2020-02-17 00:13:18
摘 要
关键词: 办公楼设计, 框架结构, 建筑设计, 结构设计,结构计算
This project is the 2015 grade graduation design "Xiangyang Fire Service Building" of the School of Civil Engineering and Architecture of Wuhan University of Technology. It has a total of five floors and is a multi-story reinforced concrete frame structure.
In this design, except that the first layer is 5.1 meters high, the other layers are 3.6 meters high, the roof is 3.6 meters, the indoor and outdoor height difference is 0.45 meters, and the total height of the building is 23.55 meters. This calculation book is the written result of the hand calculation for the above design. This design is mainly divided into two parts: "architectural design" and "structural design".
In the process of "architectural design", it is mainly to determine the design scheme under the guidance of the teacher, and then compare several building schemes from various aspects, so as to determine a safer, more applicable and more economical final scheme. And determine the specific details of the architectural structure, practices and materials.
In the process of "structural design", the design is dominated by computer calculation and supplemented by hand calculation. The computer calculation process first uses the structural design software PKPM to carry on the structure modeling to the building, calculates the internal force, then draws the structure construction drawing with the structure drawing software TSSD according to the computer result, this process is completed in the first 30 days of the "structural design" part.
The manual calculation is carried out 30 days after the "structural design". In the process of manual calculation, the force acting on a transverse frame with the bottom ⑦ axis is determined as the calculation task, and the dead load, live load, wind load and seismic load of the frame are determined according to the building scheme. The beam, column and plate are calculated and the internal forces are combined to obtain the control internal forces of each section, and then the reinforcement of each member is calculated. The above contents are mainly calculated according to the EXCEL table, and in some cases, the structural mechanics solver, MATLAB and other software have been used for auxiliary calculation and checking. According to the engineering geological data of the area, the structure adopts step independent foundation.
In addition, this design also carries on the indoor staircase design in the "structural design", and completes the calculation process of the internal force and reinforcement of the structural members such as the ladder plate, the platform plate and the platform beam, and draws the construction drawing.
In a word, after the design of "Xiangyang Fire Service Building", I compare the results of structural computer calculation and manual calculation, so that my structural concept is clearer and I have a deeper understanding of the frame structure. In this process, I not only systematically reviewed the knowledge learned by undergraduate students, but also became familiar with the current specifications and atlas, and learned the basic operation of computer calculation by using PKPM software. Understand and experience the process of standard design institute architectural design.
Key Word: Design of fire service building, frame structure, architectural design, structural design, component calculation
摘 要 1
Abstract 2
目录 1
绪 论 1
1 设计资料 2
1.1 工程名称 2
1.2 工程概况 2
1.3 建筑等级 2
1.4 设计荷载 2
1.5 抗震设防 2
1.6 气象资料 2
1.7 地质资料 2
1.8 材料选用 3
2 结构选型 4
2.1 柱网布置 4
2.2 框架结构承重方案的选择 4
2.3 计算单元选取 4
2.4 梁、柱截面尺寸估算 6
2.4.1 框架梁截面尺寸估算(⑦轴) 6
2.4.2 框架柱截面尺寸估算(⑦轴) 6
3 侧移刚度的计算 8
3.1 梁线刚度ib的计算(I=2I0) 8
3.2 柱线刚度ic的计算(I=I0) 8
3.3 相对线刚度的计算 8
4 恒荷载作用下框架内力计算 10
4.1 恒荷载标准值计算 10
4.2 恒载作用下框架所受荷载 12
4.2.1 框架梁的恒载 12
4.2.2 柱纵向集中荷载计算 18
4.3 恒载作用下框架的内力计算 20
4.3.1 梁的固端弯矩计算: 20
4.3.2 各节点的分配系数 22
5 活荷载作用下框架内力计算 28
5.1 活荷载标准值 28
5.2 活荷载作用下框架所受荷载 28
5.2.1 框架梁的活载 28
5.2.2 柱纵向集中荷载计算 32
5.3 活载作用下框架所受荷载 34
6 风荷载作用下框架内力计算 39
6.1 风荷载标准值 39
6.2 框架柱横向侧移刚度D值的计算 39
6.3 风荷载作用下框架侧移计算 41
6.4 框架柱剪力分配计算 41
6.5 框架柱反弯点高度的计算 42
6.6 风荷载下框架柱端剪力、弯矩及梁端弯矩的计算 43
7 水平地震荷载作用 47
7.1 重力荷载代表值的计算 47
7.1.1 顶层重力荷载代表值 47
7.1.2 三~四层重力荷载代表值 47
7.1.3 二层重力荷载代表值 47
7.1.4 一层重力荷载代表值 47
7.1.5 基础层重力荷载代表值 48
7.2 水平地震作用的计算(使用底部剪力法) 48
7.2.1 结构基本自振周期 48
7.2.2 水平地震作用标准值计算 48
7.3 水平地震作用下框架的侧移验算 50
7.4 水平地震作用下框架内力计算(D值法) 50
8 荷载和内力组合 54
8.1 内力转换 55
8.2 荷载基本组合 58
8.1.1 一般荷载组合 58
8.1.2 考虑地震作用效应组合 58
8.3 控制截面及最不利内力 59
8.3.1 框架梁控制截面最不利内力组合 59
8.3.2 框架柱控制截面最不利内力组合 59
9 框架梁、柱的设计 68
9.1 框架梁截面设计(以第五层为例) 68
9.1.1 正截面受弯承载力计算 68
9.1.2 斜截面受剪承载力计算 71
9.1.3 框架梁纵筋的锚固长度 73
9.2 框架柱截面设计 74
9.2.1 轴压比验算 74
9.2.2 柱端弯矩的调整 74
9.2.3 框架柱正截面承载力计算 74
9.2.4 框架柱斜截面承载力计算 85
9.3 构件裂缝宽度验算 87
9.3.1 框架梁 87
9.3.2 框架柱 90
10 板的计算 92
10.1 板的布置 92
10.2 荷载计算 93
10.3 截面计算 93
10.3.1 弯矩计算 93
10.3.2 配筋计算 96
11 楼梯计算 99
11.1 设计资料 99
11.2 梯段板设计 99