2020-06-12 20:22:26
1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献)
propose and significance of the study
william golding was honored with nobel literature prize for his allegorical novel lord of the flies in 1983. and nobel prize in literature awarded him ”for his novels which, with the perspicuity of realistic narrative art and the diversity of myth, illuminate the human condition in the world of today.” these words indicate the unique artistic features applied in this novel, that is perspicuous narration style and various mythological quality.
lord of the flies was created during world war ii and was classified as desert island literature. on the whole, desert island literature refers to all the literary works in which a remote and uncivilized island functions as the background of the story. some most famous such as william shakespeare#8217;s the tempest(1610), defoe#8217;s robinson crusoe(1719), r.m. ballantyne#8217;s the coral island(1858) and r.l.stevenson#8217;s treasure island(1883), occupies one stream of the desert island literature. they are usually known as traditional desert island literature. these works mainly attach importance on optimistic aspect of rational and civilization and praise kindness of humankind highly while lord of the flies reveals darkness and savagery in humanity. another significance of lord of the flies is several artistic features applied in it. what distinguish golding#8217;s novel from traditional desert island literature are william golding#8217;s army life and his ten years#8217; teaching career. golding has experienced world war i and joined british royal navy during world war ii, this makes him realize the tragedy of war and human beings and began to doubt whether human nature is kind, breaking continuation of the traditional victoria#8217;s blind confidence towards human nature. on the other hand, his close contact with teenagers urges him to expose human#8217;s darkness nature.
2. 研究的基本内容、问题解决措施及方案
chapter 1 introduction
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