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 2021-03-26 23:20:38  

摘 要






With the development of the Internet and mobile Internet, online games have been developing rapidly in recent years. At the same time, along with the concept of IP become the hottest cultural creativity industry, some high-quality goods online for its large user scale, high level of user stickiness, good brand reputation and strong customer value identification and emotional attachment, itself to become a valuable IP, and derivatives for literature, animation, film and television, or other form of the game (such as game adapted for mobile client), has been a big success.

However, there are many difficulties in the IP derivation of online games, and the most prominent is the issue of word of mouth. This article will focus on online game from the Angle of word of mouth spread IP derivative word of mouth, relying on word-of-mouth, cultural IP related theory, combined with the industry in recent years the most representative case analysis, to explore an IP value of the derivative and the reputation risk, discusses an IP derived object of word of mouth effect and mechanism of action, and response to word of mouth strategy is put forward.

Specifically, this paper mainly discusses from the following several aspects: the first part, an overview of the research background and research status, introduces the development of online games, online IP derived from the reality, the existing research results of carding and thinking, and clearly put forward their own views; In the second part, the value of IP derivative and word of mouth is analyzed, and the value of the reverse derivation of the IP is also pointed out. The third part, based on cases and existing theory, in this paper, the function object online IP reputation, innovative put forward "two levels of users across spheres of" concept, analysis of user's transmitter and receiver characteristics; In the fourth part, the author analyzes the word-of-mouth mechanism of the IP derivative of the online game, and discusses the mechanism of the brand loyalty of the user purchase decision. The fifth part, based on the above, put forward the coping strategies, from the original word of mouth, the construction of social guarantee online games platform and word of mouth cultivation, balance the different users of word of mouth from three aspects, promote an IP derivative word-of-mouth effect of integration.

Keywords: online game; Mobile games; IP; Word of mouth; spread

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.1.1 网络游戏逐步成为主流文化产品 1

1.1.2 IP衍生成为文化创意产业重要趋势 1

1.1.3 网游IP衍生面临的口碑风险 1

1.2 文献综述 2

1.2.1关于网络口碑传播的研究 2

1.2.2关于网络游戏营销的研究 3

1.2.3关于文化创意产业的IP研究 4

1.3 研究方法 5

1.3.1文献研究法 5

1.3.2案例研究法 5

1.3.3定性分析法 5

第2章 网游IP衍生的价值与口碑风险 7

2.1逆向衍生的价值 7

2.2逆向衍生的口碑风险 8

2.2.1网游原作的口碑风险 8

2.2.2 IP衍生品的口碑平衡风险 9

2.2.3口碑延伸的风险 9

3.1 跨圈层两级用户群体 10

3.2 作为口碑传播者的用户 10

3.2.1 传播动机 10

3.2.2 传播意愿 11

3.3 作为口碑接收者的用户 11

3.3.1 用户性格 11

3.3.2 产品经验和态度 12

3.3.3 共鸣程度 12

第4章 网游IP衍生的口碑作用机制 13

4.1 口碑对于购买决策的作用机制 13

4.1.1 口碑作用的间接路径 13

4.1.2 口碑作用的直接路径 15

4.2 口碑对于品牌忠诚的作用机制 16

第5章 网游IP衍生的口碑传播策略 18

5.1 保证IP原作的口碑 18

5.2 加强社交平台建设和口碑培育 19

5.3 平衡不同用户的口碑 20

结 论 22

参考文献 23

致 谢 24

第1章 绪论





1.1.2 IP衍生成为文化创意产业重要趋势

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