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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 土木工程 > 正文


 2022-05-05 20:43:09  


摘 要




关键词: 框架结构、建筑设计、结构设计、PKPM

The Design for a Office Building


This design for a five comprehensive building design,mainly includes the architectural design and the structural design two parts.

This comprehensive building high is 15.9m, the total floor space is 6200m2,the earthquake resistance fortification intensity is 7-degree.The Architectural design content including plane, vertical surface and section plane design.

The Structural design mainly includes the frame design, component design and foundation design.Among them, the frame uses the reinforced concrete crosswise frame load-bearing scheme of arrangement, the foundation uses under the reinforced concrete column the independent foundation.This article carried on emphatically to 1 pin crosswise frame has matched the muscle design.After the determination of the frame layout and the assignment statistics obtain each kind of load, the function size, according to the D value method and the base shearing force method isoelasticity analysis method computation obtains the structure endogenic force, and in this foundation, carries on the endogenic force combination according to the most disadvantageous principle, finally obtains matches the muscle achievement.In addition, this article also used the PKPM software to carry on the design, has obtained the structure construction drawing.

Key word: Portal Frame Construction; Architectural Design;Structural Design;PKPM

目 录

1建筑设计说明 1

1.1 工程概况 1

1.2 设计依据 1

1.3 建筑平面设计 2

1.4 建筑立面设计 4

2 结构选型与布置 5

2.1 结构平面布置图 5

2.2 框架梁柱截面尺寸确定 5

3 确定计算简图 7

3.1 屋面及楼面永久荷载标准值 7

3.2 屋面及楼面可变荷载标准值 7

3.3 梁、柱、墙重力荷载计算 8

4 框架内力计算 11

4.1 梁,柱的线刚度计算 11

4.2水平地震作用及楼层地震剪力的计算 13

4.3 反弯点高度的计算 16

4.4 梁,柱端弯矩及剪力计算 17

4.5 框架内力图绘制 18

4.6 风荷载作用下框架内力计算 21

4.7 竖向荷载作用下框架内力计算 24

4.8 横向荷载作用下框架内力计算 27

4.9 横向框架在可变荷载作用下的内力计算 30

5 框架结构的内力组合 34

5.1 内力换算和梁端弯矩调幅 34

5.2 框架梁柱的内力组合 35

6框架梁柱截面设计 45

6.1 框架梁 45

6.2 框架柱 53

7楼梯设计 56

7.1梯段板设计 57

7.2平台板设计 58

7.3平台梁设计 59

8楼面板设计 61

8.1楼板类型及设计方法的选择 61

8.2设计参数 61

8.3弯矩计算 62

9 基础设计 65

9.1基础尺寸确定 65

9.2截面及配筋计算 66


致 谢 70

参考文献 71


1.1 工程概况

1.1.1 项目名称


1.1.2 建设规模

该综合楼设计为主体结构5层,首层层高为4.2m,其余层层高为3.9m,总建筑面积6200 m2(可容许上下有10%的浮动),建筑设计使用年限50年,建筑结构形式采用框架结构。有值班室、门卫室、办公室、实验室、文印室、图书阅览室、集体视听教室、多媒体教室、电教室、会议室等。

1.2 设计依据

1.2.1 地质资料





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