论鲍勃迪伦早期诗歌中的忧郁意象 The Melancholy Images in Bob Dylan's Early Poetry开题报告
2020-02-18 16:16:27
1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述)
abroad academic circleshave done a lot of research on bob dylan, and even formed a group of "bobdylan" scholars. the research time is long, the quantity is huge, and theresearch results are very rich. however, most of the studies focused on hisinfluence on the american people as a well-known singer and his lifeexperience, and seldom had a profound analysis of his creation itself. wilentz,sean (2010), yaffe david (2011), dalton david (2015) and other scholars havefocused on the important impact of bob dylan on american music and people.
in recentyears, the domestic and foreign research on dylan mainly from the music value,personal life, lyrics of several levels of poetic analysis of his lyrics.domestic academia mostly focuses on the cross-border phenomenon and artistry ofbob dylan's works, and the study of his poetry creation, image, connotation andsocial significance is still in its infancy. at present, the study of image inbob dylan's poems is scattered in china, and the thinking behind bob dylan'screation has not been paid attention to. based on the image of bob dylan'slyrics, zhao xuanyuan(2017) analyzed the image of hislyrics from three aspects: reproducing body, object and explanatory item byusing the tripartite of pierce's symbol meaning, and explored the relationshipbetween image and dylan's melancholy temperament. zhang ruoxiao(2017) analyzed the vicissitudesand lonely love images in the song you belong to me, the gloomy and oppressiveenvironment images in a hard rain's a gonna fall, and the direct interrogationof the soul in blowing in the wind to show dylan's gentle and sad soul.
therefore, this paper isbased on bob dylan's early poems, from the perspective of poetic imagery, toanalyze the melancholy imagery and artistic conception contained in his poems,and to analyze his inner self-contradiction and social reflection combined withbob dylan's personal growth experience, so as to excavate the significancevalue of his poems.
2. 研究的基本内容与方案
The study of imagery inpoetry has always been the focus of attention of literary scholars all over theworld. Imagery is an important part of poetry creation, whether in Chinesepoetry or in European and American poetry. It is these rich and varied imagesthat enable the author to have the media to place his emotions and thoughts on.However, the melancholy image in poetry is often neglected. From literaryscholars to civilians, people tend to be enthusiastic about active and happyliterary works. But the image of melancholy should not be despised, especiallyin peacetime. When we read Bob Dylan's early works carefully, we will find hisdeep thinking on social problems in the middle and lower part of the lastcentury. If the study of imagery helps to understand the author's thoughts andfeelings at that time, the study of melancholy imagery will enable readers tohave a clearer understanding of the author's growing experience, thevulnerability of the society and the Inner fragility. I choose to read andunderstand Bob Dylan's early poems from different perspectives, analyze thecauses and background of the melancholy imagery in his creation, and providesome reference for the interpretation of the melancholy imagery in all kinds ofpoems.
This paper mainly consistsof five parts. Chapter one summarizes Bob Dylan's personal life and importantposition, and briefly introduces his early Lyric works, as well as the factthat his lyric works have been widely studied by international scholars andrecognized as literary works. Chapter two summarizes the research status of BobDylan's poetry and melancholy imagery by scholars at home and abroad, andpoints out the research direction and significance of the article. The thirdchapter discusses the image study of Chinese and foreign poetry and literature,and the study of melancholy image. Chapter IV focuses on the environmentalimages and other images in Bob Dylan's early poems. Combining with his personalgrowth experience and deep thinking on social and international issues, itcarefully analyses the melancholy images in Bob Dylan's main works, Talkin'NewYork, Blowin'in the Wind, A Hard Rain's a-Gonna Fall, etc. The last chaptersummarizes the full text, through the study of images in Bob Dylan's poetry, torealize the significance of self-reflection and social warning behind BobDylan's works.
3. 研究计划与安排
before 1st january : settlement of the title
before 1st march: submissionof the outline
before 15th april :submission of the first draft
4. 参考文献(12篇以上)
[1] alotaibi, sumaya monaif. moderate moralism: the aesthetic virtue anddefect in bob dylan's 'masters of war' and 'neighbour hood bully'.3l:southeast asian journal of english language studies. 2017, vol. 23 issue 2, p87-95. 9p.
[2] dalton,david. who is that man? in search of thereal bob dylan. trans. hao wei. guilin: guangxi normal up,2015.
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