浅析文化语境下的法律英语词汇-以美国宪法为例 An Analysis of the Legal Vocabulary in Cultural Context: A Case Study of The Constitution of the United States开题报告
2021-03-10 23:37:43
1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述)
legal words, as a part of forensic linguistics, is also the most active parts. we can see changes of legal language firstly reflect in legal words as adapting to the development of the times.
revelant research is divided into mainly two areas: on the one hand, it use linguistic knowledge to study legal words. researchs in this area focus on the definition, composition, characteristics and the meaning system of the legal words, especially on ancient chinese legal words,rarely involves modern legal terms, especially foreign legal words. on the other hand, they research legal terms from perspective of dictionary explanation, either on the content or the mode of the interpretation, which provide a good reference for us to conduct further study. but researches in this area are relatively rare and focuses mainly on the compilation techniques. few of them did research based on the current legal terminology, nor did they make a combination with word features to study the interpretation system. besides that, scholars only do research from the perspective of linguistics, rarely did they make a combination with the current jurisprudence spirits.
the constitution is the basic law, as well as the total regulation of the country. as it has the highest legal authority, all the provisions of ordinary law must be consistent with the constitution. in a written constitution states, the modification and the drawing up of the constitution require the establishment of specialized agencies, through special procedures. its precise language makes it suitable to be the object of study. this paper will take the constitution of the united states as a corpus, analyze the origin and the use of its words, combined with cultural factors, and sought to get closer to the original culture. most of the current legal studies to the constitution reflects its contents from the macro text, while this article analyze vocabulary from micro perspective , and make up for the gaps in this field.
2. 研究的基本内容与方案
chapter 1 introduction
1.1 research background and significance
1.2 research questions and methodology
3. 研究计划与安排
march: complete the analysis of present research at home and abroad , roughly read the text and establish the writing direction.
april: complete body work. after reading the text and picking out legal words having american features, then analyze it from three aspects in early april. make a smmary of its reasons of change in late april.
may: do some modification and make it better.
4. 参考文献(12篇以上)
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[2] hudson vincent space for cultural studies[j]. cultural studies, 2013, vol.27 (5).
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