2020-02-17 00:00:17
摘 要
This calculation book is aimed at Wuhan University of Technology Civil Engineering and Architecture School of Civil Engineering Grade 2015 graduation design "Qingling District 2 # Housing Design" written results. This residential building is a six-story reinforced concrete frame structure.
In the "Architectural Design part", I compare several architectural schemes in the early stage of the design from various aspects, determine the final scheme under the advice and guidance of the architecture teacher, and then determine the materials needed for the specific building. Construction and large practices.
In the "structural design part", firstly, the whole structure is modeled and calculated with the building structure design software PKPM for one and a half months. According to the modeling and calculation structure, the Tssd structure drawing and calculation tool is used to draw a full set of structural construction drawings and some structural members calculation. Then, for more than a month, a representative frame is selected to calculate the internal force of the frame under vertical load, horizontal load and earthquake by using moment distribution method, delamination method, D value method and bottom shear method, respectively. The internal force combination and frame reinforcement design are carried out. In addition, the stair design in the structural scheme is carried out, in which the internal force calculation, reinforcement calculation and construction drawing of the ladder plate, platform beam and other members are completed. Finally, according to the engineering geological data, it is determined that the structure adopts the independent foundation under the column, and the reinforcement of the foundation is determined.
In the process of structural design, we not only master the basic application of PKPM software, but also have a good summary and application of the knowledge learned in the past four years. Finally, by comparing and analyzing the results of manual calculation and computer calculation, we can have a clearer understanding of the force of the frame structure.
Key Word: civil engineering;reinforced concrete frame structure;Architectural design;Structure design
绪 论 1
第1章 设计资料 2
1.1 工程名称 2
1.2 工程概况 2
1.3 建筑等级 2
1.4 设计荷载 2
1.5 抗震设防 2
1.6 气象资料 2
1.7 地质资料 2
1.8 材料选用 3
第2章 结构选型 4
2.1 柱网布置 4
2.2 框架结构承重方案的选择 4
2.3 计算单元选取 4
2.4 梁、柱截面尺寸的初步估计 8
2.4.1 梁截面初选(轴) 8
2.4.2 柱截面初选(轴) 8
第3章 侧移刚度的计算 11
3.1 梁线刚度ib的计算(I=2I0) 11
3.2 柱线刚度ic的计算(I=I0) 11
3.3 相对线刚度计算 11
第4章 恒荷载作用下内力计算 13
4.1 恒荷载标准值计算 13
4.2 恒载作用下框架的所受荷载 15
4.2.1框架梁的恒载 15
4.2.2柱纵向集中恒荷载计算 22
4.3 恒荷载作用下框架的内力计算 26
第5章 活荷载标准值计算 38
5.1活荷载标准值 38
5.2活载作用下框架所受荷载 38
5.2.1屋面与楼面活载 38
5.2.2柱的集中力 44
5.3 活载作用下框架的内力计算 47
5.3.1采用力矩分配法计算活载作用框架弯矩 47
第6章 风荷载作用 55
6.1 风荷载标准值 55
6.2 侧移刚度D 57
6.3 风荷载作用下框架侧移计算 57
6.4 框架柱的剪力分配计算 58
6.5 框架柱反弯点高度的计算 59
6.6 框架柱端的剪力、弯矩及梁端的弯矩的计算 60
第7章 水平地震荷载作用 64
7.1 重力荷载代表值的计算 64
7.1.1顶层重力荷载代表值 64
7.1.2二~六层重力荷载代表值 64
7.1.3底层重力荷载代表值 65
7.2 水平地震作用力的计算(基底剪力法) 65
7.3 水平地震作用下框架的侧移验算 67
7.4 水平地震作用下框架内力计算(D值法) 67
第8章 荷载和内力组合 72
8.1 内力转换 73
8.2 荷载基本组合 74
8.2.1一般荷载组合计算 74
8.2.2地震作用效应组合计算 74
8.3控制截面及最不利内力 75
8.3.1框架梁控制截面最不利内力组合 75
8.3.2框架柱控制截面最不利内力组合 75
第9章 框架梁柱配筋设计 91
9.1 框架梁截面设计 91
9.1.1正截面受弯承载力计算 91
9.1.2 斜截面受剪承载力计算 96
9.1.3框架梁纵筋的锚固长度 101
9.2框架柱截面设计 101
9.2.1轴压比验算 101
9.2.2柱端弯矩的调整 102
9.2.3框架柱正截面承载力计算 102
9.2.4框架柱斜截面承载力计算 113
9.3构件裂缝宽度验算 116
9.3.1框架梁 116
7.3.2框架柱 119
第10章 板的配筋 121
10.1 双向板布置 121
10.2荷载计算 123
10.3截面计算 124
10.3.1弯矩计算 124
第11章 楼梯设计 132
11.1 设计参数 132
11.2 楼梯板计算 132
11.3 平台板计算 135
11.4 楼梯梁计算 136
第12章 基础设计 139
12.1 地基基础设计等级 139
12.2 地基承载力验算 139
12.2.1地基承载力特征值修正值计算 139
12.2.2初步选择基底尺寸 139
12.2.3 地基承载力验算 140
12.2.4 地基承载力抗震验算 141
12.3 柱下独立基础设计 141
12.3.1基底净反力计算 141
12.3.2 截面截面抗冲切验算 142
12.3.3 基础底板配筋计算 144
结束语 147
参考文献 148
致谢 149
绪 论
第1章 设计资料
1.1 工程名称
1.2 工程概况
1.3 建筑等级
1.4 设计荷载
1.5 抗震设防
1.6 气象资料
(3)气温:最热月平均温度 ,最冷月平均温度为