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A critical analysis of Gatsby in the Great Gatsby :from the Reader Criticism theory perspective开题报告

 2020-06-08 21:09:50  

1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献)

literature review

so far, much research has been done on this great work and the protagonist gatsby by a lot of critics from different perspectives, including love and money, location and class, the break of american dream and the bible.

some scholars deemed that gatsby a money-oriented and ambitious person. as a man obsessed with wealth and social standing, gatsby had little space in his mind, let alone his heart, for anything else. he was goal-oriented and hope-oriented, an idealist (bunce, selvi, 2015). some characters use location to elevate their social status and consequently become members of the leisure class: jay gatsby, nick caraway, tom and daisy buchanan all use location to elevate their social standing. location is shown to be a method for elevating the characters' social status and it also becomes apparent that this method is only available for those who already have a substantial amount of money (malin,2015). both selvi and malin have talked about gatsby who is a ambitious guy to be wealthy. he loves daisy and wants to win her love by elevating his location. however, daisy is not his true love and makes use of gatsby#8217;s lovesickness. gatsby becomes a scapegoat and a tragedy.

some other scholars thought the break of gatsby's dream echoes that of american dream. the great gatsby vividly shows the real social features of america in 1920s. gatsby#8217;s tragedy is exactly an epitome of the jazz age and the misshapen american dream(yao, 2010). gatsby#8217;s sacrifice is true of the break of the dream. gatsby was born in a poor family. he has a dream to stay with daisy forever and tries his best to get her. to his disappointment, daisy becomes tom#8217;s wife. his dream breaks.


2. 研究的基本内容、问题解决措施及方案


Based on the theory of Reader Criticism, I will provide three possible types to demonstrate the development of Gatsby#8217;s transformation by combining the theory of W. Gibson#8212;mock reader, Wolfgang Iser #8212;implied reader and N. Holland#8212;transactive reader.

In the first step, I will master the theory. I will read more books as possible as I can about the Reader Criticism. In the second step, I will read all the materials at home and broad and pay attention to the latest research about the Gatsby in the perspective of Reader Criticism. In the third step, I will read The Great Gatsby of Chinese and English version detailedly and apply the theory to analyze Gatsby. In the fourth step, I will start writing my thesis

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