Analysis of Wushu Terminology-- Illustrated by The Case of Chinese-English English-Chinese Wushu Dictionary开题报告
2020-05-24 12:16:22
1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献)
Literature Review To translate Wushu terms we should fellow tightly English translation theory, . Translation is a toy for culture communication, To translate Wushu terms from Chinese into English, we must convey their culture connotation. The minimum requirement for Wushu translation is to achieve faithfulness and fluency. Faithfulness is achieved on the basis of correct understanding of original thought and expression, and smooth is the translation of the words flowing authentic. When the translation level improved, translation standards should have been increased, besides a better translation of Wushu terms should achieve faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance, vividness and. "Back in 1792 the famous British scholar Alexander Frei race #183; Tytler in his book" Principles in Translation ", the three basic principles put forward in Translation: First translation should be completely re-write the original thought (equivalent to 'faithfulness'); the second is the translation style should be the same as the original (equivalent to ”expressiveness'); Third is the translation of the original work should be as smooth as the original (equivalent to 'Elegance'), "Mani(2007) proposes that although translation is the change in the form of text, and original thoughts, feelings, style, charm are exactly get into the translation realm, but it did not leave traces of translation, so it cannot allow readers to read the translation as completely the same as in the original reading. The more national, the more of the world. Therefore, the Wushu translation must reflect and retain the original ethnic culture and language style. Traditional Wushu culture involve various fields of astronomy, geography, military, medicine, philosophy, physiology,#160;I Ching study and so on, so the understanding of these relevant culture will directly affect the quality of the translation of Wushu.For example, In the books published in the UK "TAICHI for BEGINNERS" the "waving the pipa," is translated into "play guitar". This translation lost the fundamental connotations of traditional Chinese culture charm. Xiao Yakang(2006) proposes that these are misunderstanding of original culture. Some Terms in Wushu is hard to find the corresponding words in English. Such as: ” 文有太极安天下、武有八卦定乾坤”、 ” 阴阳互根”, these terms have the typical Chinese national characteristics, whether literal or free translation can not accurately reproduce the original content. Such unique terms should be translated as "Tai ji", "Bagua", "yinyang", and so on.” Can#160;target readers fully understand the translation, level of acceptability directly affect the translation effect.” Xiao Yakang(2006) The translator can not be too rigidly adhere to the original form, appropriately adjustments is accepted. For example proverbs about Takenori and apprenticeship aspect has a very strong traditional cultural feature, and in English, there are many similar proverbs, as long as you find the translator intentions can you save a lot of unnecessary trouble. Wushu English has its own peculiarities, and some of the Wushu Terms and Chinese culture are closely related, we want to be able to elaborate some more accurate expression of the meaning of the Wushu Terms English translation methods and skills is not easy. However, Wushu English as a special scientific style has its own characteristics, it structured, logical and precise wording, and its ancurocy. As long as we master the translation skills can we better translate and spread Wushu。
2. 研究的基本内容、问题解决措施及方案
Methodology The following research methods are used in this paper: 1.Observation and comparison are the main research methods. Observation does not just mean ”seeing”. In real life the acts of perceiving, interpreting, assessing, and reacting, for example, can often seem to be simultaneously used to collect information. So for, some observation can mean all of these things together. 2.Sample analysis, or case study in other words, is used to analyze rhetoric used in news headlines in detail. Examples make the analysis simple and easy to understand. I will try my best to provide abundant examples to support my arguments and make my thesis more reliable. 3.Some works, articles, journals and books on this subject have been read before my starting this paper, which can be found in the library and on the Internet. In this way, I intend to introduce and appreciate what kinds of rhetoric have been used in news headlines; then give brief introduction to translating methods used to translate news headlines. With my hard work and my tutor#8217;s kind and valuable help, I#8217;m deeply convinced that I can finish this paper with desire results.
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