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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 岩土工程 > 正文


 2021-10-27 22:16:05  

摘 要


  1. 介绍了动力有限元计算方法和原理、流固耦合算法、子模型技术,为数值计算提供了理论基础。
  2. 描述了白鹤滩水电站工程的工程背景和地质条件,介绍了白鹤滩水电站地下厂房爆破振动试验的基本情况,对试验结果进行了整理分析,得出了爆破振动速度的规律曲线。
  3. 利用LS-DYNA建立了不同工况下的炮孔模型,得到了爆炸荷载强度与炮孔直径和炸药直径之间的关系。
  4. 根据不同工况下炮孔模型的计算结果,对厂房模型进行了加载计算,得到了不同爆破参数下围岩的振动速度曲线,并对计算结果进行了回归分析,得到了不同工况下厂房围岩振动速度的规律曲线。
  5. 用应力释放法对洞室模型进行了计算,模拟开挖过程中的瞬态卸荷现象,得到了由瞬态卸荷造成的振动速度曲线和损伤云图。



In the process of blasting excavation of deep underground caverns, there may be various geological disasters. Once these disasters occur, they will cause tremendous economic losses and casualties. To prevent such disasters in construction, it is necessary to study the mechanism of blasting induced disasters. Based on the excavation of the underground powerhouse of Baihetan Hydropower Station, this paper studies the vibration characteristics of the surrounding rock under different blasting parameters by LS-DYNA dynamic finite element software. Through comparative analysis, it is found that the vibration strength of the surrounding rock is negatively related to the diameter of the blast hole, positively related to the diameter of the explosive, and the coupling charge will greatly improve the vibration strength of the surrounding rock. The transient unloading in the process of blasting excavation is studied. It is found that the shorter the unloading time is, the more serious the damage of surrounding rock is and transient unloading is the main factor that contributes to rockburst disaster.The main contents are as follows:

  1. The dynamic finite element method and principle, fluid structure coupling algorithm and sub model technology are introduced, which provide theoretical basis for numerical calculation.
  2. This paper describes the engineering background and geological conditions of Baihetan Hydropower Station, introduces the basic situation of blasting vibration test of the underground powerhouse of Baihetan Hydropower Station, sorts out and analyzes the test results, and obtains the regular curve of blasting vibration speed.
  3. The model of blasthole under different working conditions is established via LS-DYNA, and the relationship between explosion load intensity and blasthole diameter and explosive diameter is obtained.
  4. According to the calculation results of the blasthole model under different working conditions, the load calculation of the plant model is carried out, and the vibration velocity curve of the surrounding rock under different blasting parameters is obtained, and the regression analysis of the calculation results is carried out, and the law curve of the vibration velocity of the surrounding rock of the plant under different working conditions is obtained.
  5. In this paper, the stress release method is used to calculate the tunnel model, and the transient unloading phenomenon in the excavation process is simulated. The vibration velocity curve and damage nephogram caused by the transient unloading are obtained.

Key words: deep underground cavern, blasting vibration speed, numerical simulation, transient unloading, catastrophe

目 录

中文摘要 3

Abstract 4

第一章 绪论 8

1.1 研究背景及意义 8

1.2 国内外的研究现状 9

1.2.1地下工程地质灾害防治研究 9

1.2.2爆破振动效应与围岩稳定性研究 9

1.2.3地下洞室爆破开挖瞬态卸荷现象研究 10

1.3 本文的研究内容与方法 11

第二章 白鹤滩水电站地下洞室开挖爆破振动试验 12

2.1 工程概况 12

2.1.1工程简介 12

2.1.2工程地质条件 12

2.1.3地下洞室开挖方案 13

2.2 爆破振动试验 14

2.2.1爆破方案 14

2.2.2测试系统 15

2.2.3测点布置 15

2.3 试验结果汇总与分析 16

2.3.1试验结果汇总 16

2.3.2振动速度回归分析 18

2.6 本章小结 19

第三章 单个炮孔爆破的数值模拟 20

3.1 概述 20

3.2 动力有限元数值计算方法 20

3.3 动力有限元计算软件 21

3.4 爆炸荷载的处理方法 21

3.5 炮孔单元模型 22

3.5.1计算模型尺寸 22

3.5.2边界条件 24

3.6 材料模型及状态方程 24

3.6.1岩石材料模型及其参数 24

3.6.2炸药的材料模型及其状态方程 26

3.6.3空气材料模型及状态方程 26

3.7 数值模拟的结果及分析 27

3.7.1荷载时间曲线分析 27

3.7.2应力云图分析 28

3.8 不同工况下的数值模拟 32

3.8.1参数变量的选取与工况设计 32

3.8.2数值模拟结果对比分析 32

3.9 本章小结 34

第四章 深埋地下洞室开挖爆破诱发灾变机理研究 35

4.1 概述 35

4.2 爆炸荷载的施加 35

4.2.1子模型技术介绍 35

4.2.2模型加载顺序 35

4.3 白鹤滩水电站地下厂房爆破开挖计算模型 36

4.2.1厂房模型尺寸 36

4.2.2开挖区模型尺寸及炮孔布置 38

4.2.2边界条件 40

4.4 材料模型参数选取 41

4.5 数值模拟的结果及对比分析 41

4.5.1开挖区模型计算结果 41

4.5.2厂房模型计算结果 41

4.5.3模拟结果与监测数据的对比分析 45

4.6 不同工况下洞室围岩的振动特性 46

4.6.1不同工况下开挖区模型计算结果 46

4.6.2不同工况下厂房模型的计算结果 51

4.6.3计算结果分析 52

4.7 本章小结 67

第五章 爆破开挖中瞬态卸荷诱发灾变机理研究 68

5.1 概述 68

5.2 瞬态卸荷的作用过程 68

5.2.1地应力卸荷力学模型 68

5.2.2地应力卸荷作用规律 69

5.3 计算方法与计算过程 69

5.3.1应力释放法 69

5.3.2计算过程 70

5.4 模型的建立与材料参数选取 70

5.5 工况设计 70

5.5.1地应力与卸荷时间的选取 70

5.5.2边界条件设置 70

5.6 计算结果与分析 71

5.6.1开挖前模型计算结果 71

5.6.2开挖后模型计算结果 72

5.7 本章小结 77

第六章 结论与展望 78

6.1 结论 78

6.2 展望 78

致谢 79

参考文献 80

  1. 绪论
    1. 研究背景及意义




    1. 国内外的研究现状


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