非言语交际在中学英语教学中的探究与应用 Exploration and Application of Nonverbal Communication in Middle School English Language Teaching开题报告
2020-10-12 20:50:43
1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述)
english classroom teaching is a kind of communicative behavior andinteraction process between teachers and students, which is carried out throughtwo forms, verbal behavior and nonverbal behavior. however, for a long time,people favored the research of verbal communication, so that the study ofnonverbal communication has not attracted enough attention. the reason is thattraditional english teaching only focus on the language itself, emphasizing thepractice and master of vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, and sentencestructure. but in many cases even when there is no language, listeners can alsoachieve the purpose of communication, such as smiles, gestures, and silence,which can still convey the information. they are summarized as nonverbal acts.as an important supplemental form of verbal communication, nonverbal acts playsan important role in the process of interpersonal communication by conveyingthe elusive meanings, thoughts and emotions which are difficult to express inspeech communication, and plays the role of supporting, modifying or denyingspeech acts.
professor albert mehrabian has pioneered the understanding ofcommunications since the 1960s, and as he said, in the communication process,7% of message pertaining to feelings and attitudes is in the words that arespoken, 38% is paralinguistic (the way that the words are said), and 55% is infacial expression. it is thus clear that nonverbal communication plays a vitalrole in interpersonal communication. hence it can be inferred that althoughspeech act is the main carrier of teaching contents in english class, the auxiliaryrole of nonverbal behavior is also an indispensable part of classroom teachingcommunication. under such circumstance, by analyzing the application ofnonverbal behavior in middle school english class, this paper aims to explorehow to use nonverbal communication in middle school english classroom teachingin order to promote the english teaching effect.
with the establishment of the relationship between teachers andstudents, language is used as a tool for communication between teachers andstudents. teachers’ language and language skills have always become thespotlight of many scholars over these years. if teachers want to impartknowledge to students, not only his language should be correct, logical, andsystematic; also in the teaching process, teachers as the organizers, should beable to stimulate students’ interest and motivation. in this sense, nonverbalbehavior should play its unique role to deepen and supplement speech acts,which can also reflect the level of teachers’ teaching art.
2. 研究的基本内容与方案
The thesis will mainly focus on the analysis of the application ofthe nonverbal communication in middle school English teaching from the aspectof linguistics,pedagogy and social psychology. It will be discussed in thefollowing parts: First will be the brief introduction of the theory and typesof nonverbal communication and then take some cases in the teaching process asexamples to prove that nonverbal behavior is widely used in teacher and studentcommunication in middle school. This brief introduction would help with ageneral acquaintance of the status quo, which contributes much to the nextreading. Third part will combine the characteristics of middle school students'English learning style and the function of nonverbal behavior in Englishteaching process to probe into the problems and reasons of the neglect and misguidanceof nonverbal communication in class. In the end, a conclusion will be made toreveal the enlightenment of this communication mode for middle school English teaching.In this part, some methods will be provided separately and predictions will bediscussed in aspect of each method’s function. It is hoped that teachers andstudents should pay attention to the vital effect of nonverbal communication inclass and strengthen it practically to promote teaching effectiveness.
3. 研究计划与安排
before 20thjanuary : settlement of the title
before 20thmarch : submission of the outline
before 25thapril : submission of the first draft
4. 参考文献(12篇以上)
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[2]robert ledbury, lan white, steve darn. the importance of eye contact in theclassroom. the internet tesl journal. 2004
[3] wang haiyan. nonverbal communication andthe effect on interpersonal communication. journal of asian social science.2009
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