Analyses of Individualistic Heroism in Marvel Movies Iron Man and Captain America 从漫威电影《钢铁侠》和《美国队长》探究美国个人英雄主义开题报告
2020-07-06 18:13:16
1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献)
Introduction: From the original film industry to that of today, the United States Superhero movie has been showing a thriving state of affairs during the reform and opening-up. The United States super hero movies grew up with our generation which was born in the 1990s. The first thing must be mentioned is the meaning of the Individualistic Heroism. In dictionaries, a great nation-wide undertaking and the tremendous efforts are necessary to overcome the contradictions and obstacles that took place at the time in order to realize this undertaking become personality qualities of individuals. The heroic tendencies and self-sacrifices they have shown throughout the event Spirit, and they are reflected in the behavior of individual people. When the behavior has a great significance, there has been a heroism. There is a saying in the Last Knight of Transformers,”there is no sacrifice, have no victory.” In Hollywood movies, Individualistic Heroism has well illustrated. Individualistic heroism emphasizes the meaning of two parts: individual and hero. The protagonist in the movie, no matter the civilians or the president, is single-minded and alone. Whatever the protagonist's identity in the film is, he must be wise, courageous, capable, and versatile. No matter how the situation is bad, it must be successful finally. Realistic meaning: With the massive publicity of Hollywood movies, movie heroes are being imitated around the world. Due to the different social systems, our adolescents can be influenced and intervened in the growth and development of individuals while watching and accepting the images of superheroes imperceptibly. This cultural erosion has caused the "homogenization" of the cultures of all ethnic groups in the world. Therefore, the in-depth and detailed analysis of the American superhero movie can help us to discriminate the advantages and disadvantages of cultural output. To help Chinese young children to establish correct concepts, and learn from each other's strengths and weaknesses. While assuring the uniqueness of our national, we can widely absorb the American excellent culture at the same time, and cultivate our sense of national pride and personal honor Literature review: Li Wei (2016 458-459) provided that movies belong to popular culture, while popular culture inevitably carries an ideological tendency. It#8217;s not only an entertainment tool, but also a propaganda tool that propagates the will of the ruling class, which can promote value and ideology through its form and content. Taking American Marvin movies as an example, factors such as signs of violence and fields during the conversion of cultural capital, the public should think dialectically about the values conveyed by the film rather than accept them in a comprehensive manner when we consumed movies. It held by Luo Xiaoyan (2015 5-6)that symbolic violence occurs in the process of transformation of cultural capital, therefore, it is necessary for people to adopt a dialectical and critical attitude towards the values expressed in the cultural products, especially the movies, rather than indiscriminately accept them totally. Form the perspective of Qian shi (2012 45-48) that in "Interpreting the Types and Development of Individual Heroism Paradigm in American Cultural Communication", this paper expounds the transformation from prototype heroes, screen heroes, people prefer to heroes and heroes, and divides the prototype heroes into three categories: strong appearance and image, unique personality and Charisma, the ability to challenge doom, the pursuit of career and family well-being, self-salvation and save the spirit was the screen hero: moral hero, super hero, civilian hero, alternative hero The character shaping, from a single to pluralistic, from the plane to the three-dimensional, from static to dynamic, analysis of different perspectives Through the analysis of the impact of the main impact on the personal hero of the United States, social factors dominate; 1.the United States multi-national integration of immigration national characteristics 2.the United States independence, freedom, high tolerance and open national spirit 3.the concept of American dreams since childhood(everyone wants to be a hero) Conclusion: Combining us with the emergence and development of personal heroism in the United States is dominated by individual factors, which has to be combined with the growth background of individual heroes and the mutual influence of the background of the times. Through comparing the captain and the iron man from the characters background, the background of the times, the personal encounters and the characters, the horizontal and vertical advantages and disadvantages of the captain and the iron man will be shown in the paper. At the same time, this article systematically analyzes the causes, development and main manifestations of the individual heroism in the United States, comparing the similarities and differences between captain and iron man in the United States. It concludes that the individual heroism in the United States needs to be guided by the state spirit in a given time and country-specific manner And formed. By comparing the two traditional Chinese heroes, this article expounds the difference between American personal heroism and Chinese collectivism and helps us to absorb and learn from the connotation of American personal heroism in contemporary China better so that we can enhance our patriotism and national pride in a more effective way.
2. 研究的基本内容、问题解决措施及方案
The following research methods are used in this paper: 1. Sample analysis, or case study in other words, will be adopted in my thesis so as to showcase the differences heroism which are caused by the different cultures. Examples make the analysis more direct and easy to understand by analysis the Iron man and Captain American. 2. Some works, articles, journals and books on this subject have been read before my starting this paper, which can be found in the library and on the Internet. In this way, I can referenced by comparing the two traditional Chinese heroes, this article expounds the difference between American personal heroism and Chinese collectivism and helps us to better absorb and learn from the connotation of American personal heroism in contemporary China so as to enhance our patriotism and national pride.
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