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 2021-06-08 00:58:43  

摘 要






In this paper, based on personal brand, fans and other related economic research literature on the specific case analysis, starting from the red network concept, then use communication theory analysis network phenomenon red, red net economy. Use AISAS network model red economy Taobao platform realizable model for system analysis, social and electricity suppliers have a combined level of significance.

Thesis, the network became popular causes and characteristics of red, red net at a particular community opinion leaders, a unique personal brand, then red net economic analysis, as a fan of the economy, there are three ways realization, which Taobao realizable It is a way to socialize with electricity suppliers combined model. Use AISAS network model of social and economic analysis of red electric business combination, attention began social platform, net interest from red attractive to fans, the channel is a social search platform and business platform combining social network Red the platform can link directly to the fans of diversion electronic business platform, more efficient. In share level, the net positive red encourage fans to share in the social platform, thereby forming a secondary transmission.

The results show that the popularity of red network business itself, is inseparable from the platform, the audience, in addition to the impact of social environment. There are three red net realizable economic way, which is realizable platform Taobao electricity supplier combined with social innovation. Red network for the promotion of the economic development of China's macro economy, the traditional brand operators also have implications.

Key Words:Internet celebrity economy;fan economy;social media;E-commerce

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究的现实背景 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.3 研究目的与意义 1

1.4 研究方法与研究内容 2

第2章 相关概念及特点 3

2.1 网红的定义 3

2.2 网红走红原因分析 3

2.2 网红的特点 4

2.2.1 特定社群的意见领袖 4

2.2.2 极具魅力的个人品牌 5

2.3 网红经济定义及其变现方式 5

2.4网红经济的特点 6

2.4.1粉丝经济 6

2.4.2导流经济 7

2.4.3 网红孵化器的诞生 7

2.5 电商经济发展历程 8

第3章 网红经济现状分析 9

3.1网红经济对我国宏观经济的影响 9

3.2 网红经济存在的缺陷 9

第4章 AISAS分析下的网红经济 10

4.1 Attention:社交平台 10

4.2 Interest:引起兴趣 11

4.3 Search:搜索渠道 11

4.4 Action and share:行动与分享 12

第5章 发展建议 13

5.2.1网红经济发展建议 13

5.2.2 网红对传统品牌运营的启示 13

第6章 结语 14

参考文献 15

致谢 16

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究的现实背景


巨大的市场就存在巨大的竞争,面对竞争十分激烈的网络购物市场,商家们使用各种各样的营销方式来吸引消费者。在传统 B2C 电商中心平台,搜索品类多且收费日渐昂贵的背景下,逐渐诞生了一种新的模式——网红模式。

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