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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 土木工程 > 正文


 2022-01-21 21:53:53  


摘 要


本工程手算部分选取了第③轴线进行计算,在对结构选型及布置后,估算了构件的截面尺寸,再进算,其中载作用力法,再配法载、活作用下内力, 运用D值平矩调幅后,考虑3种的组合进行算,在根据内力组合结果进行梁柱截面配筋计算;之后对采用AT型板式楼梯和对楼板以及对桩基基础进行配筋计算。

关键词:框架结构 抗震设计 荷载计算 内力计算 配筋计算

The design of the book science and technology building in the new campus of a middle school in Lianyungang.


TThis graduation project is the design of the book science and technology building in the new campus of a middle school in Lianyungang. The proposed project is a class b building with a rectangular plane and an area of 42.2m x 18m. The total construction area is about 3,900m squared, with 5 floors and a height of21.0m. Set up 1 elevators. According to the use function of the proposed building, the structural stress characteristic and the site condition, the reinforced concrete frame structure system is adopted, security level for the secondary structure, the design use fixed number of year for 50 years, The basic wind pressure is 0.55kN/m é and the basic snow pressure is 0.4kN/m é, structural seismic fortification intensity of 7 degrees, design basic earthquake acceleration value of 0.8 g, design earthquake are grouped into the first group, the surface roughness of B class, site category for Ⅱ , design feature period 0.45s, belong to the common areas of aseismic. The structure of the frame has three seismic levels.

In the manual calculation part of this project, the third axis is selected for calculation. After selecting and arranging the structure, the section size of the component is estimated, then the load is calculated. Which use the equivalent base shear method, under horizontal seismic load and moment-distribution method is applied to estimate framework in the dead load, live load, 0.5(live snow) under the action of vertical load internal force, using the D-value method to calculate the wind load, internal force under horizontal seismic action. After the beam end bending moment is adjusted, three general combinations and one combination under seismic action are considered for the calculation of internal force combination. According to the results of internal force combination, the calculation of beam and column section reinforcement is carried out. After that, the reinforcement of AT type plate staircase, floor and pile foundation are calculated.

Key Words: Frame structure; Aseismic design; Load calculation; Intenal force calculation; Reinforcement computation


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 结构选型与布置 1

1.1 工程概况及设计资料 1

1.1.1 工程概况 1

1.1.2 设计资料 1

1.2 结构选型与结构布置 3

1.2.1 结构选型 3

1.2.2 结构布置 3

第二章 计算简图与荷载计算 5

2.1 构件材料选择 5

2.2 构件截面尺寸估算 5

2.2.1 框架柱截面初估 5

2.2.2 梁截面尺寸初选 5

2.2.3 楼板厚度初选 5

2.3荷载取值 6

2.3.1 恒荷载计算 6

2.3.2 活荷载取值 7

2.4 框架计算简图 7

2.5 框架上作用的荷载计算 7

2.5.1 恒荷载计算 7

2.5.2 活荷载计算 12

2.5.3 建筑物总重力荷载代表值计算 13

2.5.4 风荷载计算 15

2.5.5 地震作用计算 16

第三章 框架内力计算 21

3.1 恒载作用下的框架内力 21

3.1.1 弯矩分配系数 21

3.1.2 杆件固端弯矩 24

3.1.3 节点附加弯矩 25

3.1.4 节点不平衡弯矩 26

3.1.5 内力计算 26

3.2 活载作用下的框架内力 30

3.2.1 杆件固端弯矩 30

3.2.2 节点附加弯矩(边框架纵梁偏向外侧,中框架纵梁偏向内侧) 31

3.2.3 节点不平衡弯矩 32

3.2.4 内力计算 33

3.3 风荷载作用下内力计算 37

3.3 地震作用下横向框架的内力计算 40

3.3.1 0.5(雪 活)重力荷载作用下横向框架的内力计算 40

3.4.2 地震作用下横向框架的内力计算 47

第四章 弯矩内力组合 51

4.1 弯矩调幅 51

第五章 框架梁、柱截面设计 64

5.1 框架梁、柱的配筋计算 64

第六章 楼梯结构设计计算 80

6.1 梯段板计算 80

6.2 休息平台板计算 81

6.3 梯段梁 TL1 计算 83

第七章 现浇楼面板计算 84

7.1 跨中最大弯矩 84

7.2 求支座中点最大弯矩 85

7.3 板配筋计算 86

7.3.1 A区格 86

7.3.2 B区格 86

7.3.3 C区格 87

第八章 基础设计 90

8.1 设计资料 90

8.1.1 工程地质条件 90

8.1.2 岩土设计技术参数 91

8.1.3 水文地质条件 92

8.1.4 上部结构资料 92

8.2 计算 93

8.2.1 确定桩基竖向基本承载力设计值R 93

8.2.2 确定桩数和承台尺寸 94

8.2.3 对A轴基桩承载力验算、承台计算、桩身计算 95

第九章 电算与手算对比 101

参考文献 106

致谢 109

第一章 结构选型与布置

1.1 工程概况及设计资料

1.1.1 工况

本课题名称为“连云港某中学新校区图书科技楼设计”,建筑功能要大批集“藏、校图书馆,地点位于连云港市凤凰新城内,学院路与凤舞路交汇处,建筑面积约为3900m2。本建筑拟建5层,楼梯上屋面,各层层高均为42.2m×185m 3m 7.5m,纵向尺寸为4.2m 6.9m×5 4.2m,室内外高差0.45m,建筑设限50年。


1.1.2 设料



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