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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 土木工程 > 正文


 2021-12-26 13:52:17  


2020 届毕业设计(论文)

题 目:徐州市树人中学学生宿舍楼设计

专 业:土木工程(3 2)

班 级: 土木1612

姓 名:戴肇华





Reinforced concrete frame structure design mainly includes the architectural design stage and the structural design stage. Architectural is to determine the layout and layout of the building to the basic data given in the task book, and then determine the facade and shape of the building in combination with the style of use of the building.

Structural design is to carry out deep analysis and conceptual design, structural selection and structural layout, structural load statistics and calculation, internal force calculation of the entire builded accorded to the functional layouting and facaded of the builds construction drawing, geological. Structural member design and check calculation, etc, the process of designing a builded structure that meets the requirements of building safety, application, economy and durability. Combined with building functions, this project chooses a frame structure system, the plane adopts a beam-slab structure, and selects a frame at a regular position for internal force analysis. According to the structural layout, estimate the size of the beam, plate and column, and calculate the stiffness of the beam and slab; then calculated the vertical the load, and calculate the standard value of the constanting loaded and the living load accord to the floor and wallpaper practices.Calculate the standard value under the action of wind load and seismic load. Using the relative linear stiffness of the first-grade frame, the internal force of the first-grade frame is calculated by using the second moment of bending moment distribution method for vertical loads, and the internal force of the first-grade frame members is calculated by the D value method for horizontal loads. According to the current load code and reliability design code, the calculated internal force standard values under various working conditions are combined, and the plastic internal force redistribution adjustment is performed according to the code, the calculated internal force design value of the member is solved, and then the column is bent Calculation of member stirrups and longitudinally stressed steel bars, calculation of stirrups and longitudinally stressed steel bars of flexural members. In the component design part, this design calculates and designs the platform plate, step plate and platform beam of the staircase; the reinforcement design of the floor slab; the bearing to the check, punched checking calculation design of the foundation.

In the design passed , AutoCad and PKPM software to go are used auxiliary design. The design is based on the specifications specified in the mission statement and other relevant specifications in the current country, and finally the design calculation of the frame structure is realized.

Keywords: architectural design, structural design, frame structure, secondary distribution of bending moments, D-value method


第一章 前言 9

1.1设计目的 9

1.2设计内容 9

1.2.1建筑设计 9

1.2.2结构设计 9

1.3设计依据 9

第二章 结构布置 11

2.1结构方案与布置 11

2.1.1结构类型选择 11

2.1.2构件截面尺寸估算 11

1.楼板厚度 11

2.框架梁截面尺寸 11

3.设计参数 13

2.2框架线刚度计算 13

2.2.1框架柱线刚度计算 14

2.2.2框架梁线刚度计算 14

第三章 荷载计算 16

3.1恒载标准值计算 16

3.2活荷载标准值计算 16

3.3墙体自重荷载计算 17

3.3.1外纵墙自重计算 17

3.3.2内纵墙自重计算 17

3.4竖向荷载计算 17

3.4.1恒载标准值计算。 18

1.A~B轴间框架梁 18

2.B~C轴间框架梁 19

3.C~D轴间框架梁 20

4.A轴柱竖向集中荷载计算 20

7.D轴柱竖向集中荷载计算: 23

3.4.2活载计算 24

3.5风荷载计算 26

3.5.1风荷载标准值计算 26

3.5.2风荷载位移验算 27

3.6地震荷载标准值计算 29

3.6.1重力荷载代表值计算 29

3.6.2框架自振周期计算 31

3.6.3水平地震作用计算 32

3.6.4地震作用变形验算 33

第四章 荷载内力分析计算 35

4.1恒载计算 35

4.1.1计算分配系数 35

4.1.2弯矩计算 36

4.1.3恒载内力计算 37

4.2活载计算 41

4.2.1活载梁端弯矩计算 41

4.3雪荷载计算 45

4.4风荷载内力计算 46

4.5地震荷载内力计算 51

第五章 内力组合计算 56

5.1塑性弯矩调幅 56

5.2柱内力组合 59

5.3梁内力组合 65

第六章 截面设计 69

6.1梁截面设计 69

6.1.1正截面设计 70

6.1.2斜截面设计 79

6.2框架柱配筋设计 83

6.2.1轴压比和剪跨比计算 83

6.2.2强柱弱梁调整 83

6.2.3正截面配筋设计 85

6.2.4柱斜截面配筋设计. 93

6.3梁柱节点核芯区抗震验算 96

第七章 混凝土楼梯设计 98

7.1设计资料 98

7.2梯段板计算 98

7.3平台板计算 99

7.4平台梁计算 100

第八章 基础设计 102

8.1基础设计参数 102

8.2边跨基础设计 102

8.2.1内力信息 102

8.2.2基础尺寸估算 102

8.2.3基础冲切计算 103

8.2.4基础配筋计算 105

8.3中间跨基础设计 105

8.3.1内力信息 105

8.3.2基础尺寸估算 106

8.3.3基础冲切计算 107

8.3.4基础配筋计算 109

第九章 现浇混凝土楼板设计 110

9.1设计参数 110

9.2配筋设计 110

致谢 113

参考文献 114

















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