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毕业论文网 > 开题报告 > 文学教育类 > 英语 > 正文

Comparison Between the Heroines' Growth in Pride and Prejudice and Gone with the Wind傲慢与偏见及飘中女主角成长经历对比开题报告

 2021-03-11 00:23:02  

1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述)

gonewith the wind and pride and prejudice are two popular novels around the world, andthe study of them never stops. existent theories at home and abroad of thesetwo novels frequently discuss them separately.

in the study of gone with the wind, previous researches probe into the character ofscarlett, the american civil war’s impact on normal people, the differentideologies and stands of north and south, the slavery, and feminism.

for example, in a psychological approach to the heroine of gone with the wind written by yan lili and published in socialscience theory, the author discusses scarlett’s character from thedifferent social roles she plays, and explains how her complex characteraffects her life. this paper studies scarlett’s character in a psychologicalway which is profound and contributing. however, i would also like to exploreher changing character.


2. 研究的基本内容与方案

this thesis will first discuss thesimilarity of scarlett o'hara and elizabeth bennet, mainly focusing on theirindependence, bravery, self-consciousness and rebellion. secondly, differencesof protagonists will also be concluded. the original differences are theirpersonalities, their societies and surrounding environment. thirdly, the paperwill discuss the things that change their personalities, which are theheroines’ crush, the heroines’ difficulties, the heroines’ love and marriages.and finally, the mature women the heroines become afterwards.

the aim of this paper is to conclude andanalyze the reasons and events that accelerate the heroines’ changes and growthby comparing those two novels together with the study of previous researches.this thesis will provide a different view to these two books. by comparing thetragedy and comedy of scarlett o'hara and elizabeth bennet, we will see whatleads them to their final destinies. scarlett o'hara’s change is obvious. she turnsherself into a strong-minded and cold-hearted capitalist but loses her love andfamily. elizabeth bennet’s change is internal. she no longer judges otherseasily and applies a more tender way to deal with things. finally, she receiveshappy life.

the research method mainly includes theinformation search, qualitative analysis and literature review method.


3. 研究计划与安排

before 20th april : submission of the first draft

before 24th may : revision of thedraft

before29th may : submissionof the final version


4. 参考文献(12篇以上)

[1]yan lili. apsychological approach to the heroine of gone with the wind. social sciencetheory, 2015:144-148.

[2]ying gan. the eternalscarlett from gone with the wind. english square(academic research),2011:13-15.

[3]zhang huili; jianghongshi; xue cui. the pride and prejudice of elizabeth:an analysis of the heroinein pride and prejudice. overseas english,2011:217-218.

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