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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 土木工程 > 正文

Design of a shopping mall in Nanjing of Jiangsu Province毕业论文

 2021-12-27 20:40:44  


摘 要

本项目是江苏省南京市某商场的实际应用项目。单层建筑面积约1548.72m2,一、二层高度5.1m,三至五层高度4.8m,主体为四跨五层,总建筑面积约7743.6m2。根据建筑物的使用功能和场地条件,本次设计采用多层钢筋混凝土框架结构,工程合理设计使用年限为50年。为丙类建筑,结构安全等级为二级, 该建筑物只有五层,地基土的承载力满足地基承载力和沉降量的要求,因此采用的地基是独立地基。

计算过程从选择第三轴横向框架作为计算模块开始。在选择和布置结构布局后,估计构件的截面尺寸,然后计算荷载。水平地震荷载采用等效基底剪力法,竖向恒载、活载和0.5(活 雪)作用下框架内力采用弯矩分配法。采用D值法计算了水平地震作用下的风荷载和内力。调整梁端弯矩后,内力组合考虑三个一般组合和一个地震作用下的组合。根据内力组合结果,进行了梁柱截面配筋计算。然后对楼梯、双向板和独立柱下的基础进行计算。

关键词:框架结构 抗震设计 荷载计算 内力计算 配筋计.


Abstract I

摘 要 2

Chapter I structure selection and layout 1

1.1 Project overview and design data 1

1.1.1 project overview and structure selection 1

1. Project overview 1

1.1.2 design data 1

1.2 structure layout 2

Chapter II calculation diagram and load calculation 3

2.1 calculation unit selection 3

2.2 determine calculation diagram 4

2.3 Component material selection 5

2.4 Member section size estimation 5

2.4.1 preliminary evaluation of frame column section 5

2.4.2 primary selection of beam section size 6

2.4.3 Preliminary Selection of Slab Thickness 6

2.5 load calculation 7

2.5.1 Standard Value of Dead load of Roof 7

2.5.2 standard value of vertical line load of floor beam (4th ~ 1st floor) 7

The self-weight standard value of beams and columns including the plaster: 9

The self-weight standard value of infilled walls 9

2.5.3 standard value of concentrated load of roof frame joint 11

2.5.4 Standard value of concentrated load on 4th to 2nd floor: 12

2.5.5 Standard value of concentrated load on First floor: 13

2.5.7 Wind Load Calculation 15

2.5.6 calculation of earthquake action 15

Chapter III calculation of internal force of frame 21

3.1 internal force of frame under dead load 21

3.1.1 moment distribution coefficient 22

3.1.2 fixed end bending moment of member 24

3.1.3 Unbalanced moment of joint 26

3.1.4 internal force calculation 27

3.2 internal force of frame under live load 32

3.2.1 fixed end bending moment of member (5th floor): 32

3.2.3 internal force calculation 33

3.3 calculation of displacement and internal force under wind load 37

3.3.1 calculation of frame lateral displacement under wind load 37

3.3.2 calculation of internal force of frame under wind load 38

3.4 Internal force of transverse frame under earthquake 42

3.4.1 Internal force of frame under 0.5 (snow Live) 42

3.4.2 calculation of internal force of transverse frame under horizontal earthquake 49

Chapter IV internal force combination of frame 53

4.1 moment amplitude modulation 53

4.2 internal force combination of frame beam and column 54

Chapter V section design of frame beam and column 66

5.1 reinforcement calculation of frame beam 66

5.2 reinforcement calculation of frame column 72

Chapter VI stair structure design 78

6.1 calculation of step slab 78

3. Internal force calculation 79

4. Reinforcement calculation 79

6.2 calculation of rest platform plate 79

6.3 Stairs beam design 80

Chapter VII floor slab design 81

Chapter VIII Design of Foundation 87

8.1 load calculation 87

8.2 determination of foundation area: 88

8.3 Foundation structural design 90

Conclusion 94

Reference 94

Chapter I structure selection and layout

Project overview and design data

project overview and structure selection

Project overview

This project is the practical application project of a shopping mall in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province. The single floor building area is about 1548.72m2, the main body is four-span and 5 floors, and the building area is about 7743.6m2., the main body has 5 floors, and the design service life of the project is 50 years.

2. Structure selection

Reinforced concrete frame structure is selected for the project. This kind of structural system is composed of beams and columns connected by joints to bear vertical and horizontal loads. The wall plays the role of enclosure and partition. Frame structure building type has its own advantages, like flexible building layout and large indoor space, which is widely used in multi-storey buildings especially civil buildings such as residential, office, commercial, hotel, etc.

1.1.2 design data

1. Hydrogeological data

(1) The geotechnical engineering survey report was provided by a certain architectural design institute. According to the survey report, the proposed site is flat, with miscellaneous fill on the surface and silty clay and clay below; there is no distribution of liquefied soil layer, and the buried depth of stable groundwater level is 1.65-2.14 m, which is not corrosive to reinforced concrete.

(2)See Table 1-1 for detailed exploration.

Table 1-1 characteristic value of foundation bearing capacity 1


Layer Depth (m)

Layer Thickness (m)

Soil Layer Name

Characteristic value of foundation bearing capacity/kPa




Plain filling





Silty clay










Muddy soil





Weak weathered tuff


(3) Foundation form: according to the engineering geological characteristics of the site and the structural load characteristics of the proposed building, the reinforced concrete independent foundation under the column is adopted, and the silty clay layer is used as the bearing layer.

2. Seismic effect of structure and site

(1) According to Article 3.2 of the unified standard for reliability design of building structures (GB 50068-2018), It is a class C building and the safety level of building structures is level II.

(2) According to Appendix A of code for seismic design of buildings (GB 50011-2010 (2016 version)), the seismic fortification intensity of the proposed site is 7 degrees, the design basic seismic acceleration value is 0.10g, and the design earthquake group is the first group.

(3) It is a class II project site.

(4) The project is an urban Shopping mall, and the ground roughness is class C.

3. Load data

(1) According to Appendix E of load code for building structures (GB 50009-2012), the basic wind pressure value is W0 = 0.50 kn / m2, and the basic snow pressure value is S0 = 0.40 kn / m2.

(2) According to Article 5 of load code for building structures (GB 50009-2012),the standard value of live load of stores and commercial building is 3.5 kN/m2, and that of accessible roof is 2.0 kN / m2.

(3) Dead weight of material

According to Appendix A of load code for building structures (GB 50009-2012), see table 1-2 for the dead weight of materials and components used in the project.

Table 1-2 dead weight of common materials and components 1






Brick and block(kN/m3

Common brick




Cement, mortar and concrete(kN/m3

cement mortar


gypsum mortar


reinforced concrete




Steel frame glass window


Wooden doors




Asphalt felt waterproof layer (including modified asphalt waterproof roll)


Six layer method, two felts and three oils with small stones



Small tile floor


Including cement and coarse sand priming

1.2 structure layout

1. Plane layout

The project is a multi-storey building with a small building height. Considering the requirements of the assignment, architectural design scheme and seismic fortification, the general shape of the building is a huge rectangle with a 3 meters protruding in the front and two rectangular cut on the sides.

2. Facade layout

This shopping mall has five floors, each floor with a height of 5.1m for 1st and 2nd floor and 4.8m for the rest, the parapet is 1.2m high, the indoor floor design elevation is ± 0.000, and the indoor and outdoor height difference is 0.45m.

3. Column grid layout

According to the requirements of the design specification, considering the use function of the building and the economy of the structure, the column network layout of the project is shown in Figure 1-1, this layout is supposed to meet the requirements of large room space and it provides flexible upper structure division. The dimensions are shown in meters.

Figure 1-1General layout of standard floor 1

4. Foundation plan

According to code for design of building foundation (GB 50007-2011), the foundation of the project belongs to class B Foundation. This building adopts independent foundation under the column. According to the geological conditions of the site, the silty clay layer of layer ② is taken as the bearing layer, the characteristic value of foundation bearing capacity Fak = 260kpa, which can support independent foundation and the buried depth of foundation is taken as 1.83m.

5. Staircase plan

Based on the architectural design scheme and considering the economical aspect, the project adopts the cast-in-place slab stairs with parallel double separation and double running stairs type.

Chapter II calculation diagram and load calculation

2.1 calculation unit selection

In this project, the lateral frame ③ is taken as the calculation and analysis module. Select the calculation unit as shown in the slash in Figure 2-1.

Figure 2-1 (Plane computing unit) 1

2.2 determine calculation diagram

Frame beam column joint is rigid connection, frame column and foundation are consolidated; each member is positioned by axis, and the span of frame beam is taken as the distance between column axis; in this project, independent foundation under column is adopted. According to the geological data, it is preliminarily assumed that the distance between the top surface of foundation and outdoor floor is 500mm, so the calculation height of the bottom column and second floor H1 = H2 = 5.1m, and the height of the rest columns is taken as the height from the lower structural floor to the upper structural floor the distance of structural floor, i.e. H3 ~H5= 4.8m. Therefore, the calculation diagram of the frame ③ is shown in Fig. 2-2.

1Figure 2-2 calculation diagram of frame ③

Note: because the transverse frame has 4 equal spans so we can take three spans as a representative module for calculation.

2.3 Component material selection

Material for the components is selected based on the amount of compression or tension that a member undergoes here we have used the following:

Concrete: C40 concrete (FC = 19.1n/mm2, ft = 1.71n / mm2) is used for column, C30 concrete (FC = 14.3n/mm2, ft = 1.43n / mm2) is used for beam and slab.

Reinforcement: HRB400 reinforcement is selected, FY = 360n / mm2.

2.4 Member section size estimation

2.4.1 preliminary evaluation of frame column section

According to code for seismic design of buildings (GB) Article 6.1.2 of 50011-2010 (2016 Edition), the seismic grade of the project is grade II; Article 6.3.5, the section size of frame column should meet the following requirements: (a) the side length of rectangular section column should not be less than 400mm in seismic design grade II, (b) the shear span ratio of column should be greater than 2, (c) the height width ratio of column section should not be greater than 3; Article 6.3.6, the axial compression ratio of column should not be greater than 0.75.


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