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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 土木工程 > 正文


 2022-04-06 21:02:48  


摘 要



在确定了结构布置后,先进行了作用在结构上的各种荷载计算。然后进行各荷载工下的内力计算。包括竖向荷载作用下的结构内力计算;层间荷载代表值的计算,采用底部剪力法计算水平地震荷载作用下大小,进而求出在水平荷载作用下的结构内力等。然后对荷载进行组合,找出最不利的一组或几组内力组合。 选取最安全的结果计算配筋并绘图。此外还进行了结构的楼梯、楼板的设计。绘制了平台板,梯段板,平台梁等构件的施工图。对楼板进行了配筋计算,本设计采用预应力混凝土管桩基础,对基础进行了承载力和承台的抗剪和抗弯计算。

在结构计算时采取了很多简化措施,以及很多假定,但尽量遵循相关的专业规范的要求和的国家标准规范,力求计算科学正确。 计算的结果表明,尽管计算时做了很多简化,但只要按照标准要求计算,所得的结果都与电算结果相差不大。

关键词: 框架结构;抗震设计;荷载计算;内力计算;截面设计

Design of a high school administrative

offices in Nanjing


This project is a middle school in Nanjing Jianye campus administration building, with frame structure, subject to five, the region's seismic intensity of 7 degrees, the design earthquake grouping for the first group, the venue for the three categories of venues. Basic wind pressure 0.4KN / m2, the basic snow pressure 0.65KN / m2. Floor roof are made of cast reinforced concrete structure.

The design and implement "practical, security, economic, aesthetic," the design principles. With the architectural design, design seriously consider the influence of the various factors. According to the structural and architectural detail and the overall relationship.

In determining the distribution framework, the first layer of representative value of the load, Then use vertex from the displacement method for earthquake cycle, and then at the bottom of shear horizontal seismic load calculation under size, then calculated the level of load under the Internal Forces bending moment, shear and axial force. Then calculate vertical load constant load and live load under the Internal Forces. Identify the most disadvantaged group or an internal force several combinations. In addition, the structure of the program indoor staircase design. Completion of the platform boards, boards of the ladder, platform beam component and the reinforcement of internal forces calculation and construction mapping.

When structural calculation taken many measures to simplify, and many assumed, but try to follow the relevant professional and regulatory requirements and national standards, and strive to correct computational science. Calculation results show that although the calculation done a lot of simplification, but as long as the requirements in accordance with the standards, the results obtained are less the result of ICC.

KEY WORDS: Frame; aseismic design; load calculation; internal force calculation; section design

目 录

第一章 结构选型与布置 8

1.1结构选型 6

1.2结构布置 6

1.3工程已知条件 7

第二章 确定计算简图 9

2.1确定计算简图 8

2.2梁柱截面的初步确定 9

2.2.1梁截面尺寸估算 9

2.2.2柱截面尺寸估算 10

2.2.3楼板厚度初选 10

2.3确定材料强度等级 10

2.4荷载计算 10

2.4.1屋面横梁竖向线荷载标准值 11

2.4.2楼面横梁竖向线荷载标准值 11

2.4.3屋面框架节点集中荷载标准值 12

2.4.4楼面框架节点集中荷载标准值 12

2.4.5风荷载计算 18

2.4.6地震作用 20

第三章 框架内力计算 25

3.1恒载作用下的框架内力 28

3.2活载作用下的框架内力 32

3.3风荷载作用下的位移、内力计算 43

3.4地震作用下横向框架的内力计算 46

第四章 框架内力组合 53

第五章 框架梁柱截面设计 61

第六章 楼梯结构计算设计 74

6.1梯段板计算 74

6.2休息平台板计算 75

6.3梯段梁计算 76

第七章 现浇楼面板设计 77

7.1跨中最大弯矩 78

7.2求支座中点最大弯矩 79

7.3 A区格 80

7.4 B区格 81

第八章 基础设计 82

8.1荷载计算 83

结语 93

致谢 95

参考文献 96

1.1 工程概况及设计资料

1.1.1 工程概况

本课题以实际工程为背景,来源于生产实践,属应用型课题。题目为:南京市某中学建邺分校实验楼设计。工程地点位于南京市建邺区苍山路。该实验楼占地面积约为50.4m×17.6m=887m2 ,共4层,拟采用钢筋混凝土框架结构,建筑面积约3548m2,设计使用年限为50年。平面轴线尺寸为50.4×17.6m、柱网尺寸均为7.2m,各楼层层高均为3.6m。

1.1.2 设计资料




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