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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 岩土工程 > 正文


 2021-03-17 21:16:19  

摘 要






In the construction of the reservoir, landslide accidents occur frequently. And during the operation period of the reservoir, the fluctuation of the reservoir water level is closely related to such accidents. This thesis is based on the expansion project of Dafengmen reservoir which is located in Zengcheng District of Guangzhou. Thus, during the operation period of the reservoir, it is of great importance to test and verify the stability of the dam which is heightened.

This thesis exists two main purposes. Firstly, through the analysis of seepage condition and stability of the existing auxiliary dam of Dafengmen reservoir, it aims to provide a valuable reference for the design of auxiliary dam heightening. Secondly, it aims to confirm that this design is feasible by means of appraising the stability of the auxiliary dam heightening scheme. The specific operation methods is first to develop several steady-state and transient-state operating modes, and then to model by virtue of finite element software GeoStudio. Next, under the corresponding conditions, to calculate respectively the seepage condition of the current and new auxiliary dam by the software SEEP/W, which will provide stability calculation with some conditions, such as pore water pressure. In the end, combining the Bishop method of the software SLOPE/W to the computing result of the software SEEP/W to calculate the stability of auxiliary dam which is under the fitted operating mode, and then to offer the safety evaluation.

This thesis verifies that auxiliary dam heightening scheme is feasible by the calculation of GeoStudio. And that provides a strong prediction for completion and safety of the expansion project of Dafengmen reservoir.

Key Words: seepage; stability; reservoirs water level


第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2 研究方向 1

1.3 国内外研究现状 2

第2章 GeoStudio软件 4

2.1软件概况 4

2.2 SEEP/W计算理论 4

2.2.1计算理论 4

2.2.2 SLOPE/W软件(边坡稳定性分析模块) 8

第3章 大封门水库副坝安全评价 10

3.1工程概况 10

3.1.1工程规模等级 10

3.1.2副坝主要概况 11

3.2工程地质条件 12

3.2.1地形地貌 12

3.2.2地层岩性 12

3.2.3 地质构造 13

3.2.4水文地质条件 14

3.2.5副坝前期地质勘察与工程质量评价 14

3.3安全计算分析 15

3.3.1 计算分析内容 15

3.4现状副坝安全评价计算 15

3.4.1计算工况 15

3.4.2计算断面与计算参数 16

3.4.3建立计算模型 17

3.4.4计算结果 22

3.5副坝加高计算分析 33

3.5.1副坝加高方案 33

3.5.2加高方案计算工况 34

3.5.3加高计算模型与计算参数 34

3.5.4加高计算结果 35

第4章 结论和展望 47

4.1结论 47

4.2展望 47

参考文献 49

致 谢 50

第1章 绪论




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