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An analysis of George Eliot’s views on women in Middlemarch浅析乔治艾略特作品《米德尔马契》中的女性观开题报告

 2020-06-04 20:19:07  

1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献)

1. Introduction 1.1 Research background George Eliot(1819-1880)formerly called Mary Anne Evans, was an English novelist,poet, journalist and translator. She was wiedly acknowledged as one of the leading English writers of the Victorian era. Her major works include Adam Bede(1859), The Millonthe Floss(1860), Silas Marner (1861), Middlemarch (1871#8211;72), and Daniel Deronda (1876). Most of her works are set in provincial England and famous for their realism and psychological insight. Readers in the Victorian era particularly acknowledged her works for their description of rural society, for which she attached her own early experiences, and she shared with Wordsworth the belief that there was much interest and importance in the mundane details of ordinary country lives. The reason why she use a male pen name is to ensure that her works would be taken seriously. In the Victorian era, women writers were generally confined to writing the stereotypical fantasies of the conventional romance fiction. Not only did Eliot dislike the constraints imposed on women's writing, she disliked the stories they were expected to produce. By using male pen name, she hope to escape that stereotype. Besides, a possible reason may be a desire to protects her private life from public scrutiny and to prevent scandals in her relationship with the married George Henry Lewes, who couldn't divorce his wife because he had signed the birth certificate of a child born to his wife but fathered by another man. Both through her life and through the characters in her novels, Eliot demonstrates the real difficulties of living a moral life beyond mere slogans and rhetoric. Her characters are not perfect in making those choices, but her work helps the reader have a better understanding of the challenges that go with the attempt to live for a higher purpose. Eliot's Middlemarch has been described by Martin Amis and Julian Barnes as the greatest novel in the English language. What#8217;s more, in 1873, the poet Emily Dickinson referred to the novel, she wrote in a letter: "What do I think of Middlemarch? What do I think of glory - except that in a few instances 'this mortal (George Eliot)has already put on immortality'." Middlemarch is a work of serious literature. According to Virginia Woolf, it is "one of the few English novels written for grown-up people". Subtitled "A Study of Provincial Life," the novel is set in the fictitious Midlands town of Middlemarch during the period 1830#8211;1832. It has multiple plots with a large cast of characters, and in addition to its distinct though interlocking narratives it pursues a number of underlying themes, which include the status of women, the nature of marriage, idealism and self-interest, religion and hypocrisy, political reform, and education. In 1994, it was adapted into TV serials.produced by BBC and BBC2 in six episodes, and starred Juliet Aubrey, Rufus Sewell, Douglas Hodge and Patrick Malahide. In 2014, it was adapted into movie played. No matter who you are, or which era you live in,you are or you always surrounded by female. how you see female decides your female view. By analyzing Middlemarch, we want to see George Eliot#8217;s view on female. George Eliot is a genius female writer in Victorian time. By analyzing the novel, we can see what kind of live did Dorothea and other women in Miidlemarch live, what they were thinking about, how did other people think about them, which finally leading to what our author#8217;s view on female. 1.2 Need for the study as an outstanding female in man dominant world, what her opinion on women. As we know, George Eliot herself is a genius female writer in Victorian era, she seize the opportunity to became a successful writer. However, almost all his female character in her novel do not achieve what they can achieve. What#8217;s the reason behind it? What#8217;s her view on women? When it comes to gender, the representation of it and the exploration of it, George Eliot presents a riddle. Traditionally, feminist critics have condemned Eliot for refusing to allow her women to shape their lives and for refusing them the opportunity to do better things, either for themselves or for the society in which they live (Thomas 392).In Middlemarch , for instance, Eliot often disappoints traditional feminist expectations because she has her heroine, Dorothea, give up a fortune and marry Will Ladislaw, the cousin of her first husband and a man with relatively limited prospects (he ends up as a local politician). As Zelda Austen argues, however, much of the frustration with Eliot among feminists comes from the sense that she deliberately denies Dorothea the opportunity to live ”beyond the provincial domestic confines of a Middlemarch” (Austen549) Feminist critics and readers also tend to draw the same conclusions about Maggie Tulliver of Mill on the Floss and Gwendolen Harleth of Daniel Deronda. 2.Literature review 2.1Previous studies on Middlemarch Middlemarch has been studied by lots of critics from different perspectives since its very publication in 1872. It was translated into Chinese by Xiang Xingyao. Since then, a lot of Chinese scholars have done tremendous research from various perspectives. There are 297 academic articles published on cnki.net between 2000 and 2012 and three perspectives should deserve our attention: feminism, character and plot analysis and author#8217;s view. There are quite a few scholars pay their attention to the analysis of feminism. There is no doubt that George Eliot shared the feminist movement#8217;s intolerance of the exclusion of women from educational and professional opportunities and its resentment at the inequalities between men and women no matter in legal and political institutions. Dong Shuming(2004) wrote in her paper that Eliot has a strong tendency to feminism in Middlemarch., which especially evident in the deep description of her female character and the limited choice they could make.Chong Dongming(2004) think that George Eliot was bring up in Victorian society which has a strong tendency of Female discrimination and depressing women, so it is hard for Eliot not to be effected. Therefor, It is not surprising to see those plot which betray the feminism. Zhao Wenqiong(2010) share Chong Dongming#8217;s idea that Middlemarch has a close relation with writer#8217;s own experience and the Victorian context. In Luo Zheng#8217;s(2014) essay, however, she though it is confusing to say Middlemarch shows feminism idea.Take Dorothea for example, she was move forward at the path of freedom and independent, while at the end of the novel, she give up her insistence and followed men#8217; dominance to be a ordinary housewife. Nevertheless, It Eliot#8217;s way to make a complaint against the society. It is the society#8217;s oppression that make the talented, aspiring and excellent girl to give up her dreams. Some scholars focus on George Eliot#8217;s view presented in Middlemarch. Geng Ning(2010) analyzed Eliot#8217;s morality. Geng think Eliot#8217;s gender morality is contradictory. On the one hand, she encourage women#8217; pursuit of educational equality, marriage status equality and career equality. However, on the other hand, she do not want to absolute equal. She tell women should sacrifice themselves for their huaband#8217;s career and dream. In Qi Xueyan and Nayiguli Junjulaike#8217;s (2011) paper, they believe there exist dualistic structure in Middlemarch. Eliot think people should find their true love. Marriage should build on the basis of equality and love. While, after married, women should learn to give in and sacrifice. Han chao(2014) in his paper analyze Eliot#8217;s morality, in which he said Eliot think we should be kind to nice people, and show sympathy for ordinary people. In terms of view of marriage, Zhou Qunqiang and Li Jing#8217;s(2015) view is similar to that of Geng Ning, they both think Eliot#8217;s view is contradictory. In this paper, writers call it unlighted traditional marriage view. 2.2 Female view Female view generally means one#8217;s fundamental view and attitude on women. 2.3Deficiency in previous studies The relevant search of cnki.net and cqvip.com rarely witness any analysis of the play from the perspective of female view. Barbara Prentis. The BrontёSisters and George Eliot :A Unity of Difference. London: The MacMillan Press, 1988. Gao, Liying. [高李营], 透过《米德尔马契》看19世纪英国的女性伦理观. 淮海工学院学报(人文社会科学版), 2013, (8): 61-62. Gordon S . Haight. The George Eliot Letters. London: Oxford UP, 1954. Karen Chase, George Eliot, Middlemarch ---Landmarks of World Literature, Cambridge: The Cambridge University Press, 1991. Luo, Ting. [罗婷], 边缘与颠覆: 克里斯特瓦的女性主义诗学. 外国文学评论. 2001, ( 3): 118-124. Nicole M. Coonradt. ”Writing Mary Garth: Locating Middle Ground Among Female Characters in George Eliot's "Middlemarch", George Eliot - George Henry Lewes Studies 62 (2012): 16-33. Patrick Swinden. George Eliot : Middlemarch[ M]. MacMillan Press LTD, 1972 . Shirley Foster. Victorian Women' s Fiction : Marriage, Freedom , and the Individual. London: Croom Helm , 1985. Wu, Ping. [吴平], 英国十大小说家. 武汉: 武汉大学出版社. 1994. Xing, Hongmei. [邢红梅],《米德尔马契 》中的女性观 #8212;#8212; ”家中的天使”. 吉林省教育学院学报,2010, (5): 122-123. Xia, Wenjing. [夏文静], 乔治#183;爱略特女性意识初探#8212;#8212;#8212;从 《米德尔马契》中的女性人物谈起. 学术丛论, 2012, (4): 271-272. Xiang, Xingyao. [项星耀], 乔治#183;爱略特.米德尔马契: 外省生活研究. 北京: 人民文学出版社. 1987. Ye, Mei. [叶梅]. 《米德尔马契》体现的女性观. 宜宾学院学报, 2014, (4). 31-34. Zhu, Taoxiang. [朱桃香], 试论乔治艾略特女性意识的独特性#8212;#8212;对米德尔马的重新解读. 暨南学报,2002, (6): 75-81.

2. 研究的基本内容、问题解决措施及方案

2. Research Methods Major research methods will include document research and deduction. 1). Document Research. A document research is the process of reading, analyzing, evaluating, and summarizing scholarly materials about a specific work. The author of the thesis has looked up in many libraries some background information, including the female view theory, George Eliot#8217;s Middlemarch, George Eliot#8217;s introduction, and previous studies on Middlemarch. In the meantime, the academic database and online materials are used as the references of the study. 2). Deduction. This method refers to the drawing of a conclusion by reasoning. In the main body of the thesis, every conclusion will be followed by well-grounded reasoning. Significance Early feminist criticism was largely hostile to Eliot, disliking her conservative portrayal of women. However, George Eliot herself is opposite to the women she created. She is both talented and successful. She ignored Secular prejudice and live a life she want. Therefore, we need to find out his female view to see what is her opinion on female issues.

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