2021-12-29 21:11:48
摘 要
Longchi junior high school laboratory building
Keyword: Inner corridor multi-layer frame structure; Load calculation; Combination of internal forces; Independent basis; Iterative method
This design project longchi junior high school. It is divided into architectural design and structural design. Determine the design and draw the building plan.
Structural design means that after the preliminary completion of the architectural design, according to the conditions and structural system provided by the task book, the structural layout, the preliminary estimation of component size and model, the calculation of structural internal force, and then check the size. This interpretation is to be carried out in a presentation-like kit equipped with steel concrete. After the structural breakdown the sections and the reserves were calculated.Then according to the specification requirements of the combination, on the basis of this component reinforcement.
This design USES independent foundation, plank type stair. The rest of the components essentially meet the design requirements and the design meets the specification standards.
一、工程概况 1
1.1气象地质资料 1
1.3抗震烈度 2
1.4荷载资料 2
二、计算简图与荷载计算 5
2.1确定计算简图 5
2.2梁柱截面尺寸初定 5
2.3材料强度等级 6
2.4荷载计算 8
2.4.1.屋面横梁竖向线荷载标准值 9
2.4.2. 楼面横梁竖向线荷载标准值 10
2.4.3.屋面框架节点集中荷载标准值: 11
2.4.4.楼面框架节点集中荷载标准值: 12
2.4.5.风荷载 13
2.4.6.地震作用 15
3.1恒载作用下的跨架内力 19
3.1.1.弯矩分配系数 19
3.1.2.杆件固端弯矩 20
3.1.3.节点不平衡弯矩 22
3.1.4.内力计算 23
3.2活载作用下的框架内力 27
3.2.1.梁固端弯矩: 27
3.2.2.本工程考虑活载不利组合 27
3.2.3.各节点不平衡弯矩: 27
3.2.4.内力计算 28
3.3风荷载作用下的位移、内力计算 32
3.3.1.框架侧移 32
3.3.2.层间侧移 32
3.3.3.顶点侧移 32
3.3.4.水平风荷载作用下框架层间剪力 32
3.4地震作用下横向框架的内力计算 36
3.4.1. 0.5(雪 活)重力荷载作用下横向框架的内力计算 36
3.4.2.地震作用下横向框架的内力计算 40
四、框架内力组合 45
4.1弯矩调幅 45
4.2荷载组合 47
五、框架梁柱截面设计 60
5.1梁截面设计 60
5.2柱截面设计 64
六、楼梯结构计算设计 72
6.1梯段板计算 72
6.2休息平台板计算 73
6.3梯段梁TL1计算 74
七、现浇楼面板设计 74
7.1跨中最大弯矩 75
7.2求支座中点最大弯矩 76
7.3 A区格 76
7.4 C区格 77
7.5 F区格 78
7.6 H区格 78
八、基础设计 81
8.1荷载计算 81
8.2确定基础底面积 82
8.3基础结构设计(混凝土选用c30) 84
参考文献 90
附录1 规则框架承受均布及倒三角形分布水平力作用时标准反弯点的高度比 91
附录2 双向板弯矩、挠度计算系数 96
致谢 107
(1)基本风压值: = 0.40 kN/
(2)基本雪压值: = 0.65 kN/