对等翻译理论视角下两会记者招待会口译研究 An Analysis of Interpretation in the Press Conferences of NPC and CPPCC from the Perspective of Equivalence开题报告
2020-05-23 16:23:21
1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献)
since the successful implementation of reform and opening policy and construction of modernization, china, is developing at the ever- accelerated speed and speeding up to communicating with the world. nowadays, china plays an indispensible role in international affairs, which inevitably draws the world#8217;s great attention on chinese politics, economy and culture. with the unfolding of the cppcc and npc each year, interpretation in the conference stands for the connection between china and the rest of world. the interpretations of the cppcc and npc are the channel built between the government and foreign media. to a largely extent, the quality of interpretation has significant impact on the status of china. in recent years, studies on the english translation of have been gaining popularity among scholars. as such, research on the english rendering of the cppcc and npc has been conducted from different perspectives, enabling effective viewpoints.
however, there is much room for improvement in the translation of the cppcc and npc into english, compared with that of other kinds of translation. for quite a long period of time, studies and discussions of such translation have focused on the comparison between the translated text and the source text rather than the target receptors. starting from the western translation equivalence theory, the author intends to make a preliminary study of the translation of government work report in the current chinese international communication, aiming to find out the underlying translation principles and some effective translation strategies and techniques in this area.
2. 研究的基本内容、问题解决措施及方案
1. how is functional equivalence achieved in interpretation of the press conferences of npc and cppcc in terms of meaning, style and culture respectively?
2. what methods are adopted to achieve functional equivalence in interpretation of the press conferences of npc and cppcc ?
1.literal translation
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