and his songs. in this part, we will talk about black triangle trade and the causes and effects of racial discrimination, in which the political, cultural and economical reasons are included. secondly, we look back to the literature reviews on michael jackson from home and abroad. thirdly, we analyze his beliefs in color-blinded love and harmonious world. we will choose 3 songs as representatives of michael jackson to explore how he pursues his ideality of harmony. fourthly, it is the conclusion part. the whole paper will be summarized from several perspectives.
since relative researches and studies of the comments on michael jackson are listed, the paper will mainly discuss and consult biographies of the famous singer. meanwhile, i’m writing to reveal the backgrounds and significances of the racial discrimination and its origins. from various angles to gaze at this important person, we came up with different evaluations towards him with time flying. this will also be mentioned in the paper.
3. 研究计划与安排
before 26th, december settlement of the title
before 25th, february submission of the outline
before 25th, april submission of the first draft
4. 参考文献(12篇以上)
[1] changliu. the pursuit and disillusion of michael jackson’s american dream [a]. information engineering research institute, usa. proceedings of 2014 2nd international conference on psychology, management and social science (pmss2014) volume 49 [c]. information engineering research institute, usa: 2014: 4.
[2] halperin,ian. unmasked the final years of michael jackson[m]. new york: simon amp; schuster adult publishing company, 2009.
[3] pega ren. michael jackson: beloved enemy [j]. sexualityamp;cultural, 2012, vol.16 (3): 342-346.
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