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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 文学教育类 > 广告学 > 正文


 2021-04-14 21:28:43  

摘 要


广告共 鸣策略是广告创意策略的重要组成部分,它强调通过情感元素引发消费者产生共鸣,从而采取行动。虽然对于广告共鸣创意策略应用研究已经初具成果,但是,缺乏对其系统化、完善的研究框架,尤其是其新环境下发展研究。本文从广告学的视角,在综合运用传播学、心理学、社会学等相关理论基础上,通过大量经典案例,探讨碎片化时代下传播环境和受众的变化,研究广告共鸣创意策略发展的可能性和路径。




Nowadays, there are more and more advertisements everywhere in people's life. But most advertising messages are bland, repetitive and even annoying. There are few advertisements that can enter consumers' hearts and make them act. The application of creative strategies can make advertising stand out from the dull information and grab the scarce attention resources of the audience.

Advertising resonance strategy is an important part of advertising creative strategy. It emphasizes to arouse consumers' sympathy through emotional elements, so as to take action. Although the research on the application of creative strategies of advertising resonance has been fruitful, there is no systematic and perfect research framework, especially the development research in its new environment. This article from the perspective of advertising in the integrated use of communication studies, psychology, sociology and other related theoretical basis, through a large number of classic cases, explore the era of fragmentation propagation environment and the change of the audience, the possibility of resonance studying advertising creative strategy development and path.

This paper is divided into five parts, the first part of content mainly is the introduction, detailed in this paper, the research background and research status, research goal and research significance, and for the institute involved in the relevant theory and literature at home and abroad, works are summarized, lay a theoretical foundation for follow-up study. At the same time, the research methods involved in this research are briefly introduced to increase the scientific and persuasive nature of the research. The introduction of innovation points highlights the uniqueness and novelty of this research. The second part is a specific introduction to the subject of this paper, advertising resonance creative theory. It includes the background, the definition of basic concepts and the summary of features of the theory, thus forming a relatively complete cognition and understanding of the theory. The third part discusses the background of this research, the age of fragmentation. From the perspective of communication studies in this paper, the current society has spread from mass communication to focus, in detail elaborated the focus spread important trend of the important characteristics of fragmentation, for subsequent resonance theory of creative development premise condition and the direction guidance. In the fourth part, from the perspective of advertising psychology, this paper mainly discusses that in the era of fragmentation, the timeless emotion makes it necessary to develop the theory of sympathetic creativity, and discusses it through a large number of classic cases. The fifth part is the important result and core part of this research. Combined with the previous elaboration on the communication environment and the changes of audiences, this paper puts forward the development path of sympathetic creative theory in the new era.

Key words: advertising; resonance theory; fragmentation

目  录

摘  要 I

Abstract II

目  录 1

第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究目的和研究意义 1

1.2.1研究目的 1

1.2.2研究意义 1

1.3文献综述 2

1.3.1碎片化的国内外研究现状 2

1.3.2共鸣广告创意理论国内外研究现状 3

1.4研究方法及创新点 4

1.4.1研究方法 4

1.4.2创新点 4

第2章 大众传播时代产物-广告共鸣创意理论 5

2.1共鸣创意理论的起因 5

2.1.1时代背景 5

2.1.2传播环境 5

2.2共鸣理论的基本概念 5

2.2.1共鸣的来源 5

2.2.2共鸣广告创意理论诞生 6

2.3共鸣理论的特征 6

2.3.1适用产品:成熟期产品 6

2.3.2应用手法:高度模仿 7

2.3.3关键内容:相似经历 7

2.3.4重点主题:情感 7

2.4共鸣理论的应用-经典案例 8

第3章 大众传播转向分众传播-碎片化时代的来临 10

3.1分众传播的基本概念 10

3.1.1大众传播与分众传播 10

3.1.2分众传播定义 10

3.2分众传播的理论依据-马斯洛需求理论 11

3.2.1需求理论的基本概念 11

3.2.2受众需求与分众传播 11

3.3分众传播的趋势-碎片化 12

3.3.1碎片化产生背景 12

3.3.2碎片化的基本概念 12

3.4碎片化时代特征 13

3.4.1受众碎片化 13

3.4.2媒介碎片化 13

3.4.3内容碎片化 14

3.4.4传播时空碎片化 14

3.4.5行为碎片化 15

第4章 碎片化时代,共鸣创意理论发展的必要性——永不过时的情感 16

4.1情感的独特性 16

4.1.1情感具有共通性 16

4.1.2情感具有稳定性 16

4.1.3情感具有补充平衡性 16

4.2情感对受众心理的高影响 17

4.2.1情感吸引受众注意 17

4.2.2情感加深受众理解 17

4.2.3情感说服受众接受 18

第5章 共鸣创意理论发展路径 19

5.1共鸣对象——大众转向小众 19

5.1.1中产阶级崛起 19

5.1.2“千禧一代”成为消费新引擎 20

5.1.3互联网消费中的“女权力量” 20

5.1.4经典案例解读 21

5.2共鸣主题——价值引导丰富情感传达 22

5.2.1丰富多样的情感、情绪 22

5.2.2多元化的价值观 23

5.3共鸣形式——互动参与取代被动接受 25

5.3.1互动技术下共鸣策略探析 25

5.3.2互动的几种新形式 26

结  论 29

参考文献 30

致  谢 32

第1章 绪论




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