2022-07-02 22:40:28
摘 要
关键词: 商业楼设计 框架结构 结构计算
This design implementation ‘practical , safe , economical and artistic’ the principle of design . According to the architectural design standard , considered earnestly affects the design each factor . According to structure and building overall and detail relations .
This design after determination frame layout , has carried on the level first the load generation of tabular value computation , extracts the wind load with the D value law the function , then uses the bending moment two methods of distribution to calculate the vertical load (dead load and live load) under the function structure endogenic force , and discovers most disadvantageous group of or a several group of endogenic force combination . Selects the safest result computation to match the muscle and to draw a chart . In addition has also carried on in the structure plan room the staircase design . Has completed the even platen , the carriage board , component and so on platform Liang endogenic forces and matches the muscle computation and the construction drawing plan . Carried on to the floor has matched the muscle computation , this design used the independent foundation.
The entire structure in the design process , the strict deference related specialized standard request , the reference correlation data and the related newest national standards standard , carries on the synthesis comprehensive scientific nature consideration to design each link . In brief , is suitable , the security , the economy , easy to operate is this design principle . Design the reasonable feasible construction structure plan is the scene construction important basis .
Keywords : office-building ;Frame structure ;structural calculation
目 录
摘 要 ·································1
- 设计要求 ····························1
- 设计依据······························1
1.1.1 工程概况···························1
1.1.2 自然条件···························1
1.1.3 工程地质资料·························1
1.1.4 结构和基础安全等级·······················1
1.1.5 荷载取值····························2
1.1.6 其他······························2
- 结构方案选型与布置························3
- 结构的选型·····························3
- 结构的布置·····························3
- 确定计算简图···························4
3.1 确定计算简图····························4
3.2 梁、柱截面尺寸···························4
3.3 材料强度等级····························4
3.4 荷载计算······························4
3.4.1 屋面横梁竖向线荷载标准值···················5
3.4.2 楼面横梁竖向线荷载标准值···················6
3.4.3 屋面框架节点集中荷载标准值··················7
3.4.4 楼面框架节点集中荷载标准值··················8
3.4.5 风荷载·····························8
3.4.5 地震作用····························9
- 框架内力计算···························15
4.1 恒载作用下的框架内力·······················15
4.1.1 弯矩分配系数·························15
4.1.2 杆件固端弯矩·························16
4.1.4 内力计算···························18
4.2 活载作用下的框架内力·······················22
4.2.1 梁固端弯矩··························22
4.2.2 纵梁偏心引起柱端附加弯矩···················23
4.2.3 本工程考虑四种最不利组合···················23
4.2.4 各节点不平衡弯矩·······················23
4.2.5 内力计算···························24
4.3 风荷载作用下的位移、内力计算····················41
4.4 地震作用下横向框架的内力计算···················46
4.4.1 0.5(雪 活)重力荷载作用下横向框架的内力计算········46
4.4.2 地震作用下横向框架的内力计算·················51
- 框架内力组合··························56
- 框架梁柱截面设计·······················68
- 楼梯结构计算设计·······················79
7.1 已知条件·····························79
7.1.1 几何信息···························79
7.1.2 荷载信息···························79
7.1.3 验算信息···························79
7.1.4 计算要求···························79
7.2 荷载与内力计算··························79
7.2.1 荷载计算···························79
7.2.2 内力计算···························80
7.3 计算结果·····························80
7.3.1 计算说明···························80
7.3.2 单位说明···························80
- 现浇楼面板设计·························82
8.1 支座重点最大弯矩··························82
8.2 A区格·····························83
8.3 E区格······························84
- 基础设计·····························87
9.1 荷载计算·····························87
9.2 确定基础底面积··························88
9.2.1 A柱····························88