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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 土木工程 > 正文


 2021-12-15 23:03:47  


摘 要




关键词:钢结构门式刚架 建筑设计 结构设计 稳定性设计


This project is designed for the 1 # workshop of Chuzhou Kailai Furniture Material Technology Co., Ltd. of the , the design is divided into two parts: .

For the construction part, complete the general layout of the factory building, the design of the building's flat, vertical, and section, and the detailed design of the necessary building construction nodes and large samples of doors and windows. The plant is a fire-proof category C plant, which mainly produces household kitchen and bathroom cabinet plates. The basic conditions of structural design are: length 137m, total width 40m, height of portal frame cornice 10.3m, height difference between indoor and outdoor 0.15m. Transverse 2 × 20m span, two 5-ton electric single-beam cranes are arranged per span. The roof is equipped with a ventilated air building according to the process requirements. The roof purlins and the main steel frame need to be suspended with a sprinkler piping system. The additional roof live load of 0.15kN / m2 needs to be considered. Corresponding building construction drawings.

For the structural part, the live load is determined according to "Technical Specifications for Steel Structures of Portal-type Rigid Frame Light Houses" (GB51022-2015) and "Codes for Building Structure Loads" (GB50009-2012). Refer to similar engineering examples or standard drawing sets, preliminarily determine the cross-sectional dimensions and connection plans of components, and establish a mechanical calculation model. Consult "Cold-formed thin-walled steel structure technical specifications GB50018-2016", "Steel structure connection node design manual", "House building steel structure design" and other relevant specifications and a certain amount of actual engineering design drawings, the most suitable for each frame Calculate the unfavorable load, use PKPM software to complete the reasonable section calculation of the rigid frame, and then calculate the stability of the rigid beam, column, support, purlin and other components through the relevant requirements of the design code, and draw the design drawings separately with AUTOCAD2014. Finally, sort out the calculation book and draw the picture.

Key Words:Steel structure portal rigid frame Architectural design Structural design Stability design

目 录

第一章 1#厂房建筑设计 1

1.1 1#厂房平面设计 1

1.1.1建筑平面形式的选择 1

1.1.2柱网的选择 1

1.1.3定位轴线的划分 1

1.横向定位轴线 1

2.纵向定位轴线 1

1.21#厂房剖面设计 2

1.2.1室内外高差的确定 2

1.2.21#厂房天然采光设计 2

1.2.31#厂房屋面排水设计 2

1.31#厂房立面设计 2

1.41#厂房的构造设计 3

1.4.1外墙 3

1.4.2外维护结构的保温设计 3

1.4.3屋顶构造 4

1.4.4散水构造 4

第二章 结构方案布置 5

2.1材料的选择 5

2.2柱网布置 5

2.3屋面布置 5

2.4柱间支撑布置 6

2.5屋盖支撑布置 6

2.6墙面结构布置 6

第三章 吊车梁设计 8

3.1 荷载的计算 8

3.1.1 最大轮压的计算 8

3.1.2 横向荷载设计值 8

3.2 内力计算 8

3.2.1 两台吊车荷载作用下的内力 9

3.2.2 两台吊车荷载作用下的内力 10

3.2.3 一台吊车荷载作用下的内力 11

3.2.4 两台吊车荷载作用下的内力(2个轮子时) 11

3.3 截面选择 12

3.3.1毛截面特性 12

3.4 强度验算 13

3.4.1 正应力 13

3.4.2 剪应力 14

3.4.3 腹板的局部压应力 14

3.4.4 腹板计算高度边缘处的折算应力 14

3.5 稳定性验算 15

3.5.1梁的整体稳定性 15

3.5.2 腹板的局部稳定性 16

3.6挠度验算 18

3.7 支承加劲肋的验算 18

3.8 焊缝计算 19

3.8.1 上翼缘与腹板连接角焊缝设计 19

3.8.2下翼缘与腹板连接连接角焊缝设计 19

3.8.3 支座加劲肋与腹板的焊缝 19

3.9 疲劳验算 19

第四章 檩条设计 21

4.1 荷载设计 21

4.1.1永久荷载 21

4.1.2可变荷载 21

4.1.3 荷载组合 22

4.2 截面选择及截面特性 22

4.3 受压板件的稳定性系数 23

4.4强度计算 26

4.5 稳定性验算 26

4.6 挠度验 27

4.7 构造要求 27

第五章 抗风柱设计 29

5.1 荷载计算 29

5.2 内力分析 29

5.3 截面选择 30

5.4 强度验算 30

5.5 稳定性验算 30

5.6 挠度验算 31

第六章 牛腿设计 33

6.1 荷载计算 33

6.2 截面选择 33

6.3截面特性 34

6.4 强度验算 34

6.5 焊缝验算 35

6.6 加劲肋设计 37

第七章 刚架设计 39

7.1 荷载计算 39

7.2 内力计算 44

7.2.1手算 44

7.2.2与电算对比 48

7.3 构件验算 51

7.3.1刚架梁的验算 51

7.3.2钢架柱的验算 58

第八章 节点设计 64

8.1梁柱节点(AB跨梁与A柱的节点) 64

8.1.1螺栓强度验算 64

8.2.2端板厚度验算 65

8.2.3梁柱节点域剪应力 65

8.2.4螺栓处腹板强度验算 66

8.2梁梁节点 66

8.2.1 变截面处梁梁节点 66

8.2.2 屋脊截面处梁梁节点 68

8.3柱脚节点 68

8.3.1确定底板面积 68

8.3.2 确定底板厚度 69

8.3.3 锚栓设计 70

8.3.4 抗剪键的设置 71

第九章 基础设计 72

9.1 基础的选择 72

9.2 基础埋深 72

9.3 基础尺寸的确定 72

9.3.1确定地基承载力 72

9.3.2 确定基础上部荷载 73

9.3.3 确定基础底面积 73

9.3.4 基础冲切验算 75

9.3.5 基础截面配筋计算 77

参考文献 80

致 谢 81

第一章 建筑设计


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