2022-05-15 22:43:54
摘 要
Structural Design of A Finance Building in Nanjing
The finance building is located in Nanjing. The total height of the building is 39.6m. The total length of the building is 45.6m and the total width of the building of is 15.6 m. The level of the first floor is 3.9m,the level of the eleventh floor is 3.3m and the remaining nine floors are 3.6m high-level layers. Basic wind pressure value is 0.4kN/m2, earthquake intensity of 7 degrees security, the basic design for seismic acceleration values 0.10g, design for the earthquake-first group.
This engineering construction design adoption the frame-shear wall construction. The structure of the vertical longitudinal loading analysis. Concrete contents include: structural programmes and primary cross-sectional size; floor structural design; Structural calculation diagrammatic drawing and stiffness parameter calculation; Structural load calculation and displacement calculation; Level load role of endogenous force structure analysis; Vertical load role of the endogenous force structure analysis; Load effects and endogenous force portfolio; Cross-sectional design and construction requirements; Foundation design; Structural construction mapping; computer-aided design. Earthquake in cross-sectional design, pillar by bias components calculated to ensure extensive framework to "strong reminder and weak bends, strong column and weak beam, strong joint weak components strong anchorage" design principles, and the cross-section must to meet the demand of construction requirements.
Key words: Tall structures, Earthquake proofing construction, Frame -Shear wall, Structural design
1 工程概况 5
2 结构布置和初选构件截面尺寸 7
2.1 柱截面尺寸 7
2.2 梁截面尺寸 7
2.3 板的厚度 8
3 计算简图及刚度参数 11
3.1 计算简图 11
3.2 刚度参数 11
3. 2. 1 总剪力墙的等效抗弯刚度
3.2.2 总框架的抗推刚度 12
3.3 主体结构刚度特征值λ 22
4 竖向荷载及水平荷载计算 23
4.1 竖向荷载 23
4.1.1 各种构件的荷载标准值 23
4.1.2 重力荷载代表值 25
4.2横向水平地震作用 31
4.2.1 结构总水平地震作用——底部剪力标准值FEk 31
4.2.2 各层水平地震作用Fi 34
4.3 横向风荷载计算 34
5 水平荷载作用效应分析 37
5.1 水平地震作用折算及水平位移验算 37
5.1.1 水平地震作用折算 37
5.1.2 水平位移验算 38
5.2 水平地震作用下的内力计算 39
5.2.1 总剪力墙、总框架和总连梁的内力 39
5.2.2 各根柱、各根连梁、各片剪力墙的内力 41
5.2.3 框架梁、柱的内力计算 45
5.2.4横向风荷载作用下的内力计算 48
6 竖向荷载作用下结构的内力计算 52
6.1 框架内力计算 52
6.1.1 计算简图 52
6.1.2 分配系数及固端弯矩 54
6.1.3 分配与传递 55
6.2 连梁内力计算 60
6.3剪力墙内力计算 61
6.3.1 轴力的计算 61
6.3.2 弯矩的计算 62
7 荷载效应组合 64
7.1 框架梁柱的内力组合 64
7.1.1 梁、柱内力调整 64
7.1.2 框架梁、柱的内力组合 70
7.2 剪力墙的内力组合 75
8 截面设计 76
8.1 框架梁 76
8.1.1 正截面受弯承载力计算 76
8.1.2 斜截面受剪承载力计算 78
8.2 框架柱 79
8.2.1 剪跨比和轴压比 79
8.2.2 正截面抗弯承载力计算 80
8.2.3 斜截面抗剪承载力计算 84
8.3 剪力墙 86
8.3.1 正截面承载力计算 86
8.3.2 斜截面承载力计算 88
8.4连梁 89
8.4.1 正截面受弯承载力计算 89
8.4.2 斜截面受剪承载力计算 91
9 楼梯结构计算设计 93
9.1 楼梯设计 93
9.1.1 梯段板计算 93
9.1.2 休息平台板计算 94
9.1.3 梯梁设计 95
10 标准层现浇楼面板设计 97
10.1. 荷载计算 97
10.2. 计算跨度L0 97
10.3 弯矩和配筋计算(B1) 97
11 基础设计 100
11.1 基础选型 100
11.2 基础平面布置 100
11.3 承台计算和配筋 103
11.4 基础梁设计 107
参 考 文 献 110
1 工程概况